Right now.


1. Filling the house with fresh flowers.

2. Excited that my Mom arrived yesterday and will be here with us for the next couple of weeks.

3. Watching Simon work-through his homework. Going through the routine of protest, silliness, more protest, and finally settling into concentration and then triumph & celebration at the end. 

4. Reading voraciously. Started and finished Girl with a Pearl Earring
in a couple nights. Starting World Without End

5. About half-way through creating a "reflections" book for the first few weeks/month with the new baby. Planning to share images from that project on Monday unless she comes before then. I am using some older pink Anna Griffin patterned papers that I have been holding on to for something special. 

6. Our bags for the hospital are packed and ready to go with comfortable clothes and a couple sweet things for the baby.

7. Feeling calm about my choice to have a repeat c-section.

8. Hoping to finish up our taxes today. Would love to have that done and out the door before the baby comes. 

9. Trying to remember what it's really like caring for a newborn. Reading up a bit on baby care and hoping it will all come back to me (or I will relearn). I would love to read some of your favorite tips for those first few weeks if you have them (I am all good with the "sleep when the baby sleeps" mantra).

10. Simply excited beyond measure to hold this new bundle and welcome her into our lives.


It's all pretty surreal right now.

I have been thinking a lot about the three of us and the family unit we have been for the past seven years. For many of those years I was pretty sure that Simon would be our one and only. Now, with another one coming so very soon, I have been reflecting a bunch and hugging Simon just that much tighter and longer.

I am a different person in lots of ways compared to who I was when Simon was born. Many, many things have impacted me tremendously over the past seven years. I am looking forward to meeting myself in this new role. I will be gentle with myself. I will seek help when I need it. I will savor and celebrate as many moments as I can.

Looking back and looking ahead and being in the right here, right now.

Things are about to change big time once again.

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446 thoughts

  1. Kelly says…

    Good luck Ali! I've been checking your blog daily to see if Baby E has arrived yet! Trust me, it will come back to you, caring for a newborn! Wishing the E family ALL the best in the upcoming weeks!

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  2. Mary L says…

    Wishing you the best of luck in your new baby. You make a great mom!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Michelle says…

    Wow, so exciting. I think all the stuff you already do (i.e., hugging Simon tight, cherishing each day, and living in the moment) are the very best things you can do. My two are 8 and just-turned 6 now, and with my second I wished I had said "remember this" (out loud, if needed!!!) more often. She was more difficult than my son was and so daily baby things seemed more of a blur, I guess (plus the toddler factor). I think it's awesome that Simon is older, he will be your helper, friend, and person to talk to through it all (in addition to others, of course, and in his own 7-yr old way) which I think is WAY cool. Also, when have to deal with little girl and the demands of a baby, I say don't feel guilty about letting Simon watch more-than-usual TV or stuff like that. Because this too shall pass and sometimes, just sometimes, it's all about survival mode! =) AND also remember that for Simon just seeing you with baby girl and how you love her, THAT in itself is a blessing to him to witness that love and care. So even when you ARE paying extra attention to baby, that is teaching and loving Simon, too, if that makes sense. It's all about the family unit, give and take. For sure you already know that! =)
    Have fun, know we'll miss your blogging when there's no time to post, but that it's well worth it for your beautiful growing family. And how totally cool to have a little girl in the house!!! Enjoy.....can't wait to see pictures. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Suzanne says…

    Wishing you well, I have 7 years difference between my last 2 and it was in a way like starting over again. I would never change any of it now, but it was hard to start with. Each day got that little bit easier.
    All the best.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Renee Spindler says…

    Ali, my most useful baby tip is to make the crib three times at once. Since it is a pain to make I would use a mattress pad then crib sheet, large lap pad then another sheet, large lap pad and another sheet.(I'm sure you could have understood w/o out me spelling it out; ) Then during the night when there was a leaking diaper or spit-up, all you have to do is take off the top set and you would be ready to go without the hassle of remaking.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jennifer Larson says…

    Oh, good luck and best wishes to you! My best advice for child #2 is to get a good night's sleep. My first boy I was so excited to have, I insisted on his being in my room the first night--after 49 hours of labor and no sleep for days. I was so tired!
    Baby boy #2, I said, "Yup, you can keep him in the nursery tonight. Go ahead and feed him formula. He'll be OK." After that night I was well rested and ready.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Summer Aiello says…

