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One Little Word 2011

My 2011 necklace from the lovely Lisa Leonard. Get one for yourself here.

My word for 2011 is light.

This year my word sure seemed to choose me.

Most years I start thinking about my word for the following year in November or December. I think about it in passing and start listening, looking, and being open to the possibilities of a new word.

This year the word light seemed to be trying to catch my attention.

I found it in books, in magazines, in music, in conversations and in quiet moments.

So I'm going with it. It's already surprised, delighted, challenged and sparked some new things within me.

Some years I've had to look harder or listen longer or simply choose one that fit with what was on my mind and heart at that moment. There's no right or wrong. The main thing to remember is that this is your word. It's not for your child, parent, partner, spouse, sister, etc.

And what do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

I'd love to read what word you've chosen or are considering for 2011. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word.

In a couple of days I'll post a compilation of the words as an inspirational reminder to us all.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


I'm excited to be offering a brand new One Little Word online workshop through Big Picture Classes in 2011 as a way to connect with and honor our words throughout the year.

Each month you'll receive a prompt with a simple creative project and a gentle reminder to check back in with your word. By the end of the year you'll have compiled the contents of an 8.5x11 album that documents, defines, celebrates and generally makes your word more visible. Workshop materials include printable elements, full-color PDF handouts, and video presentations.

People have been asking me if you have to be a scrapbooker for this class. My answer is no. Even though we are making an album it's really more of a journaling/record keeping/thinking/exploring project. I'm excited to see how people interpret the prompts and make them meaningful for their own lives.

This is not complicated and it's not time-consuming. It's simply a way we can come together to share our experience with our words throughout the course of the year.

The One Little Word classroom opens on January 1, 2011.

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1654 thoughts

  1. Melissa C says…

    Growth - in relationships, health, life, pocketbook, space

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. s.patel says…

    i've chosen "intention" as my word for the 2011. i want to be more present, be more conscious of what i am doing, and live with purpose instead of just coasting along on auto pilot! this is my first year doing this-excited to see how this unfolds.

    Reply 7 Replies
    1. Lindsey says…

      LOVE that word!! What a great choice!

    2. Melissa says…

      You pretty much nailed it on the head for me too. Intention is also my word and this is the first time I have chosen a word. Should be an interesting journey.

    3. Marina D-k says…

      This will also be my first year with a One Little Word and I've also chosen the word INTENTION after a couple weeks of thinking it over.

      Though I didn't choose a 2010 word I think it would have been LEARN. I learned a lot more about myself, my relationships, my role as a parent, manager, etc, etc.

      Given what I LEARNed this year I want my actions in 2011 to be truly INTENTIONal. Really looking forward to this journey!

    4. Patsy says…

      This is my word too. I saw it in print a few days ago and it just clicked!

    5. Tammy Eberhard says…

      chose a similar word for very similar reasons - AWAKE

    6. Laura PARING DOWN says…

      INTENTION speaks to me as well. Here's to fully living 2011!

    7. Kathryn says…

      My word is "intention," too - for the same reasons as some of the others. Yes, sometimes things/events/opportunities we want to happen do so without any effort on our part but I'm tired of just waiting for them to happen. I don't know how I got to this point but it ends this year!

  3. Lainey says…

    I've let myself slip a lot in the past few months and have decided to take control of my body and my life. I started a blog called The Year of Me and have joined your BPC class. My 2011 word is RENEW. Thanks so much for the inspiration, Ali!

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Phaedra says…

      My word is Renew, as well! I need to renew my physical, emotional & mental resources and start things (again) that bring a sense of wellbeing into my life. I've poured all of myself into being a (single) mother & now its time to renew & replenish!

    2. dawn says…

      I love this idea Lainey!! Good Luck and have fun in the class!

    3. loribee says…

      That is my word too! I think it chose me. I have contemplated a few words, but keep coming back to this one.

    4. Ali says…

      Hi Lainey
      I almost went with renew too, then at he 11th hour I changed to reform, as I actually want to change the way I do things as well as start things again. I am spelling it both as reform, and as re-form (like reforumlate) as I think there are subtle differences between the two spellings.

