April is Autism Awareness month.


A word I never imagined would be part of my everyday life.

A word that has brought saddness and, in the very same breath, the most amazing little boy I have ever encountered.

During April I want to spend a bit more time talking about autism and sharing resources. Today I am going to start with the basics: What is Autism? and What is Autism? (video) and Autism Today

The above Enough is Enough logo was designed as a way to raise money
for research, advocacy, education, outreach, etc. I have chosen to donate all my profits
from the sale of any of my Cafe Press Enough is Enough items to the Autism Society of America's Getting the Word Out campaign which is focused directly on increasing awareness: early diagnosis = early treatment/education/help for the entire family and, hopefully, a better quality of life for the person with autism.

Thanks to those of you who have already purchased something - your support is greatly appreciated.

There are lots of different controversies surrounding causes, treatment, etc of autism. So much of that can be overwhelming, confusing, and downright frustrating for parents. My goal is simply to bring awareness, to tell Simon's story, and to share our experiences as a family - what it means for us in our everyday lives.


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63 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    the logo just blows me away, I can't even tell you how much.
    Today has been so draining; got back from CKU-A last night and ran smack into an IEP meeting this am. Over-tired, amped up on the CKU experience, and feeling like a momma tiger defending her cub.
    It is so easy, and makes so much sense, to focus on Zeb's assets and strengths most of the time. It's when we have to look at the services he needs, and how he is going to be educated, that I start to lose it, because it's all about what's 'wrong' with him. My God it just broke my heart to sit in that meeting today, talking about "profound effects" and "failure to progress". I know we're all working on ways to help him, and I know it's good and necessary, but it requires looking at him in a way that doesn't respect and revere his whole self.
    It is so heartening to hear you talk about Simon, and see how you can use this forum (and others) to share the message about autism. We (who are affected by this) have quite a champion in you.
    I would love to meet Simon someday; I know he must be quite the little guy.
    So thank you - for your commitment to autism education & awareness, for your commitment to being and sharing the life artist message, and for giving this tired momma a place to (figuratively) lay my head down for a minute. It really helps.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jackie says…

    You are amazing!! Thank you for doing this for our special little guys! You have now idea how moved I am! off to do some shopping!

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  3. tia says…

    man, ali.
    todays emerson quote is one of my all time faves.
    totally made me smile today!
    i appreciate your post on autism awareness today...
    especially since
    i've finally decided to take my son in for help.
    after years of conflicting dx's,
    finally realizing what we've been missing.
    (a little scared), but grateful. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Brianna says…

    Thanks for the links, Ali. I was wondering if you might be able to recommend some good books about autism. I'd like to learn more about it since, odds are, I'll be teaching at least one kid with autism.
    Feel free to e-mail me at tahoebeachbum@yahoo.com

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  5. Tina says…

    Thanks for sharing the information, and your stories - I got my new shirts this weekend, everyone LOVES them!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. notchincorporated says…

    I was listening to NPR this morning thinking of you. And then you made this post..so FYI an hour on the topic

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  7. Tammy McClain says…

    Thank you Ali for using your talents for such a worthy cause. It's so nice to see people use the gifts God gave them to help others. My nephew is autistic and I would like nothing more than to see a cure for this. Thanks for all you do!

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  8. Melissa says…

    Like many others have expressed you are one of my scraping idols! My husband to be (:(one day):) has a son who is autistic, and every time I'm feeling scared or overwhelmed by the situation I always come to your blog to learn more. And without fail I always learn more and feel like it is going to be ok. Thank you not only for your scrapping inspiration...but for so much more.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Angie says…

    Ali - I've been reading your blog for the last couple of months. I am constantly amazed at your creativity, and your wit.
    Thank you for sharing Simon, and his story, with us. My sweet Caroline was born (nearly) two years ago with Down Syndrome. It's amazing when a statistic becomes a part of your family...and your daily conversation(s).
    It is dedicated parents like you and Chris who are going to make a difference for kids like Simon, and so many others. You have a voice--and obviously a very dedicated audience--keep talking. Keep sharing. Keep sparking creativity, and consciousness.
    My husband, Mark, and I have done what we can to get involved in raising awareness about children and adults with DS. It's the mission we've been given--through this precious little girl who knows that the llama says "pfffft." I got bored one day.
    Thank you. You have inspired me (now) on SOOOO many levels.
    Angie (Caroline's proud Mom)

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  10. Kristy says…

    i work in a group home with dd/pd children, many of whom have some form of autism...i'm also an avid scrapper! i love that you're bringing this issue to a whole new realm of people by being so open about your own situation! every little bit helps to make people more aware and in turn makes life a little easier on "my kids"- thanks for that!!!

