Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway: Freehand Scraps, Big Picture Scrapbooking, + Paper & Co. Show

First, I want to pass along a thought for today that I came across on my friend Alex's blog about courage & leaps:

What I realized is that there is not just one big moment of courage in
our lives. There are many. These moments come to us in different ways.
At times we are forced into a leap (unexpected pregnancy, when parents
or partners pass away, when we loose our job). At times we are called
into a leap (when someone invites us for a trip of a lifetime, when our
partner wants to move to a new city, when we are offered a chance, when
we take the "money maker" role to support our family). Then there are
also the daily tiny leaps we take for the sake of adventure (when we
try new types of food, music, when we go out on a date, when we talk to
a stranger, when we transition from blogger friends to real life
friends). No matter how small, silly or hard, tiny, dramatic or
forgotten... All leaps are important because little by little, we live
through change, we figure out how to cope, we move forward, we learn
who we are, and we build our confidence for the bigger leaps, the ones
we seek for ourselves.

Maybe someone else out there needed to hear this today too...


And now, three cool midweek sponsor giveaways are on tap for today:


• One person will receive a February Kit from Freehand Scraps.


• Two people will receive passes to Stacy Julian's fantastic online Library of Memories class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. Focused on getting your scrapbook albums in working order and organizing your photos (in a very "you-centered" way), I highly recommend the class and/or Stacy's book Photo Freedom. Class begins February 12th and runs for 16 weeks. This class is only offered once a year.


• One person will receive 4 classes for the Paper & Co. event in Italy on March 27, 28, and 29 (giveaway does not include travel, accommodations, or food for the event). You can check out a list of the classes here. Italy sure sounds good to me right about now :).

To be included in the drawing today please leave a comment below and share your most recent "leap" or act of courage. Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winners posted shortly after.


I would also like to take a minute to welcome and thank my newest blog sponsors:

Digital Birdhouse : digital scrapbook products
Scarlet Lime : monthly kit club
The Paper Pixie : paper embellishments
The Digital Scrapbook Teacher : photoshop tutorials and classes for hybrid + digital scrapbooking
Lettergirls : delightful hand-created address stamps

For more information on sponsor opportunities send me an email: ali at aliedwardsdesign dot com

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1452 thoughts

  1. Kerry says…

    My recent "leap" is working with children who have speech challenges and phonological processing disorders. What a blessing to be with children! I want to do my best to help where I can!

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  2. Gayle says…

    I had to get over what Senior Management is doing at work to staff, with unreasonable timeframes and micromanagement. My new motto: "Build a Bridge and Get Over It!"

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  3. Susan Brennan says…

    My biggest leap of courage was to travel to England and Scotland. It was just after my baby sister died at age 43 and I came to the stunning realization that life is, indeed, too short to postpone your dreams. I worked lots of extra hours at my home based business and with help from my husband and my dear sister who left me some money I was able to make that trip.

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  4. Katie says…

    My most recent leap of faith... I'm actually still standing on the edge getting ready to jump! I'm faced with a big decision right now, stay home with my kids or go back to work. (i believe in my head and my heart, i've already decided) but i'm afraid of letting anyone down, or possibly making the wrong decision. I guess i just need to close my eyes, follow my heart and jump!
    The most recent mini leap...stashing away our debit and credit cards to live off of cash (this was a tough one, but after a month is already paying off..literally)
    If only we could afford a trip to Italy!! wouldn't that be amazing?! One can dream! :)

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  5. Kelly says…

    Our most recent leap was moving from Floriday to North Carolina...My husband or I had never been away from our families...We are both only children. Our girls had never been away from their grandparents....It was huge for us, but it has turned into a wonderful experience. We're so proud that our girls just went for it and made friends and a life for themselves...I think it was a really positive experience for us all, but especially for them. After all, the only thing constant in this life is change!

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  6. elisha says…

    That's a hard one....I guess I would say my most recent leap of faith was letting go of unrealistic expectations of myself!

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  7. Joelle says…

    Very timely, as usual! I took a major leap and quit my job last Friday to stay home with my kids (nearly 3 and nearly 5). It's something I've been thinking about for quite awhile. I feel a mixture of elation, freedom, and joy with a bit of anxiety thrown in for good measure. :)!

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  8. Rachel M. says…

    I am in the process of my newest leap of courage. I am stepping back into the classroom as a substitute teacher. It is very scary and yet exciting! After having my own classroom for 10 years and then being away from that environment for over 6 years takes a lot of courage to go back! A lot of self pep talks and I know I will be OK! :) Great giveaways...thanks!

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  9. Crystal Todd says…

    My leaps was not big by any means. I took my sons dental matters more seriously than his dentist and took a proactive role by taking him to another dentist for a 2nd opinion and after 20 minutes had a plan of what needs to be done to help my son eat better. You have to be your own advocate and I'm glad I took a leap by getting a 2nd opinion. It may not seem like much, but I know my son is going to have some relief now.