    Caring for the newborn thing- Paige has been with us for one week and it's all coming back slowly but surely. I'm sending you good thoughts and vibes for a smooth transition. Ours wasn't *quite* as smooth as I would have liked, but it's getting there! One thing though, you will be smitten all over again. :)

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  8. natalie gingrich says…

    having a sweet newborn & a 3 year old, my advice is to make a point of even 10 minutes just for your big boy every day. simon is probably more understanding than a 3 year old, but it just seemed that everytime he needed something i was nursing. you know how it is that first month or two. to keep him feeling like "the one" i spent these exclusive mom and zach moments together building train tracks, digging in the dirt, swinging, or taking a walk. the other idea is to walk as a family. it engages everyone and it's good for ya!
    i wish you more bliss than you can even imagine. little girl edwards will be such a pleasure. even though you feel uncertain of the way things will be, be comforted in that your life will be more full and complete than ever before.
    can't wait to see the babe!

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  9. Kirsten Juenke says…

    You will be just fine. You're so lucky to have your mama there to help. My advice: savor her. And. I do not believe you can hold a new baby too much. Excited to *meet* her!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sherri Rodgers says…

    Ali, The best part about becoming a mother for the second time is: you already know what to do. Trust me, you are READY. :) I hope the delivery goes well and you & new little A are face to face in the next few days. Take some time off from your wonderful blog to REST.... you deserve it. Seriously! As for Simon, he just might surprise you with how excited he will be to share his world. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Too bad you can't just plug in a mesmerizing craft DVD to entertain us all until you come back...! ha!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Chris Dodaj says…

    Congratulations, Ali to you and your family!
    May you enjoy each and every minute!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Pip Prosser says…

    With in excess of 300 comments to your call for newborn advice I am thinking that I don't need to offer any.
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you luck for the safe arrival of your baby princess ... we had our 3rd baby last September after an EIGHT year gap ... I was so nervous about a newborn in the house and trying to fit in everything with the big kids ... but so far (almost 5 months) it all works ... baby Freddie has brought so much joy to our family and his big brother and sister are wonderful helpers ... but best of all, I know so much more this time and I am really enjoying every little moment because I fully understand how quickly time passes.
    So my advice is to enjoy your precious baby ... she will sleep through the night ... she will smile ... she will sit up ... she will crawl ... she will walk ... she will be all grown up before you know it so ENJOY it all ... best of luck ... Pip

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  13. Jennifer says…

    Best wishes for a healthy and happy delivery. What a wonderful experience.
    I'm with everyone else here: get some good, healthy, quick food into the house. If friends and family offer help but don't specify, let them bring food or groceries over (and don't let them forget Simon!). We had people bringing food and groceries on and off for several weeks and it was the best.
    Some advice that was given to me before my son was born (but I ignored and wish I hadn't): take care of any little life/everyday details before the baby gets here. Just don't forget that everything is like, 9,000 times harder when you have a little baby to "help" you with your errands. Running to the post office could qualify for an olympic event when there's a baby involved! :)
    And all the usual advice: snuggle them to pieces, give yourself a break, remember that you will eventually regain some semblance of order/normalcy at some point. Enjoy the ride!
    Best wishes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kellie says…

    "I am a different person in lots of ways compared to who I was when Simon was born. Many, many things have impacted me tremendously over the past seven years. I am looking forward to meeting myself in this new role. I will be gentle with myself. I will seek help when I need it. I will savor and celebrate as many moments as I can.
    Looking back and looking ahead and being in the right here, right now. "
    You don't need any tips Ali - you said it all in those 6 sentences. Blessings to you and your soon-to-be-expanded family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Aubrey says…

    So excited for all of you! My youngest daughter is just about 2, and her sister is 9, so I can relate with what you're going through with the age difference. My oldest has had, and continues to have, some issues adjusting to not being the one and only--but she is also old enough to really appreciate her sister and adores her as much as we do. We are lucky that she takes out her resentment on us, and not on her sister. :) With the comments you've made about Simon being excited, it sounds like that'll be a great transition. Oh--I did hear some advice to always call it "our baby." You're probably already doing that. :)
    I will say that I was amazed (it having been so long) that my brain was as mush at it was. I heard about the Itzbeen (you can find it on Amazon) once my little one was past the point of me really needing it, but I would've given my eye tooth to have had it those first few months. Especially when there is care being traded from one person to another. That'd be my tip. :)
    Praying for a smooth and easy delivery for you and baby and Dad and Simon, too. We're all so anxious to meet her! (not as anxious as you guys, I'm sure!)

