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Sponsor Giveaways | Scrapbook Circle, The Daily Digi

GIVEAWAY | One person will receive a $40 gift certificate to Scrapbook Circle.

Scrapbook Circle is a monthly kit club that has been creating kits for almost 5 years and we love getting to share these kits each month. We offer a 2+ month subscription which means that you only commit to receiving two kits and then you can go month to month and quit at any time.

Each kit is packed with practical and creative scrapbooking product and also includes a custom coordinated Scrapbook Circle download with each kit.

Be sure to visit the Scrapbook Circle Idea Page and Blog for daily inspiration. You can also join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

GIVEAWAY | One person will receivean annual subscription to DIGI GAME from The Daily Digi!

When you subscribe to the DIGI GAME - ANNUAL option, you will receive:

  • ONE month FREE (12 months for the price of 11)

  • Access to the new issue of DIGI GAME and over $50 worth of digital scrapbooking products by some of the best digital designers in the community each month (see past Digi Files here)

  • Access to the new PLAYBOOK each month (the Playbook is an interactive ebook, with at least 25 pages of tutorials, tips, and tricks). See past Playbooks here.

  • Every 4 months you are subscribed, you will receive access to exclusive collab kits by previous contributors to The Digi Files . These collabs cannot be purchased anywhere!  The first collab will be received upon starting this subscription and is "Story of Everyday Life" (preview above). Be sure to check out the participating designers and their contributions up close!

  • Exclusive bonus digital scrapbooking gifts each month.

You can also subscribe to the DIGI GAME with a monthly payment option for only $7.50 per month. It really is the best deal in digi!

TO BE ENTERED into this giveaway please leave a comment below sharing your favorite way to take a break (if you are reading this post on Facebook please come to my blog to leave a comment). Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific on Sunday and the winners posted shortly after. Please be sure to check back or subscribe (click here to get posts delivered to your email box) to see if you are receiving one of the items this week.

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800 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    I only get breaks when our toddler is sleeping... therefore, THEN I like to catch up on reading blogs quietly; although, taking a bath BY MYSELF sounds like THAT would be a nice break... might have to try that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. andie says…

    Thanks Ali - My favourite way to take a break is a few hours in the afternoon, knowing the kids are taken care of, with camera in hand. Shooting whatever I'm in the mood for - downtown, the mall, the park, the back yard. SOOO relaxing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Karen says…

    I make a big cup of tea and sit at my computer and just play games. Nothing educational - just pure fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jen D says…

    To just get on the floor and play with my kids and be silly

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Karen says…

    I love to get on the computer and visit all of my favorite sites.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Ellen says…

    No question, reading!! I love to curl up in a sunny spot and read a book. I always have a few on hand in the hopes that I get that opportunity - I'm an optimist that way! ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Elizabeth Goliber says…

    I take a break with a good book or I go in my craft room and create. I try to have at least a little creative time every week or I get stressed out to easily.

    I love the Daily Digi!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lynn M says…

    My favorite way to take a break is to soak in a warm (or hot) bubble bath.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Betsey says…

    My daughter and SIL and their family just moved back to this area. My favorite break is when they (or we) call and say, "come on over for supper and a game of cards". Even tho she and I lose most of the time, it is just so wonderful to be with them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Shannon Mc says…

    My favorite way to take a break is to crawl into my bed with my Kindel and veg out.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Brookiej says…

    Reading!! It's such a difficult thing for me to sneak away these has become a special, special activity!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lindsey says…

    Checking my google reader is a great way to take a break and get some inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Julie says…

    I like to play Words with Friends with one of my friends that lives 150 miles's fun to try to win, and to challenge my mind just a little bit.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Dawn says…

    HA! a break - what's that? when my husband forces me to take a break it is usually by taking me to his parents house. I can relax, have adult conversations, and dont have to worry about cooking or cleaning. If i am really lucky they are working on a puzzle...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. juliana whisman says…

    A good read + a Dr. Pepper = a great break! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Cat G. says…

    I love curling up with a good novel. Preferably a good mystery or a light "chic" book.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Peggy Leland says…

    I love to read. And recently I downloaded kindle to my phone so now I always have a book with me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Valerie says…

    My favorite way to take a break is a vanilla latte' from the coffee shop and some people watching.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Monica says…

    I love to read. Doesn't matter if it's books or blogs. I just love reading! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. stampin_rachel says…

    i take a break by curling up with a good book in bed and reading until i can't keep my eyes open.

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  21. Theresa Grdina says…

    My favorite way to take a break is to read!!! What a wonderful way to escape!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Mandy says…

    Really? This is my break! LOL. My favorite break is a cup of coffee and blog surfing - starting with Ali! No kidding.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Song says…

    My favourite way of taking a break is being creative - be that sewing, knitting or scrapbooking.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Tiffani says…

    It depends on my mood, but one of my favorites is to get lost in a book for a day or two, which is a rare treat these days!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. kristin says…

    My favorite way to take a break is to vary the routine, break up the usual. For someone who likes routine, doing something different is like a fresh, deep breath.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kelli thomas says…

      I veg in front of the tv with a latte. Doesn't really matter what I watch- could be CNN or an episode of Law and Order I have seen 4 times. I envision draining the day's toxins and then refilling myself with energy. Also, I must add, I do this from my adjustable tempur-pedic bed .....ahhhh, it really doesn't get any better!

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