Three Things : Lines (and a Designer Digitals giveaway)


One of the easiest ways I have found to add journaling to my projects is to incorporate products that include lines just waiting for words. They invite words.

[ Or I can always just pull out the pen + ruler and get those lines on there myself. Whatever is least complicated at the moment tends to be my choice. ]

Here's a look at some of my favorite products that showcase the simple beauty of lines:

Karen Russell Narratives Scalloped Lined Paper : Probably one of my all time favorite lined papers (next to the old Making Memories Ledger paper). I love that bit of scallop around the edge.

Technique Tuesday's Storyteller's Ledger Stamp : A great stamp for jotting down information and telling bits of a story on layouts, cards, minibooks, etc. Completely versatile.

Luxe Simple Lined Double-Sided Paper : Quickly becoming a favorite, this lined paper is a part of Luxe's Simply Luxe line (essentially lines + dots). Check out the grid, ledger, and pinstriped verisions as well.

Mug Memo Notebook from Fishs Eddy : This mug inspired the line theme this week. Such a happy mug. And watch out for lots of other cool things in this shop. Check out the other memo/line-inspired mugs and trays here.


In addition to Three Things today I am exicted to offer a giveaway of my first collection of layered templates and brushes from Designer Digitals. Leave a comment below with your favorite tip for getting words down on your projects (and not leaving them blank for a "someday-down-the-road-I-will-add-the-journaling"). A winner will be drawn at 5pm Pacific on Wednesday.


[ Three Things is a weekly product series : check out the archives here. ]

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682 thoughts

  1. Tess says…

    I have a little MP3 player that is also a voice recorder. When something memorable happens and I want to remember it, i whip that little puppy out and record the date, time and what happened. Most of the time a picture has been taken, so I know I'll have one to go along with the words. But sometimes, I just scrap the words. :-)

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  2. Mary says…

    "don't be a perfectionist" who cares if my hand-writing looks like chicken scrawl, who cares that the grammar isn't correct, who cares i have misplaced commas... just write it down, the future will thank you. There's a lot of old photos my mom has and it's always a guessing game on who the people are and where they are! Important info. we often forget.
    (pick me picke me!!!)

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  3. charity says…

    i write things down as they happen or right after. i jot them on paper or in the notes section of my phone...whatever is handy. that way i don't have to spend time remembering exactly what happened or what was said later.
    thank you for all the creativity and inspiration you share!!

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  4. Sharon says…

    For "in the moment" journaling, I either grab a post-it note & write it or send myself a text message on my phone, with the thought, whatever was said or remembered. If it's a post-it note - DATE it, including the year. Great for being constantly on-the-go!

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  5. Michelle says…

    I write the words first! Or, if it's short I punch out a little circle and write in that. I love all that lined paper too!

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  6. Amy W says…

    To make sure I get words on my page...I now make sure to do the journaling at the same time I pick the photos. Having everything ready to go BEFORE I start my page makes sure I don't forget anything and no more "oops, not enough room". Treating the journaling as an element that is as important as the photo makes all the difference!

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  7. Susan M says…

    I speak-write.
    When gathering photos for a page, I think to myself what would I say if I were sitting down with my kids or grandkids and sharing memories about the photos.
    Then I write what I would say.

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  8. Trina says…

    One strategy is to write down what I want to say first and then to play with the paper.

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  9. AmyJ says…

    When I scrapbook a page, I simply make the jouranling a must.
    But otherwise. . . I do have a blog and a notebook where I can journal. I want to start using the "Description" field on my photos for journaling ahead of time as well. This will work especially well in Picasa.

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  10. 2stampis2b says…

    I keep a little tag notebook in my purse that I made with my Bind-It-All and write down notes or quotes that my 5-year-old says. I recently wrote down the details of his kindergarten screening tasks so I wouldn't forget. I would have never remembered the quote and date of one time when he said "Pigs eat mud. When they run out of mud, the farmer buys more. It comes in little cans." I made a really cute page with that quote on it, only because I had it written down!

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  11. Monica says…

    The best way I have found to get words down on my layout is digital scrapbooking. Before I would have layouts that would go a year or longer before I would finally get around to it. Along with the pictures, I think the words are the most important part. I hated this method. Now that I have found digi scrapping, my words get done while I'm working on a layout. This is why I am stoked you are teaming up with DD! I can't wait!

