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Christmas Art Journal Day 6


Playing around with ideas from yesterday and today and how much I love the twinkle of holiday lights. It is one of my very favorite things.

The journaling (printed on a transparency) says:

this is what I love.
this is what I remember.
this is what I think of.

for me, every christmas must
be filled with the twinkle of
white lights. lights that fill
my home. always in awe of the

lights of yesterday that lit my way when I would sneak out to our living room as a child.

lights of today that illuminate the darkness when I wake up in the night to check on my sleeping boy.

The painted chipboard squares are from Technique Tuesday. Paper from 7gypsies and Paper Source. Words on the bottom are cut out from this month's issue of Body & Soul (they have the best stuff in that magazine). Tab from Scrapworks. Stamp and paint from Making Memories. Rub on from Basic Grey. Jewels from Heidi Swapp.

And, you will laugh. I just noticed that I totally forgot to put the tree with the date on this page. Will add that on now.

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44 thoughts

  1. Lu says…

    this is a good looking page. very nice.

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  2. Jenn N says…

    Awesome page, once again. Yes, white lights, mmmmm, that's the holidays for sure! I just love keeping the Christmas tree lights on in the room and nothing else at night - the glow and the twinkle are so wonderful. And the words from Body & Soul - I just love that mag, especially right now with reminders of taking care of yourself.
    Thanks again for sharing.

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  3. Donna M. says…

    Ali, how did you do the TWINKLE? Is it also on the transparency? Or did you stamp and I'm missing it? The masses who are not missing a page of this want to know!
    Seriously, this is truly lovely and I look forward to every day.
    P.S.- you want snow? Can I fedex you any from Buffalo??!

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  4. kristen says…

    fabulous, ALI!

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  5. Lovely Cee says…

    i love it! you are so generous in sharing your daily entries. beautiful;-)

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  6. Lou says…

    Ali- This just keeps getting better! I want one just like it!

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  7. amy says…

    I love that you post your art journals online. I find them so inspiringl I'm working on one to commemorate my 7th anniversary, and seeing your ideas for the Christmas journal keeps triggering new ideas that translate so well to my journal.
    Thank you for sharing your creativity, insight and spirit. You have no idea how much it ispires others.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jen says…

    Gaawd..this just rocks! I'm always amazed how you can use older product and make it look new to me again...I love that about your style!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Diane D says…

    Beautiful! What font did you use for yesterday and twinkle?

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  10. Cindy says…

    You are so making me what to go on a Christmas embellishments scrapbook shopping frenzy! I want to create "all Christmas, all the time" now. Thanks for the inspiration and daily motivation. Love the line about getting up to check on your sleeping boy. It brought tears to my eyes. Keep up the beautiful work.

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  11. Debi B. says…

    While I was just feasting on this veritable palette of "twinkle" and wonderful colors, etc.... I couldn't help but laugh 'cuz I actually noticed the missing tree and then read your comment about forgetting it! :) LOVE this LO, even without the tree! Although now I'm curious where you will put the tree! LOL

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  12. cindy says…

    Amazing. Every single entry is just stunning. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. :-) Peace...

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tracey (TopCat76 on Shimelles Group) says…

    it's completely lush I love it!! Have to say I've used the exact same stamp in the top right hand of my day 6 in red too!!! Oh should add I did it BEFORE i saw your design... so inspiring thanks for sharing this all.
    Merry Chrimbo

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  14. Kirs from Holland says…

    VET COOL!!! I like it sooo much. A dutch hug from Rotterdam, Kirs!

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  15. bginn says…

    Hey Ali!
    Thanks for posting on my blog...I'm thrilled you liked the idea! You've got such great ideas...thanks for all your hard work and inspiration.

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  16. bginn says…

    Hey Ali!
    Thanks for posting on my blog...I'm thrilled you liked the idea! You've got such great ideas...thanks for all your hard work and inspiration.

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  17. Daphne says…

    Okay, I am also becoming a ALI BLOG JUNKIE! I Really, really want to start a Christmas Journal TONIGHT! But, I need to start decorating my house FIRST before the kids do! I love all of your entries. When are you coming back to Cleveland, Ohio ... I will be there to meet you!!!!! Daphne

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  18. Mary Ann says…

    Add me to the list of Ali Journal Junkies!! Been checking this everday, and love each and every page you post!! Thanks so much for the daily inspiration.

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