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Come Play Eugene

Just a quick note that we will be having another get together at Jill's for Come Play Eugene next Saturday, September 6th. You can find all the details (including info about meeting up at the Coburg Antique Fair on Sunday morning) here.

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10 thoughts

  1. m says…

    Lucky Eugene... ;-)

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  2. Carol Zeitz says…

    Oh I am so jealous! What a fun and fabulous weekend you ladies are going to have. I wish I was wealthy and could just fly to Eugene to join the party. Jealous jealous jealous. Must go work on a green layout now just to get this out of my system!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Nicky Anderson says…

    Hope you have so much fun!!! Wish I was closer.

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  4. Holly says…

    Just wanted to drop a note to say that I love your blog and find it inspiring.
    I also linked to your blog from mine, and wanted to make sure that was cool :)

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  5. Christine says…

    In the "today" section, where the Leo Buscaglia quote is, can you forward me the quote you had in there last week? I meant to copy it down and forgot. I want to include it in my journal.

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  6. Nicole says…

    Ali, is there any way to get a signed copy of your book if we are just to darn far away to come?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ali says…

    Hey Nicole - you can get an autographed copy from Cocoa Daisy:

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  8. Amy says…

    Holy cow...this looks like "Road Trip"!!!

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  9. The Writer Mama says…

    This is so brilliant. I had a similar burst of inspiration and realized that I wanted to create more Wilsonville-centric events and I have, starting with an author series at the local library. But this idea of doing it with friends is even more brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? You've given me something to ponder over the long weekend. Thanks, as always, Ali!

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  10. The Writer Mama says…

    This is so brilliant. I had a similar burst of inspiration and realized that I wanted to create more Wilsonville-centric events and I have, starting with an author series at the local library. But this idea of doing it with friends is even more brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? You've given me something to ponder over the long weekend. Thanks, as always, Ali!

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