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  12. Sandrine alias Didine says…

    Can I say I love my handwriting ? ;-) isn't it too narcissic ??! For my journaling I adore to use stickers cardstock or chipboard tag or label that have lines printed ! Or if I can't fnd one that suit with my creation I use my stamp round or square or oval label ! I can repeat the pattern so my journaling can be more long or not ;-)
    Have a wonderful day ! Smooch ;-)

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  13. Carole Hepburn says…

    I'm always writing things down, since I started journaling in high school being part of the year book staff. I love that the words add to the entire picture display on my pages. I love how they add to the photo's story and if you take one of my classes at the store , I have been called the journaling nazi ( make sure you write it down so people in future generations will actually know more about what happened than just the picture )- I also have a notebook that I just write in , not really a journal but a "thoughts" book....this is a great source to refresh my memory !!

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  14. Sara says…

    I'm a digital scrapper so I can never say I don't have the right product to put on a project. Even if I use the same journal spot or lined stamp a million times, I find a spot for it on my layout. Sometimes it's only a one sentence quip... sometimes it's a long story from my blog that fits the moment, but I always look at the page as I'm making it and wonder to myself if I stranger picked up this book would there be enough on the page for them to get the mood I'm trying to project? Sometimes that doesn't require words, but more often than not I find myself writing just a little something to mark the moment.
    PS... Can't wait to see your DD stuff!!!

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  15. Michelle says…

    I pretend I'm telling someone about it. It's true, I talk to myself over and over until it somehow gets poetic and concise. Sometimes I even record it on my phone so i don't forget what I've said. Then I scribble it all down before I forget and call it good!

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  16. Mandy says…

    I have a notebook that I keep simple sentences and phrases in that I like. I also use the 'stickies' on my mac to cut and paste quick ideas that I am totally all about!

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  17. Leigh says…

    I refer back to my blog, but I do like to incorporate journaling blocks in the layout so it "forces" me to journal more.

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  18. Aubrey says…

    Telling myself that something is better than nothing and just writing, because I know (from many half-done pages) that later means not at all. Thanks for the giveaway!

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  19. kellie says…

    I love that mug! For journaling, I ask myself who, what, when, where, and why. It usually sparks some memories and I make sure I cover everything.

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  20. J. Michelle says…

    I usually just write right on my LO - around pictures, freehand somewhere on the page. Or I make my own lines - recently I painted lines on with acrylic paint and then wrote with my favorite American Craft journaling pen. I also really like using Heidi Swapp journaling spots. I great holder for journaling.
    Thanks for sharing all your talents!

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  21. Kirsten V. says…

    I tend to write my journaling down before I start designing the page. I want to get the "feel" of the page down because that will influence what the "look" will be. Plus I can design the right amount of space for what I want to say when I know what my journaling will be. There is always room to tweak along the way too!

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  22. Ronda JT says…

    Post it notes!!! LOVE 'em in every color! I keep them with the pictures till they are scrapped. Also, I have been journaling on my blog so it is all ready when I get the opportunity to scrap.

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  23. sue says…

    I love your three things for Tuesday. Lines are really fascinating aren't they?
    I want to wish you well on your digital adventure. I'm sure your productline will be awesome. Journaling for me? When I'm on vacation, I keep a small journal of what we do, see, feel etc every day. Then I put it with the photos from that vacation so that when I eventually get around to doing that album, it's ready to use.

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  24. Meg says…

    Usually I just write them straight on the page. I feel so brave doing this but it almost always works out great.
    I have been taking Jessica Sprague's digi classes amd she is helping me learn new ways to do this which are exciting!

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  25. Lydia says…

    With my laptop on and in a convenient location, I jot things down all the time. Sometimes I get the whole story, others it's a list of what I want to write about. I catch up while we travel (lots of time spent in the car) and I'm able to get my family's input as well.
    My writing is divided by month and then into categories: my kids, family life, personal space, and other happenings. I copy and paste, add photos and I'm practically finished.
    I was just looking over a scrapbook from a trip to France. I was so glad that I kept a little notebook with me. I wrote down interesting things guides taught, memories from my dad when he lived there years ago, observations, contrasts and comparisons, etc. My little notebooks have made for great albums that bring back so many memories and remind of the neat things I've learned. Nothing beats journaling written in the moment.
    How quickly we forget...even those things we never think we will. My mom frequently says, "have you written that down yet?" What an example!

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