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Is this New Hampshire?



I think I am finally getting just a glimpse into what it would be like to live in New Hampshire or Iowa during the primary season in presidential election years.

Being in Oregon we rarely get much attention from presidential candidates in the primary. Our primary is coming up on May 20th (the only other ones left after us are Republican primaries in Idaho & New Mexico, a Democratic primary in Montana, and both parties primaries in South Dakota and Puerto Rico): the airwaves are congested in with political ads, the phone is ringing with pollsters on the other end of the line, and the candidates are actually visiting cities all across the state (and not just stopping in Portland).

Senator Obama was here in Eugene on Friday night speaking to a crowd of about 8000 at the University of Oregon. I just heard on the radio that he will be back to Oregon again this weekend. Senator McCain is here today. Senator Clinton was in Central Point on Thursday and in Portland at OHSU on Friday. President Clinton was in Pendleton last night and is traveling all over the state today promoting a "Bring Your Ballot" events (Oregon is the only state with a complete vote-by-mail system.). We are still hoping for the chance to see Senator Clinton here in town.

For our little family who is interested in the political process, government, public service, current events, history, etc, this is really quite exciting.

Before Senator Obama spoke on Friday night we had a chance to go behind the scenes with a small group and welcome him to Eugene.



Chris got his book signed.


Simon got to shake hands.


I got a blurred shot to go along with my collection of blurred favorites.


And Simon's favorite part of the night was acquiring this flag that he was able to wave like crazy (thanks Emily). He was super serious about his job as a flag waver and made sure that we were all cheering at the appropriate times.


It's a pretty amazing time in the history of our country.


On another note, I hope you all had a fantastic Mother's Day. We got to have lunch with my parents on the coast and dinner with Chris' here in town. We are pretty darn lucky: both our Mother's still love us and listen to us talk politics even though we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum (they definitely don't sit quietly though - lots of lively, interesting discussions).

Love you Mom!

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149 thoughts

  1. Jenni says…

    I am WEAK right now, you lucky gal!! If he doesn't win, I will seriously pull an Alec Baldwin and move to Europe! Is he as hot in person, hee hee?? My husband knows I have a HUGE political crush on him! It is such an exciting time, I'm loving it! Thanks for the wonderful post....Jen from HB, CA

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  2. jennifer says…

    Glad you had a nice mother's day! Great shots of you all and Barack Obama. What a keepsake. Enjoy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kelly Bryan says…

    WOW - what an incredible experience for all of you. I love that you include Simon so closely in the political process. It is SO important to start young and make it a part of your child's life. I always take my son with me to vote. He is 4, but has never missed an election. And, of course, I am a huge supporter of Obama. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos and experience, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. margaret says…

    Isn't it great to have an interest in politics? My journalist husband got his college degree in poli sci; he just loves this time of year. But he'll leave the elected office to your husband; he'd just prefer to write about the process.
    And I understand about the spectrum of political opinion in a family. As the daughter of a Chicago dyed-in-the wool Democrat, I'm considered the most liberal member of my family. HORRORS!!!
    Have a lovely week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kristine says…

    So AWESOME. jealous beyond belief. Quite a time in our country --

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Carole says…

    So wonderful that you are including Simon in the political process....the pictures are priceless. My daughter is 12 and is so into what Mr. Obama is all about, love that she is interested which so many kids in todays times are not. So cool that you have the pictures to document the day. Thank you for sharing...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. jaime says…

    You are so lucky! Sounds like an awesome experience.

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  8. Carmen says…

    I hadn't really thought about the need for including children in the political process, but you're right -- it IS important for them to be involved and aware from early on. I wish I understood the issues better. I understand the political process (the Canadian one and to a fair extent the American one too) fairly well, but I wish I'd developed a keener understanding of the issues earlier in my life. I hope everyone in Oregon (and the other remaining primaries) gets out there to vote -- as Jed Bartlet ;) once said, "Decisions are made by those who show up."

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  9. ChanelD says…

    Wow! Just WoW!
    I would have been VERY upset about the blurred Barrac Obama shot.

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  10. Keely says…

    Ali, I totally agree with you. This is the best primary we've ever had. So much fun that everything wasn't determined at the beginning of February. I am just amazed at Obama's energy. Look at that smile. I'm exhausted thinking about campaigning for a week like they do, much less months and months of it. It must be a huge adrenaline rush. Those pictures, even the blurry shots, are keepers of an exciting time in our country's history!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Candace says…

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
    Love Obama! The photo of Simon w/ him is so cool.

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  12. melia says…

    I'm from Iowa-it was pretty crazy a couple months ago-a good crazy, though :)

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  13. sue Treiber says…

    Simon is so lucky to have had the chance to meet him (you too, but wow he's a kid!) What a cool thing.
    Happy Mom's day to you too!

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  14. Amy says…

    Super cool!

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  15. Lauren Z says…

    Wow! that is so cool! How inspiring to see something like that, and to be able to meet someone that may be the next president. And how cool for Simon to see.
    Great 1st pic btw- I love the sunset on his profile :)

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  16. Shannon says…

    What an incredible experience for your entire family. I'm completely green with envy that you got to spend time with Senator Obama.

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  17. Laura says…

    How wonderful that something so relevant can be shared and experienced. And you were so lucky to be able to welcome him to Eugene! Wow!

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  18. Shannon says…

    I already posted about how awesome this was. But I just had another thought... Any chance Chris is a Super-Delegate?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Amy says…

    seriously, how big does Simon look? he is a little man, overnight!
    How exciting for you to meet Sen. Obama! I remember you saying in a blog post back in February that it probably wouldn't matter when Oregon's primary came around! LOL! Well, it probably won't, but it is still closer than expected.
    Glad you had a terrific Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. chellie says…

    I wouldn't even want to be in the same room as that man-- obviously people need to read more about him!!! Someone couldn't pay me to have his "autograph."
    Still a cool moment in the political process though. Glad you enjoyed the moment! Now on to following McCain!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Martha M. says…

    Both my kids (7 and 11) have been super involved in the political process this primary season. We tried to get to a couple of rallies here in Austin, TX, when Obama was here, but they were just HUGE events. My hubby, for the first time ever (he's 43) was a precinct captain for the Dem party and got to be a delegate at the county convention. We also got to take the kids to Obama headquarters here in Austin the day they opened their doors. It is so important for kids to have a sense and understanding of the political process in this great nation of ours!
    I will admit I'm a little jealous...
    Thanks for sharing, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Teresa says…

    Wow...what a great memory!!! Amazing to witness history live!!!!

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  23. geek+nerd says…

    I'm so jealous! I am *praying* that Obama wins. He is such an inspiring man!

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  24. Denise says…

    I can relate to your comments about being in a traditionally 'ignored' state. I live on the border between ND and MN and about a month ago, both Senators Obama and Clinton came to an arena for events attended by about 18,000 people! It was so exciting...
    I teach public speaking, so I'm interested in Senator Obama from that angle, too.
    Didn't get my book signed, though, even though we did go to a small reception...I'm jealous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Cass M says…

    Awesome, Ali, just awesome! So exciting that you all got to have some face to face time with Senator Obama.

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