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Dear Teacher | One Little Word

this grew in my yard

I received this via email from a student in my One Little Word class and thought it was just too cool not to share.

dear teacher:

i apologize for not doing my homework.
i don't know what to say. i mean. well.
it is kind of your fault.
you had me pick a word. just one little word.
so i did.
i picked

it is a very tiny word, only three letters.
but see
i sort of got too busy living my word to do my homework.
that word.
you can't always predict what's going to happen with her in the mix.
sometimes my homework for olw, well,
it didn't get on the list
the now
live life list.

so my dog didn't eat my homework.
i don't have a dog.
i just didn't do it.
because i was busy with that word of mine.
i took it on a vacation even.
we've been busy together, me and now.

me and my word
well it's an every day thing.
we are kind of bffs and all.

but last night
i stayed up till 2am
because i couldn't take it anymore,
me and now,
we wanted alone time together.
so i made the time in the inky quiet black of night.

i sat and listened to 4 months worth of videos
printed out 4 months of handouts and transcripts
jumped without abandon into 4 months of prompts.

and i just wanted to say
you may not see me on the discussion boards
i may not have done my homework on time
but you teach me.
you have changed me.
thank you.

i have a new friend, me and now.
the relationship has changed me
and it is all your fault.

your student

And in case you are wondering there will be another One Little Word class next year that will repeat the same prompts again for your new word (class materials and presentations will be updated to reflect my new word and I'll be doing them along with you once again). In addition I'll be offering a second class option that will be more focused on inspiration and writing prompts. More details will be available towards the end of the year.

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54 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    oh my goodness, this is so clever and funny and perfect!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I hate to admit it but that sounds like my OLW too, enjoying my TIME with family and not doing the homework. I've been thinking of jumping in now and starting with January thought, so glad to hear there are others out there who aren't caught up.

    To the student that wrote this, THANK YOU THANK YOU!! It is so inspiring to read and so funny to read. Way to go on staying up late and getting so much done with the project. Happy for you and your OLW are BFF NOW!!! Good luck and have fun.

    Ali, so excited to see you will do this next year, can't wait to hear more details. Next year I will be better prepared as this first one I wasn't. Thanks so much for sharing the journey with us. Wonder what your OLW will be???!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Honore says…

    Fun. Intriguing. I too have become BFF with my word *accomplish* and find it is front and center, tho' I don't always meet my own timetables, but that's A-OK! Am also finding myself trying out words for 2012...Thanks for sharing and for the preview of 2012.I'm in!

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  3. Monika Wright says…

    That could have been me. I have the class prompts and e-mails saved to a folder. I even purchased a class kit with the page protectors...totally so not me as I like to bust my stash and not buy new. Then, I dropped.the.ball. Having just completed the Big Idea Festival and making a layout each day for 12 days inspired me to put this class aside and just go with it in 2012. Nothing wrong with that, right? New year, new word, new me. It's all good. And your words and techniques from the class will be just as awesome in 4 months as they were in January 2012. Looking forward to learning with you in 2012 with my new olw.

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  4. Jakki says…

    how incredibly creative!

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  5. Norma says…

    Thanks for sharing-this is so perfect, and so perfectly describes me too (well, except for the catching up part-haven't done that yet!). It's so reassuring to know I'm not alone, and I WILL catch up too.

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  6. Amy B says…


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  7. theresa says…

    wow....that helps me to not feel so bad about being behind 1 month! love love the olw class.....totally in for 2012!! Thanks for all the inspiration!

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  8. Janet K says…

    This is great, and really what it is all about.

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  9. Cindy McDannold says…

    I made little signs and had my employers choose a word and post the sign on their desks so they would see it everyday and remember what it meant. They didn't do any of the assignments but the "idea" and the concept still made a difference. They are not scrapbookers or even care to be, but we can still make a difference by sharing an idea from our scrapbook community. Not everyone connects on the same level, but classes like this one can reach beyond our imagination. Ali has a purpose. She spreads the "word". She is the TEACHER in every sense of the word.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dawn says…

      Cindy, what a great idea to do this!!! I love that even non-scrappers still have their words with them and can still think of them even if you don't scrap. Will have to share this idea with my friends/family.

  10. Lindsay says…

    Love this!!! What a fun and inspiring message to read.

