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Project Life | Week Nineteen

Welcome to Project Life | Week Nineteen

First off, I'm still totally amazed that I've kept with this for nineteen weeks. I don't think I've every maintained a project like this consistently for anywhere close to this amount of time (except maybe this blog).

Do I still love it? Yes. Absolutely.

Lots of photos for Week Nineteen - including some cropped to fit the small pockets.

As some of you might have read in my big photo post last week, I go through phases with my photo taking. Lately I've been back "on" again - really loving seeing life through the lens. It feels good to be connecting with my eyes/head/heart again in that way.

The "put on your happy life" is cut from an Old Navy magazine ad. Totally tore that one out immediately.

That bottom photo of toast, strawberries and kiwi was taken with my iphone.

Little tabs are cut from tags from Bananafish Studio. Looks like she just recently updated her shop again - lots of goodies to be found.

This week I also included a photo and some words my Mom emailed me (the bottom yellow flowers). The journal card above includes text from Daily Word. My Mom emails me something related to my One Little Word "light" almost everyday. Love you Mom.

Project Life is a product created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The album kit (similar to the one I’m using) is available for purchase through Amazon. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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37 thoughts

  1. Kathy says…

    You are still inspiring me but I am still not into the groove yet, collecting things but in the middle of selling/buying and moving so I'm giving myself an excuse. I totally love seeing your pages, thanks. Kathy A, Brisbane Australia. Looking forward to the WITL and it will be very different to last year as we will have moved house.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lynne says…

    I know this is probably going to sound like a crazy question - but I love the self-portraits you take of yourself in the car... and I'm wondering how you manage that? Do you put the camera with the self-timer on the dashboard? Hold the camera out with your arm? Just wondering because you always look so natural (like you are really driving). Love those shots!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I've done a little bit of everything - mostly self-timer or having Chris take a photo of me. Love setting it up on the dashboard at a light and using the self-timer. Usually don't hold it with my arm (but have done that too).

  3. sarah says…

    this book is quite a treasure. beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. diane says…

    Thanks so much for sharing! Your photos are amazing and inspiring! The cupcakes and toast with fruit look delicious! I always look forward to this update.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kristyn says…

    Thanks for continuing to inspire me to get caught up with my own PL!! I love how you're making this project your own!!

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  6. Pam says…

    thanks for inspiring me once again with your use of product. I am always surprised by how much your layouts inspire me when our styles are so different. But your layouts always have the quality i look for most in scrapbooking - meaning. Just got a whole bunch of banana fish stuff too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Damiane Lucas says…

    Delicious PL album, Ali! Your inspiration keeps me going!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jeannette says…

    Ali, I know you do a lot of printing at home. DO you ever worry about the "longevity" of your printed pics from home vs. having them printed from "Pro printing" service (i.e., etc)
    I think that's what prevented me from keeping up w/ my 365 project originally...I was worried about the "archivalness" of printing from home...but that is more convenient in terms of keeping up with a project like this (for me anyways)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jeanette - I don't worry about it. I'm satisfied with it for this project (and most of my other layouts as well).

  9. Jill B says…

    I don't worry about the archival quality, more the volume of ink I use. When I did the Dec. Daily I printed at home and then my husband bought me the same printer you have for xmas. My question is approx how many, say 8x10 prints, do you make before you replace your ink? Do you print on the "best" quality or the "normal" quality? Never sure. I know it is personal preferences, however I am just never as happy with the way my prints at home look. It can't be the equipment, because most of it is new. Thanks for the input.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hmm - I'm not sure because I don't just print 8x10. I'd guess that I replace it every 2-3 months. I don't print photos everyday and I have a small black and white laser printer that I use for business papers. I have my 4x6 prints preset to photo or best quality. I've really been happy with the quality of this printer. What paper are you using?

  10. Debbie S. says…

    Good on ya! I spent today catching up the last 2 weeks. I always end up looking over the whole thing again and loving it. Love yours, too. Love how it looks when you don't have every photo with a person in it. I am hoping to get a week or two like that soon...maybe this summer. Anyway...ALL cool. Love the photos into the sun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Barb says…

    Love the sweet words you included from your mom. Just this week I added a picture and a text that a friend sent me. Words and pictures from other people are a big part of my life. It felt right to start including them in my Project.

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  12. Sara says…

    Love this project! So impressed and inspired with all the bits of life that you capture.

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  13. Paula in Australia says…

    Hey Ali your PL is amazing. I have just caught up on about 3 weeks in one go and am just wondering how you keep up with your journalling and your bits of ephemera? Do you do it as you have a story to tell and slip it into the album?

    I am finding the photo's are the easy part but I am struggling with the journalling. I know there is no rules but do your photo's match your journalling or are your journalled stories always different from your photo's and you let the photo's tell a story?

    Thanks Paula

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Some weeks I don't keep up on the journaling - this week is a good example. Much less word-based story when compared with other weeks. I'm totally fine with this because it's part of the "whole" album - some weeks will have more and others less.

