Shop our new Pieces of Us Collection!
Shop our new Pieces of Us Collection!
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Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale
Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale

And the giveaway goes to...

One person will receive the lovely kit showcased in the post below from

Congratulations to: 

Sylvia : I'm a newbie to your site and so excited about this cool giveaway! I'm feeling a bit uninspired lately with my scrapbooking so a new set of goodies would be awesome!!! Thank You.

Sylvia, please email me ali at aliedwardsdesign dot com with your contact information. 

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10 thoughts

  1. Renee says…

    Hi, Sylvia,
    Congrats on winning all the goodies. I know you will enjoy them. Keep in touch!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Serena says…

    Ali, I'd love to see what you've made/are making with this kit. It is beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. *elaine* says…

    Congratulations to Sylvia...that was a sweet giveaway. Would love to see what you create with it! AliEdwards rocks...& just possibly shares a name with my Ali short for a bigger name? Just bein' nosy! *elaine*

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Melanie S. says…

    Way to go Sylvia!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa Shaw-BlueMoonScrapbooking says…

    Congratulations Sylvia we will ship your goodies fast so you can play!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Ali Edwards says…

    Nope, just Ali :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Elaine Allen says…

    Congratulations Sylvia - now go little grasshopper, make lots of goodies and make us proud!
    Elaine Allen

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sylvia Howard says…

    When I saw my name I thought I won (I enter as many contests as I can) but didn't this one b/c I was away camping with the family. Glad I checked b/f I replied! However, I thought I'd take the time to tell you, Ali, how wonderful you are. Love your blog, love your site, love to follow you (now I'm sounding like a stalker). I check your site almost everyday, but scroll back to see what I missed if I don't get to you one day! :) I heard of you from Karen Russell and you chicks just Rock!! You gals inspire me.
    And, Congratulations, Sylvia from one Sylvia to another! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Ali Edwards says…

    Thank you - that was nice :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Online Pharmacy says…

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