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  10. bev says…

    I'm not as very big leaper. I like things the same day to day, I've been trying some little leaps...saying hi to 3 people every day. doing more listening instead of talking, uncluttering and letting go of old stuff. As for the prizes, Italy is probably out for me. I am hoping for the LOM

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  11. MARILYN NIMMO says…

    The biggest leap of courage in my life was quitting my job in June. I needed to be free to take care of my husband, who has chronic pancreatitis, my sister, who has autoimmune disease and liver disease, and my aging parents. I had missed work 40 or so days during the 07-08 school year and had struggled unsuccessfully to keep up. So, my husband and I worked on our budget so that it would be possible for me to quit my job and take care of my family. We are very thankful that it was possible. Scary thing to do, but very worthwhile.

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  12. MandyKay says…

    Hi Ali,
    My most recent "leap" or act of courage was signing on to help out on visitors day at our local prison. When my police checks are done, I will be helping in the play area and encouraging parents and their children in play.

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  13. Renee says…

    I was recently laid off from Eastman Kodak after a "lifetime" of working there. My leap of faith is believing that when one door closes another one opens - I am looking for creative ways of making a living. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways!!

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  14. Linn says…

    Ooh! I would so love to take Stacy's class. A recent leap for me is slowly learning that my value comes not from what I make or what I accomplish, but who I am becoming and who I'm helping my children become. I think "leaps" can be slowly developed, too!

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  15. says…

    My most recent act of courage was to not give into the fear that gripped me when I was told I had to go in for an additional mammogram because they saw something "they wanted to get a better look at." The first evening (I found out at 5:30 p.m. last Friday) was scary--I am the mother of a 5 and 2 year old. I worried not for me, but for my babies if something were to happen to me. Then, I told myself not to give in to the fear. I told my self to be strong (courageous) because if it was bad news, I would need to be so for my boys. I played with my boys every moment I could this past weekend, and tried to focus on the good instead of the negative (trust me: there were moments when it was difficult). I am happy that in the past hour I got good new. I am so grateful--for the good news and for not giving into the fear and panic and letting it control me.

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  16. Angie says…

    Love the words from Alex, thank you!
    My most recent leap was to step out and offer photograpy sessions to friends in the hopes that I would improve and also get the word out. It has been so great for me and I'm loving the whole process!

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  17. Samantha says…

    My husband and I just decided that we are going to start a family. It's terrifying, but so exciting. :-) I feel that it's a big leap in the right direction.

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  18. Michelle Gardin says…

    Biggest leap - opening our hearts to the trials and pitfalls of domestic adoption. After meeting 5 young women and adopting 2 beautiful children (5 and 1), I can honestly say that I love and try to honor my children's birth parents in my words, thoughts and deeds. What an amazing and selfless gift these women gave to the children I so dearly treasure and call "my own".
    Have a great day!!

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  19. Nicole says…

    Great giveaways! My most recent leap was letting go of what I wanted (but didn't have) and embracing all the good things I do have.

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  20. ML says…

    My biggest leap has been making time for myself. I work full time and ususally spend my evenings taking care of my 3 kids, doing chores and spending time with my husband. I have not been making time for myself as far as exercise or quiet time. I've always felt too guilty "wasting" time on myself. For the last 2 weeks I've been taking an hour for myself to do whatever I feel I need to do in order to find my "center" again. I'm letting my husband share in normal routine and I don't feel guilty about it. It actually feels good! :) Thanks for letting me share that!

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  21. Shanon Gibson says…

    My biggest leap was moving over the summer because of my husbands job. I had to quit my job and move away from my friends and family. I now get to be a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful little girls.

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  22. andrea p says…

    well, a recent leap for me has been going against popular opinion and giving my four year old medication for his ADHD. it was a hard decision, but i couldn't see his self esteem suffer anymore. it may not be right for everyone, but so far it has made a big, positive change for us!
    awesome giveaways, and i will be hanging on to that post about courage and faith.

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  23. Malia in Seattle says…

    My leap is starting a blog with my friend about parenting issues.

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  24. Kim L. says…

    My largest leap was when I was a SAHM with 2 small children and my husband was incapacitated. A corporation tried to take over his business and I had to step in and take it over making some very hard, crucial decisions on my own. I had never felt like a true "grown up" until then. I had to grow up fast and it changed my life forever. In the long run I'm a better person for it, better qualified to meet life's demands.

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  25. Sara says…

    Kind of small, but I made a commitment to hiking every week with my dog and taking nature photos to share on my blog. It's been a very rewarding experience to just go ahead and do what I want to do.

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