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Such a nice day here. Perfectly wonderful weather.

Simon and I grocery shopped this morning. Gotta love when his behavior is as sunny as the weather. I so delight in this time of year (besides the whole allergy thing) - especially when strawberries start showing up at the store. Not local mind you, but close enough for me. And they had a bunch of hyacinths I had to bring home as well.

I have to say that it has been awesome being home for the last two weeks straight. Feel like I had a chance to catch up, rest, rejuvinate and work without the intense pressure of leaving again right away. I am working on scheduling myself smarter, figuring out what makes the most sense financially, physically, and mentally.

Some of you may have read this morning on Two Peas that I have decided to step down from my position in the Creating Garden. It has been a long time since I was an active participant in the Garden and simply felt that it was my time to go. I love Two Peas. I can't really imagine this whole crazy thing without that site. Two Peas has made a major impact on my life. It introduced me to modern scrapbooking, it engrossed me, challenged me, introduced me to my best friends, and gave me a passion I never knew I had. It continues to inspire me daily. And like I said in my post, it will continue to be my home.

The rest of today is being spent getting all the final details together for CKU-A this weekend in Chicago. I love this event. So excited to go and meet all the students, see my friends, and pass on the love.

And also, I am so excited that sweet, super creative Rhonna has opened up shop on Cafe Press. She has amazing designs over there you have to check out. She also has a very cool challenge happening on her blog - such an inspiration.

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46 thoughts

  1. Jackie says…

    I'm sad that you will no longer be featured in the garden, but I appreciate you stepping down because I know that it will make way for new talent to be featured. It is awesome what Kristina has done for scrapbooking... really bringing to light these amazing artists that the world may not have picked up on otherwise. I appreciate her recognizing your talent and have loved seeing how far you've come. I'm so excited to see what's next for you. Keep up the inspiring work!

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  2. Julie Bergman says…

    I'll keep looking forward to seeing your work on your blog!! And your groceries look yummy!!

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  3. iman says…

    I was so bummed when I heard the news. Your work is of constant inspiration to me. I look forward to the new garden girl that will fill your spot. You'll have to make sure you post more of your layouts on here. Good luck with everything.

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  4. tracy says…

    Bummer! I will miss you in the Garden. At least you have a blog I can stalk for inspiration!

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  5. Amanda says…

    I will miss your work in the garden. But this news came at a good time, my sorrows are drowned in the fact that I actually get to meet you in a couple days at CKU!

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  6. Emine says…

    Hi Ali
    I am also doing Rhonna's challenge for the first time... I feel so excited about it...
    Love to read your entry's in your blog...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Rhonna says…

    You know I will miss you so much in the are so wonderful...mmm-wah!
    & wow..LOVE those hyacinths...
    happy you are in the groove & loving being at home...good luck at CKU-A!
    *p.s. thanks! *

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Michelle W. says…

    will miss your amazing work on there.

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  9. Mary Jo says…

    I will miss you in the Garden. :( I found 2p's in 2004 and your bio was the first I opened in the Garden Girl section. From that moment on scrapbooking was changed for me as well. So glad that you will be an inspiration in so many other areas than just 2p's. I think of you as the classic Garden Girl :)

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  10. Debby says…

    Love the flowers! Congratulations on all the great contributions you made in the garden at 2 peas! Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago. I started a blog! and I did a post today about my Italy "scrapbook on the road" and linked to your blog. Thanks for your inspiration!

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  11. amanda says…

    Will totally miss your work on 2Peas. Thanks for all the inspiration over the years there!! Hope CKU-A is great!

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  12. Sarah Bowen says…

    I am very happy for you, you are soooo talented and I know that wherever life takes you, you will do wonderful! Are you ever going to be coming anywhere close to Denver, I would love to see ya.

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  13. Brek says…

    Ah, I remember seeing your work on 2Peas BEFORE you were a GG. So sad to see you step down, but totally understand. I'm in awe at how you can manage to juggle so many things. Thanks for all you contributed to the Garden while you were there! :)

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  14. Jennie says…

    Sorry to hear you are leaving the creating garden, I am sure you will be missed.
    Jen from the UK X

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  15. vegasandvenice says…

    I am glad you are having such a nice time! I am also glad the strawberries are back and so so so good now!!
    Best Wishes!

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  16. Jessica K. says…

    Thanks for the inspiration on 2peas over the years and thanks for the inspiration here. Gotta love spring renewals. Where there is an ending, there is a beginning.

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  17. kate says…

    You are the only person who could make photos of her groceries art....or art out of her groceries...whatever. I really hope to grow up to be you someday.

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  18. Lain (Knit and Purl Grrl) says…

    Oh, Ali-
    That must have been a tough decision. I am going through a season of winnowing myself... realizing that my tendency to be a generalist is getting in the way of my ability to achieve certain goals. It's time to pick some areas on which to focus (ack!). Tough, tough decisions.

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  19. laura t. says…

    you truly are a class act...the garden will not be the same but as with any garden, another flower will bloom and be beautiful in it's own right...and we all have this blog to come ck out what's blossoming in Ali land. Just a little memory here - I'm a lurker on 2 peas and I remember seeing your work when you first posted and thinking, wow, she has that extra something...thanks for sharing your layouts, insights, inspirations...keep ridin' that wave to all good things.

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  20. sheri says…

    Hi Ali,
    I remember when I went through your gallery (and your seeds) and read pretty much each of your layouts.
    Weird, but cool.
    Watching your style evolve.
    Watching your blog evolve.
    Meeting you last fall in Maple Ridge at Photo Express.
    Even cooler.
    Drop in to 2peas when you can.
    You are vintage baby ~ classic GG in every sense of the word.
    Sheri (sophiespal)

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  21. Melanie says…

    I will truly miss your work in the garden. You have helped me develop my own style and grow into this hobby. You helped draw me in over and over (remember showing me that baby album you made for your cousin while we had lunch at Red Robin oh so long ago??) I'm excited to see what's next... and where you go from here. Keep up the amazing work!!

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  22. PamMc says…

    I agree that only you can make groceries so artsy. Love hyacinths - the scent just permeates the whole house.
    You participation on 2 peas has been wonderful and I will miss seeing your creations there. But changes happen and I'm looking forward to see where the future leads you.
    Have a grand time this weekend.

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  23. Kate says…

    Yoy'll be missed Ali! I agree- twopeas is an AMAZING place isn't it?

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  24. AmyG says…

    SO going to miss you!!!

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  25. beth says…

    what an awesome ride you're having! you've touched so many lives, including my own @ CKU-A Dallas!! I wish you all the success in the world - you are truly deserving! mmmm-wah!

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