    5. Kelley says…

      Just found your blog post on choosing a word for the year..what a great idea! I was worried I wouldn't be able to find my word, or have it find me, but then reading thru the comments my word just jumped out at's perfect! I want to renew my health this year,my self, my life, renew my creativity,my faith, and hopefully renew a love relationship that means the world to me..thank you for such a great inspiration!! RENEW, RENEW, RENEW!

  4. Thinkie says…

    I have chosen 'learn' as my word for 2011. Or rather, it has chosen me. I have finally found, and just started, a bachelor study that is SO ME and doable with my health limitations and I have been learning a lot about myself lately and hope to continue to do that in 2011!

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Jennifer Lavender says…

      I chose learn as my word last year, and I was amazed at the things I picked up last year simply because I was in a frame of mind to think about what I was learning. Have a fun 2011 learning and discovering all kinds of new things.

    2. Andrea says…

      This is also my word, but in a different direction. Yes, I'd like to get back into school after taking this last year off, but this word is about learning who I am and learning to be a better me. I had kids and got married right out of high school, and I never really learned who I am besides a wife and mom. Everything I do is because I am someone for someone else - I have no idea who I am as an individual or even how to be by myself. 2011 is about learning who I am as an individual to be a better person only other roles.

    3. Melissa says…

      Andrea, you should listen to Reba McEntire's song "Is There Life Out There". If you have never heard it, you might relate to what she is saying in the lyrics. Sounds like you have worked hard at being a wife and mother and now just want to be you. Good for you and good luck on your journey.

    4. Maureen says…

      "Learn" is my word for 2011 also. It kept coming back to me over and over again, mostly in the context of 'lessons I must learn'. While that sounds or could be 'heavy', I kept the word as my word, and am trying to remain open to whatever learning experiences may come my way and try not to pass judgment on them. One would think I might know better about hasty judgments by now, but I often don't! Time to learn?

    5. Michelle says…

      Learn is also my word. Learn many different things in many different areas of my life. Learn to be a better wife/mother. Learn how to be a better/happier me. Learn to use things better EX: my computer, photoshop, digital scrapping. Learn learn learn.

  5. Dorothy F says…

    My word is Happy. I want to spend more time being happy and less time being obsessive about a lot of things. This word just keeps reappearing in everything I think and do.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Marcie says…

      'Happy' has also choosen me. This is my first time choosing 'one little word', and the fit seems to be perfect in this time of my life. I'm choosing to rewrite my story and journey of life, and I want/need to find happiness. Can't wait to get started with the BPclass. :)

    2. Leauriy says…

      I'm also going along with the same idea HAPPYNESS (spelling it this way cause it makes it makes me HAPPY) will be my word. I just want to be happy about all aspects of my life; (relationships, home, work, play, family, health/weight, choices and creativity). And i think that this word will have me be patient, content, and grateful not to mention i would have to surrender and give up all the little unnecessary unimportant things that get in my way.

  6. sharongrey8 says…

    Thinking about the word Journey...

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. wanda says…

      that was my word for 2010. saw it everywhere. I chose it from a comment my son made about the harry potter books "It's about his Journey". I found it required work, and I enjoyed the paths I took. Have a wonderful 2011 Journey.

    2. Karen S. says…

      Journey is my word for this year. I'm starting a weight loss journey...beginning my 30th year at the same job...will attend my 35th high school reunion...celebrate 25 years of marriage...attend my oldest child's college graduation...and take a journey with my husband's extended family to Kenya to visit the place they lived for many years as missionaries. It will be a very full year and I want to enjoy the journey.

  7. Jan B. says…

    My word for this year is FOCUS. It comes as a result of feeling frustrated about all the things I have flying around in my head - problem solving, scrapbooking projects, art journal pages and a myriad of untackled projects stemming from last year's word which was Simplify - that I just couldn't seem to get to. I feel time management is a big contributor to that frustration and almost thought my word should be Time. But I realize that my problem is that I may have too much on my plate. I need to figure out how to spend the precious time I have and it all comes down to focusing on what I choose to do, putting my energy into that and being content with it.

