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Love this idea.


A couple weeks ago Tracy Miller challenged the Garden Team to take one photo a day, everyday. Love this concept. Love the idea of recording something visually from each day of your life. And it really is so simple. And can you imagine the awesome compilation of images you will have after doing it for a few months? Being able to go back and create a page or an album that accurately represents something from each day over the past week, month, year?

To record her photo of the day, Tracy set up a second blog that links to her main one. Cool idea Tracy. And I love your new banner.

My photo today shows the amazing light that comes into my studio in the morning. And my nice hot cup of coffee. And some rub ons. And adhesives. Things that I use everyday.

Planning to scrap today. And put stuff away from last weekend. I did some pretty good damage shopping at Pebbles in my Pocket in Provo. Can you say ribbon? I am especially loving the new ribbon rolls from American Crafts. Have a couple assignments to get done before heading to Madison, Wisconsin on Thursday morning for the Two Peas Crop.

And here is a lovely photo from Loni of our Saturday night adventure in Provo. Dinner and shopping and cruising in Allison's Suburban - it has become an annual tradition. Love that. From top left: Carrie Owens, Loni Stevens, Allison Kimball, Elsie Flannigan, Sande Kreiger, and on the bottom: me, Rhonna Farrer, and Jennifer Harrison.

Lots to do and lots to play with...

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35 thoughts

  1. Jan says…

    You guys all look great! How fun it is to be out with girlfriends.
    I love the picture a day challenge. I need to remember to keep the camera out so that I can do this. Thanks for reminding me.

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  2. susan says…

    some friends did that a few months ago. I was sorry to miss out on it! for August, we are making mini albums using every day memories or memorabilia from each day (like a Starbucks receipt when you meet a friend for coffee or my repair bill for getting my car fixed! lol!). quite fun I will admit!

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  3. RebeccaLeighann says…

    Awesome photos...and ***LOVE*** your new banner! SaWeeet!

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  4. Jessica K says…

    Love the new banner, BTW. You are so much fun to check out everyday. I'm thinking of upgrading my account just so I can do the whole banner thing?? I was directed to Tracey's blog through someone else's last week and love the idea also. Don't think I'll do the 2nd blog but just having the pics would make for a neat album. With 2 little kids and one on the way it would be fun to have a record of this cRaZy time so one day I *can* look back and laugh! I can't wait to see what you come up with using your new *toys*!

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  5. Sharyn (Torm) says…

    Love that morning light fact...gonna go heat me up a cup of coffee!
    I hope I get a glimpse of you at the sale/crop. I'll be way too nervous and introverted to say hi....but in my head...I'll wave hello. LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Cami says…

    Your entry made me smile even bigger! Friendship between women is just the COOLEST thing ever. Love the pics... Inspiring...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kelly says…

    Have fun playing! I love your new banner :)

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  8. Carrie Owens says…

    had so much fun on Saturday! :) great banner, love that I can actaully hear your laugh in my head as I look at it :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Rhonna says…

    he he...LOVE your laughing face...dude! LOVE it!
    Your banner RAWKS...YOU RAWK...
    have fun playing...
    love that time, huh?

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Tracy says…

    oh man, how fun to come to your blog and see my name :) Love this photo Ali! Can't wait to see you in Wisconsin.

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  11. Rachel says…

    look at all you hot mamas!! So wish I could've been there :)
    Cool new banner too chica :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Ashley G says…

    Love that picture! What a power house group. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you guys are together.

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  13. donab says…

    Gel medium, rub-ons and magnetic poetry - a few of my favorite things. You could almost be in my studio, except for the lovely morning light, which I'm so jealous of. Never any sunbeams in my studio to speak of, unfortunately.
    I finished filling in the Today You album from your June class in Oregon, taking a few liberties to make it fit my life and photos better, and I so love it. Thank you. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. donna downey says…

    damn that picture looks good in your banner!! and to think you didn't want to pose!!
    you hottie!!
    i am so jealous about pebbles...which reminds me i think it is our year anniversary...and to think you were in pebbles with out me...the shame!
    love ya!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. nicole says…

    Do you realize, had you kept your cardigan on, the whole bottom row would be wearing the exact shade of green??

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Denise says…

    I'm diggin' the new banner - so cool!
    Looks like you had a blast at CKU-A. I have to say that I love that shirt you are wearing. Mind me asking where you got it?

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Tara B says…

    Ali, you have great teeth!

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  18. missy s says…

    great pic of the gals and your daily photo. i have been doing it all month with tracy's inspiration and it is so fun...taking a photo of something i would not normally! love doing it!

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  19. Ksea says…

    LOVE THE NEW BANNER!! That is just the coolest picture, Ali!! I also love the group picture, too. Y'all look like you are having so much fun! Wish I could've been there!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Maria says…

    Love the new banner!!! So funky :)

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  21. Carrie says…

    Hey - you want to make me a cool new banner??? Pretty please, my sweet, wonderful friend?!? hee! I have the coolest photo that Tara took for me (of a box that says "handle with care", but I am so freaking behind on this digital stuff that I have no idea how to make it look cool. I only have paint shop pro and it sucks for this type of stuff. I swear -- I must get up to speed on this crap.

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  22. Cathy says…

    I'm usually much too shy to post, but had to chime in about the photo a day thing... I did this for the whole month of May and am THRILLED with the results. I scrapbooked all the pictures (well, almost) - my first foray into 8.5 x 11 layouts. So fun - and such a great way to document all the little things that would normally go unnoticed. Can't wait to see more of your pictures. My album is in my 2peas gallery... take a look sometime if you have time!

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  23. Amanda Mankin says…

    Love the banner!! Too Cool.
    Happy Scrapping

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  24. Alicia says…

    The photo is awesome - great light and explaination of "real" life - glad to see that. Often hard for people to convey that in photos. By the way - I'd like to echo the other comments on the banner!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Lee says…

    Your new banner is so cool. Yes I love Tracy's idea of the photo a day.
    Cool photo of all of you. So much talent in one little photo.

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