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A Conversation With Simon | Scrapbook Layout

Cathy released this great layered template a few weeks ago at Designer Digitals: Story Guide Layered Template No.1. I've been wanting to do it with Simon since I saw it and finally had a chance last night.

You can read her post about the template and see her hybrid version here.

This is going right into our Project Life album for this week.

My favorite one?

The coolest person on Earth is: Me.

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46 thoughts

  1. Paula in Australia says…

    He is pretty cool.. and it is so so cute that he thinks that! Hope he keeps thinking that because confidence in yourself is so important.

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  2. dawn says…

    oh my goodness ali this is so cute and funny and heartwarming. I love that he said to be a "father" Chris must be so proud of that one. The spaghetti is what my son would say and the running part too. I love the photos you included especially the outside one it's always a favorite of mine. He is getting so tall and older looking and more handsome.
    I loved it when Cathy showed us this template and told her I wish our parents knew about doing this when we were young. Are you putting this in your PL for the week? Thanks for sharing with us he is awesome!!

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  3. MichelleGB says…

    Awesome interview!

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  4. Linda L says…

    Oh Ali that is so special. His answers must bring tears to your eyes I'm guessing. I love his 3 describing words for himself....and the food that makes him want to puke. Lots of fun for sure.

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  5. Lee says…

    Wonderful! I did the same thing with each of my four and their answers were fabulous. Definitely something to treasure - a little moment in time. (And just one more reason I should have done Project Life!)

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  6. HeatherC says…

    very cool -- I did something like this for my girls --- I think it was an old Becky Higgins interview -- anyway did it in January -- I thought I would do it mid-year (probably on their birthdays since they are in May) and then again at the end of the year -- put in my PL too -- here is the link to mine:

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Maureen says…

    I like that he wants to be a father. That says a lot about both of you as parents.

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  8. heidig says…

    Oh my goodness - I was thinking the same thing. The coolest person on earth is: Me. You can't beat that! Thanks for sharing.

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  9. Nicky from Canada says…

    Love it!!

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  10. Dori says…

    One thing is for sure... Simon is a really amazing guy! :-)

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  11. Cindy Welch says…

    Love it. says so much with so few words.

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  12. Cathy says…

    My favorite answer? Henry the Octopus. Love that boy!

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  13. Michelle L says…

    lol! That's hilarious! I hope he knows that the rest of his life! Every kid should think they are the coolest!

    I think I found a project for my boys this weekend! This is great, Ali! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Charity says…

    Love his answers. What a great idea. I've done something like this with my three-year-old, asking questions off the top of my head, but I really like the prompts they give you. The template is great. I think I might have to do this for my niece and nephew (12 and 8). Thanks for the great inspiration.

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  15. LouAnn Volkmann says…

    Love this. I did an interview type layout with my oldest several years ago. I think I want to repeat the questions and see how they've changed over the years.

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  16. Debbi G. says…

    Love how quick and simple it doable!

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  17. Sally says…

    I love this. What a great idea & what great questions!!! I LOVE it that the coolest person on earth is HIM. Wish all kids could have that self-confidence!

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  18. Ellie A. says…

    Oh I love this!! thank you for sharing.. I think I shall do this for my youngest son he'll be turning 8 later this mth & this would be the perfect Bday Layout to use for my Project Life album :) Happy Friday.. Simon made me giggle about the Spaghetti.

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  19. Carrie says…

    :))) heartwarming.

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  20. Libbi M. says…

    this is so precious. i will have to do this with my 2 children. thank you for sharing

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  21. Gaele says…

    I did too the "conversation with my son" the minute I saw it on Cathy's blog, and I must say that I was quite surprised at some of the answers like my son telling me he wants to be a cook so that he gets to eat good food. This is sure going to be a very precious page in a few years!

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  22. annette says…

    I've been wanting to do this wiht my son too... Love'd the template thanks for the freebie too.... Have a great weekend.

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  23. Kimmie says…

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Ali. My favorite answer was about being a father when he grows up. It must be such a testament to both you and Chris as parents of this wonderful little boy.

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  24. Sherrie says…

    Me too!! You beat me to it!! Love yours, I hope to do mine this week on Spring break!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Nicol says…

    Where did you get the cool textured background paper, Ali? Is it one of yours?

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