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Music, html, and open doors.

Makeart_1Music : I downloaded a bunch of new music from iTunes onto my computer the other night. We were needing an influx of fresh stuff.

So, yep, I am totally rocking.

And loving Eminem too. Bad boy, very bad.

HTML : made some updates to my AE DESIGN website last night and today. Hoping to include more images and dynamic content sometime soon. It can be a black hole going into html-land, but I kinda like it. Figuring it out, playing around.

As for Open Doors, that would be a reference to the doors in my studio that are wide open & bringing nice fresh air inside. Love this house (no takers yet).

And other than that I have stuff all over the place - creative messiness. LOL. How about just a mess? Whatever I call it, it consists of piles of things that need to be put in their homes, dealt-with, thrown away, filed, etc.

But it is all good.

And Chris is wearing a burnt orange shirt today. He looks hot.

EDITED : If you want to read more about reaction to RFK Jr's article, including a letter from the President of the Institute of Medicine (and RFK Jr's response), go here. Thanks for the follow up link Rachelle.

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19 thoughts

  1. Amber says…

    Hey Ali - are you scanning your writing in or are you using a Wacom tablet? If so, what pt. size are you setting your brush at to achieve natural looking results? PS- your new logo rocks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Rachel says…

    VERY cool A! loving your new logo/look :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. sheila says…

    The new logo is awesome - just what I'd expect from you!! I too love to let the outdoors in - don't think I'll be doing that today - 100 degrees out.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. donna says…

    hi ali...that's it, just hi!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Amanda says…

    TOTALLY love the new "logo" Your stuff is always cool and fresh and totally you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Christie says…

    Ali~ I really like your website. Simple, clean, nice.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Melanie says…

    Love the new design... very reporter-ish to have your headings: who, what, when, where, etc. LOL!
    It looks like you are going to Chicago soon. You MUST get some Garrett popcorn. It's the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. kristi says…

    Horray for the Beastie Boys...
    I would totally buy your house...for the studio alone. The site looks damn good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Care says…

    Love the logo. Good stuff. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Chasity says…

    I just noticed the new homepage of your design site tonight! It looks hot! Love it! Love the original? So you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Mary Anne says…

    On the music thing -- we just lost our entire music collection (over 100,000 tracks ripped from CDs stored in the States, downloaded from iTunes, etc) when both the daily use hard drive AND the backup (both Lacie external drives) failed within 2 days of each other. If you love your tunes, back 'em up! Of course we did back up and that didn't work, but we are extremely unlucky that way :)
    Bit of an Eminem fan myself, if I'm honest.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Cara says…

    Loving the logo! You're such an inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lisa says…

    I'm wondering what you use for your html editing, and how you're learning it... (I use GoLive, but feel inept.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. tracy says…

    Ali - I Love love love your new logo! I am officially inspired to shake things up...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Carrie Owens says…

    gotta love them bad boys...

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. emily ruth says…

    you're so cute....gotta love it when you're husband is looking fine...i am so happy to have open windows, too (can't open the doors or the little sweetie will escape:)....& don't even get me started on eminem...i love that bad boy...guess who's back, back again...

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. beth says…

    Super looking logo! I love the new look!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jen says…

    I am a complete Eminem fangirl. I can't help it. (Plus, I find his bad boy image so cute when you compare it to the pictures of him in his glasses!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Carrie Zohn says…

    I always thought you were cool but now that I know you love Eminem, you're even cooler in my book. :) I have every one of his CDs. I guess people tend to forget that he is an entertainer and while he might WRITE and RAP about these taboo subjects, he's not such a horrible human being . . . . besides, he's such a dedicated Daddy to Hailey. How can anyone fault him for that? :) Just found your blog and I'm loving every minute of it. :)

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