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New Project Class | Halloween MiniBook 2010

I'm excited to announce a new addition to my site: downloadable, self-paced project classes.

Classes will include a full color PDF with step by step instructions plus a class page with video tutorials detailing the process of putting together the project.

The debut class is a Halloween MiniBook (mine uses photos from 2009). Here's a video preview of the new class:

AE Halloween MiniBook 2010 Promo from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

For more details about the downloadable project class and to purchase click here.

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56 thoughts

  1. Heather says…

    I am sooooo excited by this new addition! I can't wait to do some of these. Thanks for the ideas & inspirations Ali:-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lacey says…

    Absolutely awesome promo! Impressed with how this is all coming for you. I'm so signing up! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. audra says…

    LOVE the new addition!!! THANKS for this & looking forward to it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Dana says…

    Hey Ali! I'm so happy to see this new addition to your website! I'm definitely buying this class! And not that you asked...but since you're planning on making more of these downloadable projects...I'd personally LOVE to see what ideas/projects you have for travel related photos/layouts/minibooks. thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Holly says…

    Ali, I'm so excited about the idea of these classes but would you PLEASE, PLEASE consider compiling a "kit" that can be ordered in addition to your classes that would include the non-digital elements such as paper, overlays, album? I'm exhausting myself right now trying to piece together and find online the overlay's you used for the December Daily this year. Would love if I could just order a kit with all the contents I need to finish a project!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for the feedback Holly - it's something I'm considering for the future.

  6. Tere says…

    This is so very cool! I love how it turned out. I loved your album a few years ago and thought of it as I captured last month in pictures. I've signed up, ordered nearly everything but am bummed that the album is NOT available via or 2Peas. Thanks for your inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Abby P says…

      Just jumping in here with some album info -- I just bought it on- line at A Page for all Seasons -- USA -- for $4.75. YAY!

  7. DawnS says…

    What a great idea! Can't wait to see what other project classes you have in store for us:)

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  8. Kelly Jo says…

    super psyched for this, Ali! I just bought myself a Cinch so I'm itching to get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Carla says…

    Love it....I had better get shopping!

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  10. Jen Thompson says…

    So you don't need PSE for this class??? Because I don't have it lol

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Not at all Jen - purely a traditional paper scrapbooking project.

  11. Jen D says…

    Ali- I am so excited to see this class. I was really hoping you would start these types of projects/classes with your new website. I love your classes and projects and would happily pay for them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. dawn says…

    Hi Ali,

    I love love this idea. Should be able to swing the $14 for class but not for the supplies. I have some halloween papers/stickers but no overlays or album yet. Yours looks great by the way. My questions for you are:'

    1. Does self-pace mean we can do them at anytime we want after buying it?

    2. Can we use any album if we can't get this one?

    3. Is this going to be a monthly,season,holiday, kinda thing?

    You are always thinking of such cool and new ideas, do you walk around with a journal and write down thoughts/ideas all the time. Do you have a journal that you doddle in to come up with your word stamps? I wish my mind worked like yours, I always have chores and dinner and bills on my mind. Thank you for all you do to inspire us, I love coming to your blog everyday.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      1. Yes, anytime. There's no time-limit. Self-paced means it's not an actively guided class. You purchase and the content is all there ready for you when you're ready for it.

      2. Sure! I'm definitely encouraging people to either use up some of the stash. In this case there's no digital downloads or other pieces that are sized specifically to the album.

      3. Not sure yet on this one. Going to see how this first one goes and go from there.

  13. dawn says…

    I forgot to say good luck to Chris on his re-election and Happy birthday to him and an early one for you on Thursday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Angie says…

    I love this, Ali. Your ideas are always so creative and inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do.

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  15. Chris says…

    Very cool idea, Ali. Wish that I really had enough content for a good comprehensive Halloween album. Next year, I'll definitely will have that when kiddo is old enough to trick-or-treat (only 6.5 months now). Will this class be here to download whenever, or will you remove it at some point? Thanks so much for being sooo creative!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      My plan is to keep it up and add others ;).

  16. Cathy says…

    Really excited about this. Are you going to do any bigger projects, like Yesterday and Today? I took that class and loved it. I don't do mini projects that much, although I am doing December Daily. You made it look so doable.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Bigger classes will continue to be with Big Picture. Hoping to have more with them in the future.

  17. Lacey says…

    I bought this class, and have watched the videos..and I LOVE what you have done. I won't be able to do a halloween one this year, but I will definately be using the concept for other mini projects. I learned so much from you (as I always do!) - and will definatley save so much time as to how I've done mini's in the past. Thanks so much for coming up with this class and I really hope you come up with sooo much more in the future!! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Awesome feedback Lacey - that's actually really what I was hoping for - thank you!

  18. Jackie Bremer says…

    Wow, how to you find time to put all this creative energy into action!

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  19. Edie says…

    Can I just say the price on this is AWESOME!! I havent gotten the PDF just yet, but by looking at the details and description the $14 will be well worth it. I love that your also teaching us other techniques and ideas we can carry over to other projects too.

    And thank you for making this Self paced too. With my schedule, its difficult to keep up with a class that has a "schedule". I love that I can download this and work on it right away, or next week, or next month.

    Thank you for doing this Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cheryl McCain says…

    I'm a fairly new follower of your blog here, although I do have some of your products from Designer Digitals. I just HAD to have this class. Just purchased it and am looking forward to using your ideas and techniques. I don't have photos to make a Halloween project but do have alot of Autumn photos I took in October that I'd love to use for it instead. Can't WAIT to get started!
    Thanks Ali for adding this self-paced class to your site!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jen Thompson says…

    Another question Ali: I noticed in the supply list you said Mod Podge, does it have to be glossy like it is in the link you provided?? Can I use matte?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Matte or glossy is totally fine.

  22. Ingvild says…

    I just love this - thanks for doing this Ali - I am gathering my Halloween pictures and are going to give this a try.

    Love the idea that this is self pace and that you will keep them up and even add more - I have been signed up for classes earlier that I haven`t been able to finish for one reason or the other (and I think I am not the only one that has that problem..... ;o) )

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Pat8 says…

    Thanks for this class, Ali. I bought it immediately. I want to say that the price is terrific and made the decision very easy.

    Frankly, I would have bought it even if I wasn't interested in it doing the album -- just as a thank you for all the information and inspiration you've shared with us here at your blog. This is my first stop every morning before I head into the studio.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Rhonda says…

    Hooray! Am going to purchase the class now. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Reneecrops says…

    I wish I knew this was coming I would have taken more photos. That said I'm very excited to see that you are offering online classes. This project looks wonderful!!

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