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Three Things : Thinking Beyond The Theme


As I was answering the Q & A's this past week one of the things that came up was my choice of embellishments. I tend to gravitate towards ones that feature universal themes: life, memory/remember, today/everyday, photography/capturing moments, travel (often includes explore, journey, images of compasses, etc - so great "life" words as well as travel-specific), numbers/alphabet, basic shape stamps, etc. I find by sticking with these sorts of themes allows me a lot of flexibility when I get down to the business of creating projects and telling stories.

Here are three of my current favorite universal accents:

Scenic Route Vacation Rub Ons:
These were a part of the July Cocoa Daisy kit I put together and is
one of those products that I will pick up over and over again because
the words + that great camera rub on can be used for such a variety of stories. "The Great Escape" could title a layout about your favorite cup of coffee or your favorite book or way to treat yourself after a challenging day.

American Crafts Adhesive Badges : These cute little adhesive buttons aren't just for travel pages. A package like this can be used for a variety of different projects/layouts which makes your dollar go further than a complete one-time use product. "Bon Voyage" could be used on a back to school layout. "You Are Here" on a layout about your life right now. "Rendezvous" on a page about a local get together with friends or a meeting of kids at the park.

Glitz Rub Ons/Doodle It Borders : These could have worked with the back to school products I showcased last week, but also work great on general life layouts and projects. Use them as strips or cut out individual pieces for additional flexibility.


As a side note to today's post I noticed that Karen Russell's Easel Frame Albums are now available at I posted about these quite awhile ago and I am excited to see them finally available [ colors include black/cream, blue/green, and pink/cream ].

[ Three Things is a weekly product series : check out the archives here. ]

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9 thoughts

  1. Erin says…

    I love versatile embellishments as well-and I've already gotten my hands on all 3 of those really cool easel books. They're going to make excellent, unique gifts!

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  2. Amy says…

    I love those rubons!! I wish I had seen this yesterday, I just ordered some stuff from, but it already shipped. I also bought the pink Karen Russell album! My new baby neice was born last Wednesday so that album definitely has her name on it! I love that one. You are a world class enabler! lol And I thank you for it. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. christen says…

    i feel the same way about arrows and clocks...i use them all the time on lots of different types of layouts.

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  4. donnamatthews says…

    Cool stuff! Why were you up at 5 AM!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. All Moments Remembered says…

    We love these Easel albums and have them stocked in the store!! We have seen some amazing mini albums made with them. I am excited today!!! Your new book came in to the store and we now have it stocked ready for sale! It is gorgeous and I can hardly wait to slip into my over stuffed chair tonight when kids are in bed and devour it!!
    Hugs, Stacey

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  6. Michelle in Colorado says…

    I have that COOL CAMERA from Scenic Route as an acrylic stamp (also includes the words "snapshot" and "caught on film" as small stamps). It's a GREAT stamp and I use it all the time (holds ink well)!!! So for those who might really like the rub-on, just fyi. =) It's a small stamp kit, good price.(several places sell it, search "scenic route stamp snapshot")

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jen says…

    I just picked up one of Karen's easel albums last weekend -- or to be more accurate, my 3 year old chose it for me. I love it, and the other products you've got here look really good too. I've started weeding out my supplies using pretty close to the same criteria as you mentioned, and it makes life so much easier.

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  8. KimP says…

    Ali, Thanks for the info on Karen's easel albums - they are lovely!

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  9. Marilyn says…

    Oh I just love Karen Russell's Easel albums. I, too, am very happy to see them available. I gravitate toward travel rub-on's or transparencies b/c my final destination is usually a hot bubble bath! I use them for my everyday life. I have used, "Are we there yet" when I'm arguing with my daughter in OR!!!! I may not have the photo but I can tell the story quite readily.
    I enjoy all of the products you showcase. I know the focus is your 3 favorite products, yet they function as educational tools. For me, they teach me different ways to use the products. You have taught me that there is never just one way to use a product. I believe you, I just need you, my teacher!
    How do I download your handwriting as an official font? I have seen it and a link that was to transport me to a place to download it, but I detoured I guess because I didn't find it.
    Also, I continue to wait and search for the white Sharpie pen for writing on photos and zip-can't find it anywhere. If I send you a check will you get me 1/2 dozen when you order for yourself?
    Keep fingers crossed Gustavo misses us!!!!! Loaded up on hurricane essentials-photo op!
    Have a great week,

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