      For me the best way to include more journaling has been to have the project out on our counter with the journaling cards readily available. I've found that to be a quick and easy way to grab a card and jot down a couple thoughts, memories or specific stories over the course of the week. If I wait until the end of the week I am much LESS likely to include as many "in-the-moment" stories (I love those).

      The ephemera gets tucked in throughout the week or it's held inside my wallet and pulled out at the end of the week. I don't save everything.

      Sometimes the journaling matches a story specifically and other times it doesn't. I'd say it often does not match. Again, I look at it in the way that each piece is a part of the bigger story.

  14. Susie Leggett says…

    Ali, this is just beautiful. I love seeing your project life posts each week. Lots of inspiration for capturing simple everyday stuff. I've also loved watching your garden come alive this spring through the photos you've captured. Gardening is definitely in my top three, right behind photography and scrapbooking. It is such a joy to watch things GROW and BLOOM. Enjoy.

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  15. Gypsy Chaos says…

    Ali, will you stop being amazed when you've completed 52 weeks? ; )

    I'm slowing down a bit - probably because high school graduation is just around the corner; that's the huge milestone that led me to doing PL in the first place.

    I've been faithful since Sept 1, 2010. I don't think I'm losing interest. It's merely the looming arrival of graduation that has me freaked!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I don't think I'll stop being amazed :). Love that you've been keeping at it since 2010. That's awesome.

  16. Stacey K says…

    I love that this week has only a little bit of journaling. I have a little catch up to do & now I'm not going to stress if there isn't as much journaling as other weeks. Thanks for the inspiration.

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  17. dawn says…

    Ali, I'm amazed every week with my PL and how good I've been staying caught up too. This is the best year out of the 3 years I've done. So happy you included your beautiful flower pictures big and cropped in this week. My favorite picture of course is that sweet Anna having a picnic outside. Good job on keeping up and we know how busy you are so you should be very pleased with yourself. Have another great week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michelle L says…

    All your weeks are very cool but I think this one is my favorite so far! I don't keep up with it weekly but I do about one a month. I'm hoping to get a photo printer so I can print out my photos daily. I think that would really help.
    Also, I'm completely hooked on Bananafish Studio! Thanks for that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Anne-Marie says…

    Ok, so far this has worked for me. I have a notepad that I keep out on my desk and each day I jot down a few things we have done that day. Next to it, I write "Pic-....." and write what the picture for the day is. Any memorabelia I want to include I put in a folder (got the idea from Ali-thanks!). That's it. I typically don't even put things in the album weekly. I do it all at once when I've gotten my pictures picked up. Just a thought...

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. borcherding says…

    Every time you post your album I keep telling myself that I WILL do this project next year!! Absolutely LOVE it!!

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  21. Suzie Perrie says…

    I love looking at these. I love how you document daily life. I love how willing you are to share your thoughts, processes, frustrations and what really inspires you at the moment. Mostly I love how you encourage everyone to be authentic to themselves. THANK YOU!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Melissa says…

    CONGRATS on the 19 week mark!!
    I had done PL (fka P365) in 2009 but didn't in 2010 and really missed it. So I purchased one of each kit and plan on doing both 2010 and 2011. My son was hospitalized for almost 3mo at the beginning of the year so that brought everything but the photo taking to a screeching halt. And guess what? I THINK I'M STILL GONNA MAKE IT!! By the end of this year I know that I'll have 2011 caught up and most, if not all, of 2010.
    It's so darned gratifying.
    'Caught my 8yo looking through the 2009 version the other day and she was MESMERIZED by it for hours. That alone is enough to keep me plugging away.
    YAY FOR US!! :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Wendy S says…

    Love looking at your PL posts. I did PL digitally both for 2010 and now 2011. I find taking the photos to be the easy part. The time consuming part is photo editing,selecting & journaling. I love how you balance every day life photos of things and family. Taking so many photos, I almost always have a photo of one of my children. I have a hard time not using those photos and instead using the object/thing photo. When looking at yours, I wish I would go your route more often. I find my journaling becomes my daily notes of what we did each day. Any recommendations on how to get away from this and realize that every little detail is not important. It's hard for me to step back and see the big picture. Also I've found that I don't have time for any other scrap projects other than keeping up on PL. Kind of miss that, but love knowing PL is always up to date.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Raylene says…

    This is my first year with the "live" album, also known as the old fashioned scrapbook type. (The past two years I have done totally digital). I really, really love this method. It's a BIG book, but I love printing photos off every couple of days. My PL project has turned out to be mostly photos. I fill the 3x4 pockets with photos most of the time. Loving it! I am keeping up this my third year:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Denise KC says…

    I love your work. Thanks to your-keeping-up with-it and continuous posting, I've been inspired to work on mine. Finishing up last year's and catching up with this year's. I love your photos. What setting do you use on your camera to take pictures of objects? ie. the cupcakes and the side-by-side plant and flower photos?
    Your breakfast looks good! What's on your toast?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Peanut butter on the toast - a favorite. The camera is usually on AV (aperture priority mode) - I change the ISO depending on the light situations. I used to shoot just using the "running guy" but have moved on to AV :).

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