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Simply had a wonderful time with my new friends Michelle, Lisa and Cheryl last night. Totally laid back. Relaxing. Fun. Thanks you guys - totally ready to do it again. And man Lisa, those cookies. Man oh man.

After a bit of a tough night of sleep, Simon and I hit the Lane County Farmer's Market this morning. I was determined to go - Chris is at a tai chi retreat this weekend so Simon and I are on our own. It was lucious. The lettuce was amazing - how often do you get excited about lettuce? Large, crisp heads of red leaf, butter, and romaine came home with us. In addition we picked up some carrots, artichokes, asparagus, little white potatoes, a cucumber and my favorite find: sweet peas. Those things smell lovely.

Other than that it has been a calm day around here. Simon and I both took long naps this afternoon. Chatted with Carrie on the phone. Played outside when we got home from the market - Simon played in the sandbox and in the dirt and I did one of my favorite things: spraying off the patio. I love the look of it when it is all washed off. And I made mud for Simon to play in around the perimeter - double your pleasure.

Still really thinking a lot about simple living. Less being more emotionally, physically, intellectually. Letting go of the desire to continually want more. It is a struggle.

Another quote I am into right now:

Once you realize that the road
is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal,
but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and
becomes natural and
simple, in itself an ecstasy.
[Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj]

Hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend.

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16 thoughts

  1. mindi says…

    what a great quote! your day sounds peaceful and simple and wonderful. :)

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  2. Kelsey says…

    Ali- thinking a lot about the idea of simplification... in my home, in my work, in my marriage, in my relationship with God. just returned home from a women's retreat where I realized that part of my struggle lies within my ability to complicate everything. i truly believe that life can be reduced to simple things, concepts- but it seems the hardest to make those simple things seem profound enough, worthy enough somehow. Thanks for the quote.

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  3. Chris says…

    Beautiful quote. Here is one that I like in regards to simplicity:
    "I believe that a simple and assuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind."
    - Albert Einstein

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  4. Kass says…

    Your pursuit of the simple things has inspired me to make those changes too, Ali. So thanks!

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  5. Leonie -aussiegirl says…

    I am also looking for a more simple life Ali, & it is hard I think due to the fact that we are constantly being bombarded by advertising for things we should have, need or want. So here is another quote. "The more simple we are, the more complete we become".August Rodin. How true is that!

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  6. Angelique says…

    The pictures of the markey made me CRAVE the Pike Place Market in Seattle and all the markets my mom and I would visit when we lived there years ago. We went to vacation a while back and spent all day just shopping the different markets. Utah does not have wonderful MARKETS, we have little doofy corner stands and the occassional wanna-be market at a local park- but nothing like Washington- Washington was so much more FRESH. I think I miss the fresh flowers the most! Ahhhh the memories- thanks for stirring them up! :O)

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  7. Suzy says…

    Hi Alli- its Suzy. I was one of your TA's at CKU Minnesota on the last day. You have surely made an impression on me. I never thought of myself of being creative, You taught me that was not true. I have lived the simple life for along time. I was forced into by cancer and loss of my husbands job. I would not change that today. I am confident that my teenagers have benefited, and have learned that you have to give back to the world. Thanks for giving back!

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  8. Rita says…

    Yeah, love simplicity. Once we move back to Australia and start up our new home there, definitely going down the minimalistic path. For me weeding out what we need and don't need will be a cleansing ritual. I so need this right now.
    Thanks Ali

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  9. candace says…

    hi ali - wonderful blog. funny, i too, like it when the patio is washed. i always do it after my husband has cut the back yard, and then i go and spray the patio off, love the smell>).
    have a great sunday.

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  10. t says…

    that quote is PERFEction. how do you find these suckers?
    i think every woman enjoy a hose and a patio. i know i do. but i just love water, period.

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  11. Melissa says…

    Perfect quote. I am really trying hard to get rid of the stuff we don't need... it is a long road, is it not?

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  12. Lisa says…

    I'm so jealous you are already shopping at the Farmer's Market. Where I live, they will not start until the summer :( There is a little farm stand that is opened everyday and I love to stop in the get fresh corn and tomatoes and basil. Yes the simple things are what makes me happy, yet it is very hard to take the slow path and stop to enjoy them. Thanks for the quote to remind me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tina says…

    We are on our own this weekend as well. We have the most amazing market here. I must be more diligent in going. I are about to run off to the antique market for a browse this morning in any case. Well it's almost afternoon.
    You know I hate to clean, but I get you about hosing the patio. Because you can really visualize the progress. You can see the dirt physically moving. There is something exilerating in that. Have a super week A!

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  14. carie says…

    Oh ali! LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear you had such a peaceful day!

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  15. Joanna says…

    Regarding one of your previous entries: I did a cartwheel today! I'll probably do more in 10 more weeks if I haven't gone into labor yet. : )

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  16. Stephanie says…

    I don't manage to find my way over to your blog but once a week or so, but there always seems to be something that proves to be food for my soul. We are getting ready to move back to the US after a three year tour in Japan. I have been thinking of all the things from here that I will miss.
    I've been here so long that I have forgotten one of the things I missed so dearly when we first came here: our local Farmer's Market. It was a weekly ritual with my daughter and I, and I am looking forward to returning to it. Thank you for helping me to change my perspective a little this week. :o)

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