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Come Play + Cocoa Daisy.

We are planning our next local Come Play events for Friday, June 20th and Saturday, June 21st at Jill's beautiful home. Check out the new Come Play blog for all the details.

I also wanted to let you know that I pulled together a bunch of my favorite travel-related products for a new kit for Cocoa Daisy available July 1st. Previews to come over the next month.


[ Look for a new weekend creative project coming tomorrow morning. ]

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11 thoughts

  1. Amy says…

    If only I lived closer! Any chance people could pay extra with the Cocoa Daisy kit to get the project instructions and the mini album?

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  2. k8 says…

    Wah! that's all I have to say........Wah!

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  3. jen davis says…

    I would so love to be able to attend! Wish I lived closer as it's sure to be a blast!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sharon F. says…

    This sounds so incredible. Alas, I am in charge of planning a huge celebration at my company on that weekend. So perhaps next time.
    Congrats on the kit, I am a subscriber and looking forward to receiving it and playing!
    Have a fun summer!
    Sharon, oakland, ca

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  5. Amy says…

    I checked the flights, they are way too expensive! LOL, but I will be getting a kit!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. emilyt says…

    That sounds lovely - have fun ladies & can't wait to see the results/photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sally says…

    Ali, I'm so glad you did this as a weekend creative prompt. I was so inpsired by your life artist book that I ran out and found something similar and it's standing pride of place in our family room - just so simple and yes what a great way to give something old a new lease of life. Thanks Ali for another great week of blogs - I'm off to celebrate my son's sixth birthday now so plenty of photo opps to come. Have a great weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Michelle Shuman says…

    I'm so excited about your Cocoa Daisy kit! I've been waiting for it since they announced it in their newsletter a couple months ago!! Definitely looking forward to the sneak peeks...

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  9. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    I'm trying to catch up & reading over a week's worth of your blog, so not sure where to add this comment. In your Q&A about album organization, there were comments re: Creative Memories albums & wanting to switch to 12x12. CM has just this spring begun selling the standard 12x12 & the old odd size will no longer be available. So maybe that solves the problem for some of us who've been frustrated. All product--paper, embellishments, etc--are being sized to the 12x12. Some beautiful new coordinated stuff, too. No, I'm not a rep; just a big fan.

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  10. Karina K says…

    I just booked my flight to go to Come Play. I'm super excited! I cant wait to see the kit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. andrea scher says…

    One of my favorite projects in your book. I'm still searching for an antique type drawer!

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