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A new edition of the AEzine/Life Art newsletter went out yesterday. If you are not receiving it by email you can check it out here in the archives. This week was a basic update of projects and information that has been on my blog for the last couple of months.

For some reason the formatting program I am using is not a fan of adding images to the newsletter. I have received emails from some people letting me know that the text is covering the photo in the section about the Everyday Life photo book. Here's the text from that section:

And finally this week I want to introduce you
to one of the big projects I have been working
on over the past few months: an Everyday
Life photo book for Shutterfly
. Photo books
are a beautiful and simple way to showcase
your family's photos and tell your
story. Check out more details on this book here.

You can see an entire sample of my book here.

Hoping to figure out what is up with the formatting of larger photos for the next issue.

It's a snow day here today - a couple more inches fell last night. Simon is so excited to be home and to get out and play in a bit (first he wanted to watch The Backyardigans Mission To Mars).

I am packing to leave for a trade show this week. Packing always seems to include cleaning as well.

Some of you have asked about the Keep Calm and Carry On poster you can see in the background of the photo posted on Friday's weekend creative prompt. I ordered mine from ReForm School (looks like it is currently out of stock) which is a great little shop with all kinds of goodies.  The white frame is from Ikea. EDITED: Here's another source for this poster: sfgirlbybay (etsy shop) or from Barter Books in the UK.

I have been getting some emails regarding Five For Fighting's "What Kind of World Do You Want" campaign. I think I posted about this sometime last year but there seems to be a resurgence of interest/emails. Five for Fighting is donating money to a variety of different charities (including Autism Speaks) based on views of videos (read the "How this works" page for more details). There are tons of different videos on there that are inspiring and moving. Check out the videos here.

Happy Monday!

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43 thoughts

  1. Janice says…

    Ali- You can also get the "Keep Calm and Carry On" Poster here at this etsy shop--in lots of wonderful colors.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Brook Andreoli says…

    You can also order those posters from this etsy store:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. annie says…

    I love my Keep Calm poster! And they originally came from Barter Books, a used book shop in England. Here's their website.
    Only 3.60 pounds each, plus shipping.
    These posters were designed in WWII to put up in the tube stations if London got invaded. They never used them (happily, they weren't invaded!) but they've been discovered and printed up and sold today.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. annie says…

    Oops. The link got cut off.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Séverine Champagne. says…

    I have a problem with the link. Unfortunately, I can't manage to see your book on shutterfly website !

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Cory says…

    Thanks so much for calling attention to this poster. I saw your post, but never looked at the background (my eyes went to the book). But, I LOVED it and just bought the chartruse one.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nicky Anderson says…

    I am so interested in doing an everyday life book - love seeing your whole book. But need to know, how do you get your handwriting in the book - because I love the combination of handwriting plus computer printing.
    Any help you can recommend would be great!!
    And always, thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nicky Anderson says…

    PS - I hope that Simon loves his snow day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Emily J. says…

    Love this latest aezine....a very inspiring and "I gotta do that" issue....going to try the photo a day or specific photos a week project....

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Tonia Borrosch says…

    AWESOME book and I am SOOO doing one of those this year once I get a bunch of photos! :) You are amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tonia Borrosch says…

    AWESOME book and I am SOOO doing one of those this year once I get a bunch of photos! :) You are amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. meg says…

    Hi Ali, I love your Everyday Life photobook and I'm thinking of doing the same thing. Is it possible to read the journalling? I have all the photos but I'm stuck with how I will present our everyday stories. Thanks for the inspiration. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kelly libby says…

    Glad to read your ezine. Happy Monday. Got to meet Hillary Clinton today. Thought you would think that was cool.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Artful Yogi says…

    Love your everyday book on Shuterfly. I'm guessing this is why you were playing with Illustrator last month. The product is fantastic.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. candice Summers says…

    I'm so pumped that FFF is still raising money and accepting videos. I thought that after their contest concluded last Summer they would stop. I was one of the lucky contestants who got an autographed CD because I was in the top 20 most viewed videos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. raymenie says…

    The "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster is MUCH cheaper from Barter Books, even with international postage!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jill says…

    Ali, thank you for your ezine. I am going to start an Everyday Life Photo Book, but would like to make it manually and not use the computer. I am also reading your Life Artist book and I am wondring do you use a copy of the original photo for your scrapbooks or do you use the orginal photo Thank you for all you do.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. sassy says…

    i finally chose my 2008word: thrive.
    i love this idea, thanks so much for sharing, & for all the other sharing you do.
    i love that your name is in the middle of your word, did that influence your choosing it, or did it choose you?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Debby says…

    I hope to meet you at CHA!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Dee says…

    Hey there Ali,
    I have a couple of questions regarding the book. Amazing BTW.
    Did you make the whole layout on the computer first and just add one 8x8 page per page? or did you use shutterfly design?
    And the papers, etc, that you have used, have you got a list of them?
    Such inspiration, AGAIN!!
    I have been wanting to do a photobook for ages, this might actually MAKE me!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Heather B. says…

    I love your book, I can't to do a book for the year. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Heather B. says…

    Ok...I need to go to bed! I meant to say, I can't WAIT to do a book for the year! Duh...I need some sleep!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. evelyne says…

    Hi Ali, I got so excited finding my copy of your latest book in my mailbox! I have been waiting for it some time. Fighting with a severe depression/burn out, your book gave me some strength to find new inspiration and a new way of looking at life. I still have a long way to go and I hope I soon will be enough recovered to start some scrapbooking again. Thanks for inspiring me.

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  24. Mary says…

    OMG! I am so doing the photobook with your design as the background. Thank you, thank you. Love much!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. abs says…

    This is the weirdest coincidence yet!
    I wanted that poster and have put it on my wedding list and then last weekend i was visiting a friend in the northeast of the UK and we visited Barter books and there was this poster - the real one - i had been reading about! now my friend has bought me the poster from the shop!
    Abs x

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