    I'm so excited to be taking your class, Ali, because I feel it will really help me accomplish that goal. A nice little New Year's gift necklace wouldn't hurt, either!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Maureen says…

    I am thinking about clean,clean eating, clean house, clean & simple approach to all things in 2011.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Christine says…

      Good choice! Clean is my secondary word!

    2. Susan Anderson says…

      Great word and ideas...

    3. Maureen says…

      I'm a Maureen too, and as a Virgo, clean is a lifetime word for me!

  9. Sally says…

    "JOY." Like you Ali - my word has followed me around during this entire holiday season, causing me to look deeper at things I do, and why I do them. It has shown up in all different places, and I want to start paying attention to it. Looking forward to the journey! As always - thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 13 Replies
    1. dawn says…

      I love this word. Joy was my word of the month. I decided to spread joy to people during this crazy, stressful month. It really worked to keep me in a joyful spirit and I touched alot of people by surprising them with joyful actions. Great choice of word ladies. I hope you all have a joyful year.

    2. Stacey K says…

      I've been lying here with words & feelings rushing over me & I was struggling to find The One Litle Word to encompass what I want to achieve for 2011, I was thinking let-go but that wasn't working, release wasn't strong enough, enjoy was getting there but it wasn't until I started looking up words in the dictionary that I found the definition of what I want to do & feel - Joy is a feeling of delight so deep and so lasting that one radiates happiness and expresses it spontaneously: my word is joy!

    3. Samantha says…

      So well put, Sally! Yes, Joy has also followed me around this season and it was my first choice. Reading along here, I sure could several of these words as my focus, focus actually being one of them!!! But I'm going with Joy!

    4. Sally says…

      Hey Ladies - I can't believe so many have responded here! I'm very excited about our WORD! I think that God has big things for us this year. There are SO many different things that can be included in JOY (wonder, thankfulness, happiness, intentional appreciation...), and it is not just something to be enjoyed by ourselves - but rather, something to SHARE. Praying that your JOY may be full in 2011! ~Sally

    5. wakana says…

      my word is joy too. I want to find joy in everyday things this new year... I believe in the power of language, too, but never thought of doing this. What a great idea!

    6. Michelle M. says…

      I love the word joy! My favorite aunt who passed away about 5 years ago was named Joy and everytime I saw/heard that word this past holiday season, I especially thought of her. I was going to use the word "embrace" but I think that "Joy" was speaking to me! I have never done OLW so this will be a new thing for me. Guess it's time to sign up for Ali's class!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    7. Marybeth says…

      I chose JOY, too. I think in being joyful, we must be thankful, happy, and purposeful,as well. Other words that I thought about were grace,health, and shine...but I think joy covers them all.


    8. Priscila says…

      That's my word, too! It just popped into my head when I decided to have a word for this year, but I thought maybe I should think about it a little more. But it just kept coming back to me... So I decided to surrender to it! I've decided to choose joy next year even in situations it will be hard to do so...

    9. Michelle M. says…

      Since I picked the word "Joy" yesterday, I have seen it maybe 4 or 5 different times, in very different places! I know that Christmas just finished but only 1 of those times was even holiday related! I think it is definitely a sign that joy is the right word for me! Thanks again, Sally! :)

    10. Karen P. says…

      My word also is "joy." (find, recognize, feel, cause, share, etc.)

    11. Pam says…

      I've chosen joy too. It ecompasses so much...from finding joy, being joyful, and enjoying.

    12. Angie says…

      My word is also JOY it found me, after a very hard and unhappy year. I'm going to make JOY my focus this year!

    13. Julie-Ann says…

      I'm a "JOY" girl this year as well. I have a silver ring I bought myself a while back that says JOY on it and I find myself choosing to wear it on days when I need a little extra luck or on special days. So when it came time to choose something for this year, it was an easy answer.

      I'm getting married in August, and I *really* want to remember that this event is about joy and love, and NOT about STRESS! :)

      Good luck everyone! and thanks for being so inspiring Ali!