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  11. Carrie says…

    Love you and love your love for your family. *mwah*
    On a purely design note, LOVE that logo.

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  12. Christy says…

    Oh, Ali, thank you so much for this! I'm the mother of an almost 5 year old guy, Steven, with Asperger's (and a 2 year old, Henry, with Down's!) and I love, love, LOVE that you're promoting autism awareness!! It's so misunderstood and so prevalent. It's through the work of loving, caring people like you & your family that the stigma, ignorance & hatred of people who are "different" will be crushed.
    And I know you'll appreciate this - your great awareness campaign coincided with Steven's 1st soccer class. The first park district class he's EVER been able to participate in. We've tried 4 previous times and he simply couldn't do it - we never made it through the first class. He was terrified and didn't want to do it, but HE DID. And he had a great time. (I'm in tears as I'm typing!)
    Your design is, as always, amazing. You completely blow me away with your creativity & artistry & someday I hope to have an nth of what you seem to do so effortlessly!!
    God bless you, Simon & your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. KimP says…

    Hey Ali - I've shared my feelings on all this many times with you... THANK YOU again for stepping outside of the cocoon of your family to share Simon's story and to help educate the public at large.
    I love the unbridled joy on Simon's face in that photo :)
    Love you!

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  14. kristin says…

    My daughter is also on the autism spectrum. She is developmentally delayed (around 18 months development, generously speaking) at age 4 1/2, suffers from sensory integration disorder, cortical visual impairment, audio processing disorder, and epilepsy. Our journey has been one of profound sadness, and incredible joy. We're not through journey-ing yet, either, but its people like you who make the walk a little lighter. Thanks Ali, for doing this... for sharing your story, and doing what you can to raise awareness. I'm sending you *HUGE*HUGS*
    Kristin Rose

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  15. Robin C. says…

    Ali: You brought tears to my eyes with your love and dedication to Simon - he is such a BLESSED boy to have you as his Mama. If love has anything to do with creating breakthrough with Autism, then it is already defeated. Game over.
    Once again, you inspire me. Big kiss and hug to Simon. Thank you for sharing him with us - I am a better person/mother for knowing him. Robin
    P.S. His bubbles are on the way! : )

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  16. Jane says…

    My best friends daughter was recently diagnosised with autism it's such a heart breaking diagnosis. But, we still love Madelyn the same as before she's just Madie! God bless you for sharing Simon it's got me through some rough spots seeing how you are able to manage and how happy and well he does.

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  17. susan says…

    I usually just lurk and while my life isn't touched by autism personally, my husband forwarded this link to me today and I thought I would pass it on the you. It's about an autistic high school boy and what he achieved! It gave me chills. enjoy!
    p.s. I'll be seeing you Saturday at Reminisce and I can't wait!!

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  18. susan says…

    This is a wonderful logo and speaks volumes. Two of my former students had a form of autisim and they were the most beautiful thinkers I have met to date.

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  19. Sally says…

    Ali -
    You Rock, Girlie! I will going to check out your logo items and making a purchase!
    My son (with Asperger's Syndrome) was diagnosed later (he is 7 and was just diagnosed a few months ago). It was very frustrating because we knew there was something going on, and couldn't get the docs to help us. We kept pursuing and finally found someone who was seeing what we saw. He is now getting services and the help he needs. It means so much to me to see a mom so proactive for her little guy! You are awesome Ali. I have loved you for the inspiration you have given me as an artist, and now I love you even more as the inspiration you are as a mother of a special child.
    May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family,

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cate says…

    Hey Ali. Just wanted to say how cool I think ya are.
    Love the logo. And the picture.
    Have a great Tuesday.

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  21. ArtsyMama says…

    You do so much for Autism awareness on your blog. It's wonderful!! I love the "gear" you have with the slogan you designed. Great stuff for a great cause! I also linked to your store on a post I did on my autistic son for Autism Awareness month on my blog
    Thanks for everything!

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  22. Pam Callaghan says…

    thanks for this Ali, you made we cry reading this.. Pam C.

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  23. Steph says…

    Ali - you are amazing!

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  24. Alli says…

    it's hard to equate what autism represents with our beautiful boys isn't it. They are 4 and this is the crucial time for them and it not only affects them but all those around them, everyday I get up and plan to make just a little prgress but in the hustle and bustle forget for a minute and pull into the wrong bowser at the petrol station and everyone ends up in tears and any prgress made that day has back tracked even further.
    I try not to dwell on what has been lost but with an uncertian future I need to get it right now and not make any mistakes, yes I expect a lot from myself but we all do and I would do anything to make his life as fantastic as it can be
    thank you for making people aware

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jess says…

    wow - I love the logo - it's a very good thing that you're doing....you reach so many people in so many ways - thanks :)

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