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  16. Emily Barklage says…

    I hope Chris will let us know when baby A arrives!

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  17. Bonnie says…

    My two little pieces of mommy advice...
    1. If you are planning to breastfeed and if you don't mind the "family bed" thing, learn to do it lying down! Once the baby gets a little bigger and knows what she is doing and is a bit "sturdier", you can doze in the night while she nurses!
    2. Don't forget that you CAN get pregnant even if you are nursing...and even if you haven't had a period. (I learned this from personal experience...my first two children are 13 months apart. Yikes! Ok, in truth, my boys are currently 5 & 4 and I wouldn't change a thing...but those first six months were overwhelmingly difficult. I was muuuuuch calmer when baby #3 was born 10 months ago.)
    I love love love your blog and your art and your views on life. You awe and inspire me. As a full-time special ed teacher, I also enjoy reading about Simon's progress. You and your husband seem like awesome parents.
    God bless!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Vonda Orders says…

    I can really feel the anticipation in your writing. I think you have everything planned and ready that you can at this point. Ready or not, a baby is initially just a really disruptive (but wonderful) force in a household Thanks for sharing all along the way.

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  19. Gemma says…

    If you don't have it, or one like it, purchase this swing
    It's the Fisher Price Side to Side Swing and it's AWESOME. It's the only reason I have more than one child (and I have three).
    The side to side motion comforts the baby and allows you a little freedom from holding the little darling all the time. Love it! Couldn't live without it.
    Break-a-Leg! (I'm superstitious and used to be in theatre...)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Janna Davis says…

    You will be amazed at how much more you are able to love! You will love Simon and Chris MORE because of their new roles, and how great they will be. And you will all be so in love with baby girl! It will be seriously triple the love at your house! I was so worried about dividing up the love, but it's not like that at all!
    As for the repeat C-section, you will probably find it to be much easier this time around.
    As for the baby, just soak it in! It will all come flooding back!
    Best of luck!
    Janna Davis

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  21. Angela Cardas Meredith says…

    Good luck man. You are going to be an awesome "mother of two." :)

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  22. Carri says…

    Enjoy the times even though they will be hard in the beginning. First three months are probably the most difficult. Take lots of photos, get sleep when you can. I just got a carrier recently that I wish I had earlier on it's called a beco butterfly carrier and it's really nice. carries front and on your back, much better than a Bjorn. Something that would be great to have and you might still be able to get some work done while she is tucked snug inside next her momma. Best wishes for a safe delivery for you and your baby!

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  23. Jana says…

    The best thing we did with our babies was have them share our bed. Easy for me to feed them in the middle of the night & for my honey to change any wet diapers! We all slept great together too, no worries! My oldest was content in her room when her baby sister came along, so she wasn't disturbed at night since the baby was with us. (no jealousy about that either, but might have been 'cause the oldest spent her first 3 1/2 years in our room, seeing how we had just a one bedroom place then!) You're going to remember everything once you hold that little bundle in your arms! P.S. if you need a sitter, my 20 yr. old daughter goes to UO!

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  24. jmbmommy says…

    What helped me a lot with babies and even kids is the perspective...that whatever it is that is happening and stressful is that it will change. Always it will change. That is comforting to me when everyone is screaming and I am feeling at the end of my rope. Congrats on the new little one, enjoy!

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  25. Daphne Sayers says…

    As others have noted, I doubt you need advice, but I will add: forget about housework and just order takeout! Continue this for as long as you can get away with it. My son is almost four months old now and we're still eating lots of takeout. I wish you and your family all the best and I will look forward to reading about all the wonderful ways that I'm sure Baby A will inspire you!

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