  10. Kim says…

    My word, and it chose me, will be action. I need and want to take action on all my good intentions, my desires, and the things that are necessary. I want to live my life and the only way to do that is to take action.
    Can't wait for your BPC class to start!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Taya says…

      I'm still contemplating my word, but wanted to say yours is wonderful!!! I may have to join you, hmmmmmmmmm.... let me explore a bit more :)

  11. Jori says…

    My word for 2011 is RELEASE. I've held on to too much, not letting go of "good" so that I can have "great".

    I plan on using Ali's class this year to make my word a significant part of 'two thousand and heaven' (another blogger's FABULOUS way of referring to the coming year being as great as she wants it to be)!!!

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Tinka says…

      I think I just found my word!! I've been struggling with different ideas and nothing really fit...I was kind of leaning towards "self" but it still wasn't feeling right. Then as soon as I read your post,Jodi, the proverbial lightbulb went on! "Release" more truly encompasses everything I want to achieve in 2011!! Thanks so much!

    2. andrea says…

      Hi Jori!
      My word for 2010 was release! It has been amazing having that word in my life!!! I released disappointments, released kilos, released hang ups, released expectations from people who will never change, i released anger, frustration etc etc - i love that word! I think my 2011 word is change, but i am struggling - i have a least 10 words i LOVE!
      love from andrea in australia - am SO excited to participate in BP class!

    3. Collette says…

      I like your approach to this. Great!

    4. Pam says…

      My word is 'release' also. There is so much I want to let go of - unrealistic expectations, things I can no longer do now that I'm getting older, things that clutter up my life. I'm excited to see where else this word takes me this year.

  12. Dellie says…

    My word is going to be "fearless"

    I feel that I hold back a lot because I am afraid. Afraid of what people think, what will happen, what won't happen. Too many roadblocks

    I just want to be fearless for a while.

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Janet says…

      My word is also FEARLESS. I have so many things that I want/need to do this year and always put off taking the 1st step because I'm worried about failure and rejection. I'm going to use my word to hold my head up and take on my fears face on!

    2. macy says…

      LOVE your word Dellie!! This word has been inspiring me lately too. I've been reading the inside cover of Taylor Swift's album Fearless. Love what she wrote about the word.

    3. Sandi Keene says…

      My 2010 word was Fearless. It was a bold and pushy word that guided me through some very difficult times. It was important for me to remember that the goal was to fear LESS as without fear was not realistic - at least for me. Good luck with fearless in 2011!

    4. cyndee says…

      I have been searching for my word and when I saw 'fearless' I knew that was IT!
      2010 has been a good life changing year. One of those changes was taking care of myself and losing 80 pounds! I think I carried that weight as a shield, to keep people at a distance... to keep me from getting hurt. You can't be rejected if you keep everybody at a distance, right?
      Part of the reason I want to be 'fearless' is I am divorced (18 years now!) with grown children and I am SO tired of being alone, but have been too scared to meet new people... so my word is going to be 'fearless' and I am very excited about it!!!

    5. Sharon says…

      Fearless is my word as well! I, too have been letting the fear of too many things stifle me.

  13. Allyson says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Heather says…

    I just started reading your blog this fall, so the One Word project is a new one to me.

    The last few weeks I've been thinking A LOT about the word "compassion".

    It's clear that this is the word for me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. madeline St onge says…

    My word it 'LESS'

    I need LESS clutter and confusion in my life and 2011 is the year I want to accomplish that
    Can't wait for class to start

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Jannie says…

      Thank you, Madeline! I have been trying to find the right word that captured the feeling of what I want to focus on...the closest I had gotten was simplicity. When I saw your word, less, I realized that perfectly described what I am craving for the new year!

      Thank you, Ali, for this fabulous class. This is my first time participating in OLW and I am really excited!

    2. Gina Crowley says…

      I keep coming back to this word too! I just can't wrap my arms around it yet. Glad to hear someone else is using it.

    3. Shanda says…

      I was reading the comments looking for someone else who had chosen LESS as their word. I need so much LESS in my life right now (clutter, weight, calories, stress.) I know focusing on LESS will ultimately give me MORE of what I really need.