    I am a late OLW joiner (started the class in June) and have loved the perspective it has brought to my life. I've had to jump right in an I'm {almost} caught up.
    But I am thrilled you will be doing this class again in 2012 I look forward to experiencing this class on a month to month pace starting in January.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

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  11. Pidgen says…

    I just have to say that I was the total opposite of our creative fellow-student here. I have been committed to getting the prompts done and focused on what the month-by-month goals are ... and I must admit that it's been the most aswesome expeirence! A whole year of one gigantice experience! So, from both ends of the student-scale ... thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

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  12. Lee Currie says…

    I just wondered last night if you were going to do this again next year. I've been living my word "DO" and I have to say, it's been exhausting and brilliant! Once I have my new house all put together, I'll be collecting all of my assignments and putting them in one place. Who knows. I might even get my act together enough to post them? This is one of the best projects I've ever done. Thank you so much :)

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  13. Jules says…


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  14. cinback says…

    I have loved this project. Joining the OLW Blog Hop each month has kept me on task. Another one coming on the first of September...

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  15. Susan says…

    awesome. creative. i'm so behind on my one little word it isn't even funny

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  16. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    Hi Ali,
    It is bff from Creative escape with oxygen and a walker! This absolutely so creative and witty. Love it love it love it
    (you taught me repetition this weekend) and I thank you for that. I learned an immense amount this weekend about myself, my creative process, my limits, and my style. Thank is not enough your so inspiring. I am extend my wings to new endeavors also Blessings and hugs

    Sharon Dryjanski

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  17. Annie says…

    Thank you so much for sharing this! Thank you to the student the wrote it also. I am months behind also but have been struggling with my olw. We have had an off and on relationship. We are back on again. My hope is to sit and get caught up within the next few weeks. Meanwhile, I am living with my new bff - Purposeful.

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  18. anneberit says…

    Love the email, so beautiful written (and so true) - thanks for sharing :D
    And how great that it'll be a new class for 2012. Feels good to know that I once again will be reminded to think a little about my word at the beginning of each month - if I do my homework or not ;)

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  19. Jenny says…

    dear student- thank you for sharing your now message. So glad you are living life to the fullest. Just flipping awesome. just makes me want to go and do something adventurous right now.

    thanks to student and teacher for sharing this inspiration. love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jeanne says…

    Thank you , thank you, thank you!
    I am with my fellow student in that this process has been so amazingly helpful, healing, enriching, and what I can only discribe as 'soulful'
    I try to keep up with assignments but I am with my word, or, rather, my owrd is with me.
    Like a little friend, whispering or YELLING at me!
    Thank you for sharing this poem with us,
    thank you to the woman who wrote it!

    I am also thrilled you will be doing the class next year.
    Every time I complete an assigment and slip my book away I wonder, what about next year?
    You rock my socks Ali Edwards!

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  21. Jan from Canada says…

    oh yes, me in a nutshell.. SO busy living my word.. (passage) that I haven't had time to devote to OLW itself. Moving to another country, beginning a new job there..son graduating from high school .. so many passages to journey through, each with a unique set of perspectives and memories.. My OLW was my guide through them all :)

    Jan from Canada (Soon to be Jan from Australia!

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  22. Sheri says…

    LOVE and ditto.

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  23. Suz says…

    Yes, the now part. So, so important to act on that each day. I lost my sister suddenly 5 months ago today, and my OLW journey kind of took a huge detour off of the road. I had to regroup. Refocus. Prioritize. It's been a difficult road, filled with lots of big bumps. But, I am trying harder. Trying to:

    I think if she were here today, she would tell us to live in the now. To celebrate the now. To live in the moment. To love who you are with. To cherish each day. To laugh a little more (ok, actually a lot more) and to forgive AND forget. In her short 49 years, my sister definitely lived in "The NOW."

    Thanks for the continuous source of inspiration Ali. You definitely make my day better by being a part of it here on your blog. :)

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  24. madeline St onge says…

    How perfect is this Ali. Too funny, I love it
    TFS it with us

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  25. Sue TR (Your Story 2011) says…

    thank you so much for posting this ! Life gets in the way and it's OK sometimes to not do the March assignments until ..... October? Am trying to remember it's about the journey, not always the destination.

    Gorgeous sunflower too!

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