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The Weekend in Photos


Simon reading a Maisy book to Anna.


Anna really enjoying it (and her big brother).

Chris fishing for spring Chinook salmon on the Columbia River.

A place on the floor of our bedroom for a family-slumber-party. 

A nap & a stretch or two (or more).

And a bath.

Other weekend memories to remember:
• Picking up some new peony plants at our favorite local nursery that just opened for the season.
• Going on a walk to the park with Anna in the stroller, Simon on his bike, and Lily on the leash.
• Shopping for lettuce and flowers at the Farmer's Market.
• Eating fresh salmon caught in the morning for dinner on Saturday.
• Breakfast early Sunday morning at our local hangout.
• Simon riding his bike with the neighbor kids and looking so, so tall.

• Making him change his clothes to a short sleeve t-shirt and shorts
because the weather was phenomenal.
• Digging in the backyard and dreaming about the changes I want to make out there (more projects).

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83 thoughts

  1. Lara says…

    Aww, I love teh one where Simon is reading to Anna and she's smiling sooo big!!! And look at the way she is looking at you in the bath! Soooo sweet!!!

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  2. jenn says…

    love it! Sounds like a fabulous weekend :) have a great week Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Rene' Sharp says…

    What a lovely insight into your weekend!! I really enjoyed this post. I was also very inspired by all your organisational posts, thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. laura j says…

    Wow! I'll bet that salmon was yummy! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Hannah says…

    the projects never end do they!!! garden, home, craft....they just keep coming...and are SO much fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Shanon Gibson says…

    Nothing tastes better than Pacific Northwest Salmon! One of the many things I miss about living there. Simon and Anna look adorable together and I know you will have many, many more moments like that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nikki Love says…

    I so enjoy your pics, Ali! Simon and Anna are so precious together :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Janaina says…

    You baby seems so happy with a bath, mine still crying like end of the world, well he is younger (6 wweeks) but sometimes is so frustrating.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Nicky from Canada says…

    Isn't life great - glad it was a good weekend.
    Ours was amazing too - our snow is almost all gone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. alexandra says…

    great photos Ali! The one of Anna stretching reminded me of our Wyatt as a babe - he slept in his bouncy seat in that exact pose all the time - my husband used to joke that Wyatt always seemed to be raising his hand with a question.
    I loved how you described your weekend - it sounds heavenly.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kate says…

    that picture of Simon reading to Anna's just so precious...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. christen says…

    these are fantastic pictures - thanks for sharing them! i took a lot of fun pictures this weekend, too. it is so fun to document our lives this way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Sue B says…

    I especially love the first and last photo. Precious

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. carikraft says…

    Oh my gosh, I wish I could go back in time with my digital camera and take these kinds of pictures of my kids when they were little!!! Love the one of Simon and Anna during story time! And Anna in the sun napping like a little puppy? Gaawsh! And the fresh salmon?! I've seen that proud smile on Simon's face a time or two! But then you went for the heart melter with the bathtime shot! You are right where you belong, lady, and I am so glad you have invited us along for the ride!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lauren says…

    Gosh your baby girl is such a doll. And Simon is a sweet big brother!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lynn says…

    I adored this post. The look Anna has in her eyes, totally locked on to yours. I miss that Saturday Market in Portland, and fishing for Salmon on the Columbia...wha...homesick! I love peonies and working in the warmer weather. We just got a bit of it yesterday. Finally.
    Okay, off to start my day, Happy Monday Ali and Co.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Sarah says…

    I'm so jealous. Having lived in Skagit Valley, I know nothing beats fresh salmon, I miss it so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sarah says…

    Love seeing your posts that document your everyday life like that. You captured some great shots of Simon reading to Anna... how precious! Also, the way she looks at you so intently... priceless!
    I am expecting my first child in <6 weeks and within these past few days, am starting to get a little nervous: Keep wondering how big baby will be, how many onesies of each size I will really need, am I prepared enough and... what if the u/s prediction was wrong and it comes out a girl (we have ALL BLUE and camo clothes!) We are VERY EXCITED to welcome this baby into our lives! (Hopefully, not for a few more weeks though...)
    Checked out the MOBY WRAP after you twittered about it. Is it a MUST HAVE?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Maureen in IL says…

    Love the photos of Simon and Anna together. So sweet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. maribeth says…

    oh, those pictures of simon with anna are precious and priceless! how sweet! my older brother and i are the same distance apart and i remember admiring him so much and thinking everything he did was so amazing. looks like they are on their way to a wonderful relationship!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Shelly says…

    Aww! Those photos of Simon reading to Anna are just precious!!! It looks like they have a sweet relationship. How wonderful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Ali Edwards says…

    I really like it Sarah. It takes a bit of time to get used to - especially in figuring out how to get it on. My sister has it as well and loves it. She told me she watched a couple videos on you tube to help with how to get it on - I did that too and it really helped. They are super soft and comfortable.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Heather says…

    oh Ali that last picture is soooo sweet!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Holly T. says…

    Sweet the tall kid on the oldest is the same age as Simon and I too have been doing a double Growing like a weed.
    I also adored the Simon reading and connecting with sis.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Danielle says…

    Looks like you had a terrific weekend. I absolutely love the photo of Simon reading to Anna how precious!

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