      Best wishes to you in 2011!

    4. Carol S. says…

      I was originally thinking declutter and then saw simplify, but this is it - LESS. I like it. I need less in my life: less stress, less clutter, less sleep actually. Thanks for the suggestion. It's perfect.

  16. Cynthia says…

    My word found me during Advent: SERVANT.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Tracy Richardson says…


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. JennL says…

      Tracy - my word for this year is Dream also. Last year my word was Hope and I found an increased awareness of my word all around me. It looked for hope and hope found me.

      This year I am looking to translate my hopes into dreams that I can move forward with. I just love the idea of taking control of my dreams.

    2. Dreamweaver says…

      My word is dream, too.

      I've begun my dream, in midlife, graduated last spring, got a degree, a job in my field. Now I dream of the day when I will be financially stable and able to offer my services as a therapist to others on a sliding fee scale and help others to live their dreams too...when I set my own schedule and rest, dance, and dream.

  18. Cathy says…

    My word this year is change. It means so many things to me. Change in my house (cleaning up and tossing stuff and making more space) and changing my habits (eating more, moving less), changing how I feel when I get up in the morning (less rushed, and more laughing). It's not too specific so that it is open to interpretation and the ability to grow into what it will. I keep trying to find another word but this one stuck with me!

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Kim says…

      Change is also my word...and it too found me. I started seeing it...noticing it popping out at me several weeks ago. Even before I ever considered signing up to follow along with OLW. I'm really open to what this word will bring in 2011.

      I found a ring in Target yesterday. (which was also the point in which I truly surrendered to this word-I was almost in tears when I saw it-and it was the only one with my word). They have a section of silvery jewelery with words on it. The little silver ring is a perfect fit for my pinky finger and reads: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

    2. andrea says…

      Hi Cathy!
      Change is my word - i resisted it, i hated it but it kept nagging at me! I wanted a fun, happy, glittery word, but change is perfect for me as i am want to change and need to change and am excited to change everything about my life! good luck with 'change'

    3. Jeanne says…

      My 2010 word was CHANGE. It was the perfect word for me. I changed in so many ways that were for the better. It was a word that just fit with and encouraged me all year long. Good luck with your word!

    4. Traci says…

      This is new for me, but I think change will be my word too. I just finished up my degree program to get my teaching license and will experience a lot of change in the coming year.

      As a secondary word, I think it would be create. My creative side has been stifled the last three years in school and I hope to get back to creating, by myself and with my girls.

  19. Jennifer says…

    My word for 2011 is CHANGE. There was alot of CHANGE in 2010 that I have to get used to & there are alot of things in my life that need to CHANGE in 2011.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. andrea says…

      me too!!!! good luck!

  20. Amy B says…

    My word is MOMENT. As in, stop looking ahead and planning all the time and enjoy the MOMENT.

    Happy New Year!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Laura T. says…

      Love your word!

    2. Tina says…

      Really like your word too Amy!

    3. Terri Porter says…

      Love your word, Amy! That is something I have been trying to do as well. My word is FOCUS for a lot of the same reasons you stated for choosing MOMENT -- needing to focus on the here and now.

  21. Barbara says…

    My word is LEARN. My computer is full of things that I have collected but have yet learned to use. Then I kept thinking of other things that I need to learn such as how to better use my time. This will be a great word on which to focus in 2011.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Katie Johnson says…

      I am leaning towards this word as well. I want to learn more about photography and photoshop, about American History (because my nephews are making me feel dumb), about my family and friends, and even about myself.

  22. Daphne says…

    My word is LISTEN. First, I need to listen to God. I need to learn to listen more to my family; my husband, my children and my immediate family and friends. Sometimes, I get caught up in MY everyday activities and I JUST dont take the time to do it! I think; I am combining my One Little Word class with my Project Life 2011. I am looking forward to it!

