Put Me In Coach, I'm Ready To Play

For March the One Little Word prompt was to take one little action. Take a step, no matter how small, toward whatever it is you are wanting for yourself this year.

My action was to go to a spinning class (also called cycling - my Mom thought it meant I was literally "spinning" in circles for the class). I've been thinking about it, without taking action, for way too long. I did it on Tuesday and loved it. I was nervous. I think it was a combination of inertia, motivation, and a pinch of fear. Would I pass out? Would it be way too hard?

The lady next to me was super helpful and kind. Hooray for kind people in exercise classes. And hooray for the community of people who just show up. We are all beginners at some point in time. I'll definitely be going back again.

The last song in the spinning class was John Fogerty's Centerfield with the chorus, "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play."

I felt that way about myself this week and want to savor that feeling and seek it out again.

In fact, here's a couple other actions I took this week that relate to bringing light to my life in one way or another:

ESTABLISHED A REGULAR DATE NIGHT | We've been talking about this (also for way too long) without taking action on it. A million things on our lists. A million different excuses and reasons why not - one of the biggest for me was not wanting our kids to have more time with a babysitter (who we love). But enough is enough. We really need some specific time set aside just for the two of us to reconnect. I feel excited about our upcoming date and am really looking forward to some time each week where it's just the two of us. We need to create some new memories and connections and not just rely on the ones from our past.

HIRED AN ASSISTANT | This is another thing I've considered for a long time and finally took action on it earlier this week. This is a really positive step for me and my business.

There's still time to join the community at One Little Word. Enrollment in this year-long class is ongoing and you have immediate access to the past month's prompts.


I also wanted to let you know that a new round of Jen and Andrea's Mondo Beyondo 5-week Dream Lab Workshop: Spring Cleaning For The Soul begins on Monday, April 4th. From the site:

Join seasoned dreamers Andrea and Jen as together we clear away the clutter and make space for the life we’ve always dreamed of! Over the course of five weeks, this special Spring Dream Lab will provide the structure you need to systematically clean out your physical space, calendar, commitments and connections for the sake of more freedom, authenticity and true joy.

Dream Lab participants will receive daily inspiration and instruction in the form of make-a-clearing challenges, heart-felt stories and the perfect prompts to get you moving in the right direction. This password-protected, community driven class offers the just right blend of insight and encouragement for dreamers interested in creating space for positive, personal change.

Sign up here.

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30 thoughts

  1. Kimberly says…

    Ali - Very awesome and inspiring that you took the steps in going to spinning class. It is for sure a challenge to take these steps, however I love you have provided this safe space for all of us to share and encourage one another in the OLW class, as well as on your blog! :)
    Also, as for your date night action -- One idea. My husband and I always do something on our monthly anniversary! :) Some think we are strange, however it is only once a month, but something we make time for. Alan and I alternate planning the date (as to have a variety of activities, as well as not have only one person with the added task). We have done as much as an entire day away to ordering pizza and and playing scrabble.

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  2. Stacy says…

    I'm so glad you had a positive experience at your first spin/cycle class! It is one of my favorites and actually gave me the confidence to start running. I think I look forward to seeing my spinning friends more than I look forward to the class...they are definitely my motivation for going when I just dont' really feel like it!

    I'd like to thank you for the one little word concept, Ali. This is my second year that I've selected a word and tried to incorporate it in my life, and only good things have come from it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

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  3. Currently | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] drew this up for Jen about a week before I took action on those couple of things I mentioned last week. I am changing those tapes and I am opening my mouth – moving forward [...]

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