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"One day I thought I'd have some fun."


Got to play the other night when some friends came over for a visit (hi friends). They were busy with their stuff so I busied myself with mine. Just for fun. Just as play.

I began with the three mini-canvases. I had some black pieces of chipboard that I covered with patterned paper, added a couple acents, and painted around the edges. My original vision was to create a bunch of these little canvases as part of a collection. But then I was handed a piece of cardboard that is used to reinforce 12x12 papers when shipping and my vision changed. Using my scrap box, I dug around finding pieces of this and that, sticking them down with my favorite tool of the moment (glue sticks), looking for little bits of stuff that had some words, painting around the edge. I had some older collage papers that included this man with his coffee cup - like that dude a whole heck of a lot. Her got matched up with the little saying (that looks like part of a song) "one day I thought I'd have some fun." The perfect title, reflecting not only the vision for the piece, but my vision for myself as I created the piece.

Not sure what the heck I will do with this thing. Maybe hang it up in here. Maybe somewhere else around here. But I like it. That old man makes me smile. The "view life" above the rooster makes me smile. "Pack your bags" will be the story of my life for the next few months. And the emphasis on art...hell, yea...that is my life!

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45 thoughts

  1. Cass says…

    This is totally cool, I wish I could play like that too.... Love the colour combination, and all the words too.

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  2. donna downey says…

    for a chic with a little ass, you sure do pull some big stuff out of it!!
    you are amazing!
    sorry for the visual, but it made me laugh as i thought it, so i had to run with it!
    love ya

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  3. Kass says…

    why the hell doesn't my play art come out like that???
    You are way tooooo talented ms Ali. I'm going to sulk some!

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  4. Layle says…

    SO VERY COOL, Ali!

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  5. Cheryl says…

    I do think it would look great hanging on the wall in your studio! Thanks for all the inspiration and good conversation!

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  6. Meg Duffy says…

    I love this. Can you please rub off on me some at CKU this week? Can't wait for your class Friday in Kansas City.

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  7. Loni says…

    VERY cool, Ali. I love how free-flow & fun all of your "playing" is! You are just so chill. Love it!

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  8. shell-bean says…

    ooh this is lovely! I will have to try something like it to brighten up my room!

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  9. t says…

    you know me, so you know i want to cuss right now. (#@%&(#%& RAD!!!

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  10. beth says…

    Can I get a note from you to give my boss so I can leave early from work to go and have fun too???
    This makes me smile because you're giving me ideas for how to use up old paper and stuff!
    Thanks for your continuing well of inspiration - just keep it coming!

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  11. jamie says…

    that is plain RAD! :)

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  12. Alette says…

    Love this one Ali, hope to do one myself one day. I just love this one :)
    Have a nice day

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  13. Courtney says…

    Too Cool Ali!!! You never cease to amaze and inspire me...How is Simon doing??? You haven't said much about him lately??? Has he started school yet???
    Hope things are well!

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  14. tia says…
    09/06/2005 the whole mini-collage-imagery-as-journaling type of jive!! coolness, ali! =D

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  15. joleen says…

    This is beautiful!

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