    Thank you, Ali for being a continual source of inspiration to all of us!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Hashi says…

      Daphne, my word is also LISTEN this year. I need to listen to my body, listen to my heart. Listen when people speak, not just to their words, but to the humanity behind the words. I have some big decisions to make, and I need to keep very still and listen for wisdom.

  23. Debbie says…

    Last year's word, "focus", led me to this year's word---"create".

    It just keeps appearing on ever expanding levels ....from the word popping out of ads in quilt and scrapbook magazines to recurring memories of my home church litergy---'create in me a clean heart O Lord and renew a right spirit within me'...yep, it's the one for 2011.

    Focus was a great word and it will be carried forward..along with "simplify" and "balance" from the years seems all these words will link together at some point.

    see you in class!

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. DawnS says…

      My word last year was also focus

      ...and my word for this year is the same as yours: Create!

      I want to create more art with my photography and open an etsy shop
      I want to create a healthier "me" (drink more water,floss more,etc)
      I want to create a less cluttered & more organized home
      I want to create more smiles and joy and happiness :)

    2. Collette says…

      Love, love how God's Word spoke to you in this. I smiled big!

    3. Debbie says…

      Dawn your blog!
      And we must be connected somehow...we focus on so many of the same even had my "life song" on your site...the shaker Gift hymn...good to know you are out there! Hope you have a very creative year!

    4. donna vw says…

      I chose CREATE as well. And my daughter chose FOCUS. I think they are both great words! This is my first time choosing OLW. I can't wait to see what this experience brings to me.

  24. Sharolyn says…

    Passion~ This will be my first year with a chosen word. A word that was placed on my heart at Christmas Eve midnight Mass. Can't wait to see where it leads me~

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Brittany Gerth says…

      Passion is my chosen word as well this year. This is the year I have decided to follow my passion(s) and make something of them.

  25. Renee says…

    Believe. My words in years past have been charmed, grace and peace. This year while we were watching the Polar Express, Believe just set itself up in my heart and mind for this year. It really follows in my line of words. I am looking forward to your One Little Word class. I signed up for it on Monday. Happy New Year to you.

    Reply 7 Replies
    1. Renee says…

      Susan - I am glad it was helpful to you. I also believe in these things, just sometimes I need to remind myself to really and truly believe - thus my selection for the year. Best wishes!

    2. Susan Anderson says…

      Renee thank you for your post. Up until I read it my word was going to be connect. After seeing your post BELIEVE jumped into my heart. I recently lost my job, health insurance, relocated and started a new relationship. I believe all this will work out for the best. I believe in the power of love and friends. Can't wait to see where believe takes me...thank you.

    3. Marti Richards says…

      This is also my word. I have been digging deep and kept thinking that my word was going to be self. I just turned 39 and have been doing a mini book to document my year- a year about me. I really am trying to dig deep and discover who I am and I vow this year to be happy and let go of anger and sadness. So, I thought happy. But, then I was looking through some inspirational quotes and this one from Audrey Hepburn jumped out at me and spoke to my heart: "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." Looking forward to the class, too!

    4. Janna S. says…

      I am choosing BELIEVE also for my one word. This is my first year on the one word journey and the same day I decided I wanted to participate my aunt sent me this word as away to accept what every day brings...believe! I am excited to see how I can take this word journey and help me accept all the things coming my way with our family of 5...with 3 boys! 5yr, and a set of 3 yr twins...

    5. nancy says…

      I also picked Believe! Can't wait for the class to get underway.

    6. Celia says…

      BELIEVE.....that is my word too. It picked me a few months just seemed to keep showing up....and I just wasn't paying attention....until I found this blog and read about One Little Word....when I read this post I knew that Believe was my word.

    7. Cloud9 Design says…

      Thank you Ali for creating such a wonderful class with such a lively and inspiring community!!! This is my first year to participate in OLW.

      My word was there all along. I saw it, but didn't "see" it...passed over it, thought my word was something else, but then, I realized I had seen it in so many different places.

      After seeing it at the end of a friend's email...just the simple word: BELIEVE!, and I just knew that was the word for me! :) I am really looking forward to starting this journey and becoming a part of this beautiful community!!!

      May God bless you all abundantly!

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