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Three Things : Getting Ready for Summer


Around here, I am patiently waiting for summer.

We got in the mood this past weekend by finishing up cleaning out & organizing the garage (for the first time in my life I can actually park my car in a garage), bringing out the BBQ, grilling some ribs, mixing up some tropical rum drinks, and dreaming about an outdoor living space. I love watching Chris get excited about cooking - those Food Network grilling marathons can really get a person in the mood for mixing things up.

I am starting to think ahead to some summer paper projects (and putting together a class for Windy City Scrapbooking in Chicago on June 26th) and dreaming about lots of yellow and green and white and delicate florals. Here's a few things I am planning on playing with over the next couple of months:

1. Spring & Summer Rub Ons from American Crafts (and here they are in white too): Great for adding right onto a photo - words and icons - or embellishing a layout.

2. Sassafrass Lass Buttercream Bliss Sunshine Lollipop Patterned Paper : I love yellow. I also love how Sassafrass Lass added those great edges along the bottom of their papers which can be used as accents in your projects. The back side of this paper is a delicate polka dot pattern.

3. Tis the Season Posies from Fancy Pants : I think these hand crocheted flowers are adorable (notice the yellow one) and would make a great little addition hand-stitched or stapled onto a  minibook or layout. 


[ Three Things is a weekly product series : check out the archives here. ]

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26 thoughts

  1. Jenni says…

    Good Morning, Fellow Early Bird!
    Great post, adorable things! I really like the texture of those crochet flowers.

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  2. Michele says…

    Oh, man, I would love to take another class from you and I live close to Chicago, but your class is the day before we go on a week-long vacation. Bummer! :( Hopefully, you will come back to Chicago again in the near future. Love those AC run-ons!
    Thanks for sharing your layouts and thoughts last week--it was great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Candi Tardio says…

    looking forward to your class @ windy city!!!! i have some of that new funky paper from cool! have a great day :)

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  4. Melissa says…

    Looking forward to your class at Windy City! The WCS team is very excited to have you back, especially because you will be teaching this time!
    Melissa @ WCS

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  5. Rachel says…

    That Sassafrass Lass paper is my current favorite. I have that exact piece and am so in love with it but afraid to use it!

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  6. Maribeth O'Dell says…

    I just signed up for your class at Windy City. I am really excited to finally be able to take one of your classes! As of 11am CST, there are just three slots left.
    Have a great week, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tracie says…

    I am super curious to know if you are considering a class for Minneapolis, MN. You are super inspiring so I would love the opportunity to meet you and learn from you in person.

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  8. Bree says…

    I am really enjoying your blog even more lately -- all the little changes and especially last week's layout a day posts. You are the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kelly purkey says…

    looking forward to finally being a student of yours, ali :)

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  10. Laura says…

    I hear great things about Windy City Scrapbooking. You're gonna have a great time, I'm sure!

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  11. emily says…

    Love seeing what's inspiring you, it gets me in the mood to create. I really love the photos + words layouts, getting back to the heart of the matter.

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  12. Latrice says…

    I think I may need to sign up for this class at windy city. I've never been there and would love to meet you!! I'll have to run it by the hubby LOL!! maybe ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Barb N. says…

    I'm all signed up for your class at Windy City. Cannot wait!

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  14. Amy Dow says…

    Ali, I am so bummed! I just called Windy City (my sister and I wanted to take your class and we live in Joliet, 1 hour south) and it's already booked!!! I asked if you'd be there early to meet people and sign books and they didn't know. Is there any chance you'll be coming back any time soon? I am just so disappointed (and I'm 10th on a waiting list.) Let me know if you'll be in Chicago again any time soon....I wish I had checked your blog this morning, I knew doing laundry was a bad idea today!!! Amy

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Karen says…

    OUCH! I see your class is already booked--I'm about 2.5 hours from Chicago but would have been there in a heartbeat! Hopefully I can catch you another time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Michelle Nelson says…

    Bummer, the WindyCity class is sold out. I was fortunate enough to take Evolution with you at CKU Chicago this year. It changed my whole outlook on what scrapbooking is. LOVED the experience. Maybe next time.

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  17. Alraynita says…

    I am so glad you are coming back to see us at Windy City Scrapbooking and YES!!! we are so excited to have you with us and teaching on top of that.
    Al @ WCS

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  18. Jen says…

    i love them all! :) Especially those AC rubons. I've used some in classes and demos I've taught and they work so well!

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  19. kat-in-texas says…

    Touch You!!! Gets to park your car in the garage!!! ha.ha. Mine still sits in the elements. Husband built a big shed, but I haven't seen anything "move out" of the garage. hmmm. Enjoy your new found blessing!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Helen says…

    it took us 4 years to clean away the garage in order to park the car LOL!!!
    Those products are fun, special mention for bordered paper!
    have a nice day !

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jen says…

    All three look delicious!

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  22. Nicky Anderson says…

    Love the added outdoor living space that we get in the summertime. We love our yard and outdoor space. This year Wayne is extending Brodys play area to include a climbing wall and a big boy swing set, the pool goes up, the sun screen comes out and life outdoors happens until late fall.
    Glad you can finally park in a garage - it is amazing once you can.
    Love your summer choices! Cannot wait for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. josie says…

    I am very excited to participate in your class at Windy City!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Shelly Kettell says…

    I'm so glad you pulled out your grill!!! We have ours in use year round...and Josh hates it when it is 20 or below but we use it for a ton of stuff! Get into this habit this brings the family together for the meal time and keeps the kitchen a bit neater! :) You'll need Bobby Flay's books! or just tivo him!
    Thanks for sharing the 3 things!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Cyndi says…

    Wow that was awesome. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer all that. I bet those are very cool in real life. Thanks, Ali, for sharing!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies

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