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Making Progress | Clean Up This Office

office in progress

I've made some progress on my office mess over the last couple of days.

From reading the comments it sure sounds like lots of you can relate to the mess. It's a "work happens here" mess for sure.

office in progress

Mostly I picked things up off the floor.

pattern paper trays

Put papers away in the trays and labeled them by color.

I cleaned off one of my bulletin boards and started hanging up products I'd like to use soon (many of these came from the piles on the floor) and putting other things away in the drawers and lockers. I'll do a bigger organization post soon to show you how I'm currently storing and organizing my supplies.

There's still more to do but I'm feeling good about the progress. And it totally makes me want to make stuff!

Here's to a great weekend!

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42 thoughts

  1. Elaine says…

    looks great! I love organizing and the refreshed energized feeling you get after! I agree, you feel so creative in an organized space. Have fun and great work!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Torrita says…

    I love the colour labels on your paper trays - very cute! I'm now getting closer to opening up the door to my craft room to tackle the mess :) Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that tidy office!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jacque says…

    You give me hope that I just may get organized--one day! Love your September stamp set. Would you PLEASE consider stamps for "Nana" and "Papa"? There are many of us and it would be great! Have a nice holiday weekend.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Wendy says…

      and 'grandma' and 'granddaddy'

    2. Lori P says…

      Nana & Gramps! :O)

    3. Mary says…

      and Mimi and Granddaddy too!

  4. Jana says…

    Yep, totally understand the urge to make something once your space is more organized - that's what I ended up doing once I had table space again in my pastel studio! But instead of painting with pastels I started playing with pens & stones - after discovering a pile of stones I'd collected 2 years ago at the beach I'd drawn on. The joys of cleaning discoveries! Happy to say I'm working again with pastels, since a friend dropped off some $ yesterday for a painting he wanted - nothing like incentive and a deadline! Woo hoo! Hope you get some time to play in your tidy office this long weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Christina Ocampo says…

    Its looking great Ali! I love how you used those mini tags to label your paper trays! You've inspired me to do some cleaning/creating. Have a good weekend too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Michelle L says…

    It has really come along nicely! I feel like I'm constantly changing and reorganzing my scrap area. It's a small space and I'm trying to look for the best way to put thing so I can see it and get to it easily. I look forward to your post on how you organize your space!
    Have a great holiday weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Susan Anderson says…

    Noticed what I think is a Cinch in a photo. What do you think of it? I've been tempted to buy one but still not sure...anyone thoughts?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I really like it! We used it in my class at Creative Escape to bind an 8x8 album and it was awesome.

  8. Nicole says…

    Lookin' good Ali! I'm inspired to work on my own craft space now, except mine is shared with our guest / catch-all room. Very much looking forward to your big after.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cindy says…

    That is terrific progress! I hope mine looks as good next week when I finally get to clean it. Looking forward to your organizational post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Deb J says…

    I so understand the need to clean up. My problem is that I still haven't found a way to better organize those things that are works in progress so they end up on my work table or desk. I also have some items I'm still struggling to find a home for--like a Design Runner someone just gave me and a Scoring unit from Martha Stewart. I'll figure it out someday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Nat says…

    Don't feel too bad about the mess! I was reading an article about organization for a class I'm taking and it described 2 types of organizers, filers and pilers. It actually said that people who just put stuff in piles without spending too much time organizing are more efficient because they know what's in the piles and they know how to find something if the need it!

    On the other hand, I really need to clean up my scrapbook table.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Beverly says…

      I agree about pilers and is easier to make piles in my office (at work) and know what is there because I have control over that space. My very visual mind tells me exactly what is included in each pile. I am working on sorting and putting things in drawers and remembering where those things are located...doing this in my scrapbook and it is starting to work!! I am motivated to conquer the clutter!

  12. dawn says…

    I like to think of it as a creative mess when my room is a wreck. Great job on tackling those piles and finding fun things to play with, makes it all worth it. I love scrapping when it's all cleaned up too. Happy weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. cathy g says…

    I like the idea of organising by colour, but what do you do when there are 2 very different colours on either side of the same bit of patterned paper?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      pick the side I like the best and use that for the category :)

    2. Cathy G says…

      Did think that might be the method - good excuse to buy 2 sheets if you really like both sides! Do you organise scraps by colour as well?

  14. HeidiY says…

    Great job!! Thx for sharing your 'mess' (which really doesn't count if you can get it all organized in one day)! Any purge piles you want to get rid of??? Love your blog!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jamie says…

    Hi Ali, I love the paper trays! I was wondering how many you use and how you label them? I have the most trouble with organizing (and keeping organized) my paper. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I've got 21 in this section for pattern papers and other specialty papers. I've got about 10 or so more for cardstock that are under my work table.

  16. Elizabeth says…

    It is looking great, love how you labeled the paper trays...and is that the new Cinch binding tool?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yep - works great!

  17. Anna Aspnes says…

    And the white walls are coming soon right?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hoping so...

  18. Ruth says…

    It looks great, Ali, I'm looking forward to your post about it, could you give us a taster by telling us what the PP labels are? I see that you have some that are colours and at least one that says a company name (or maybe its in the context of kit club? - studio calico). Thanks Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. elizabeth says…

    Been in a big lull on making things over here... I'm wondering if taking the plunge into organizing patterned paper by color might do the trick. Or if it would cause me to have a panic attack. Hmm.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Roberta says…
    09/02/2011 go girl! Great job and love the trays for your papers. I've always used the "craft keepers" (plastic envelopes) to store and sort my 12x12 papers by color and collection. They fit right inside of my IKEA expedite bookcases and I label them and just grab them as I need them to work with in my studio or at workshops/crops. Here's a photo if anyone is interested and if they don't have the vertical space like me: and here's another one when they were used as my desk:

    Hope this helps...and hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. susanmcl says…

      Love the craft keepers~I use themto sort everything by subject~Birthday, Christmas, Floral etc. Love your bookcase to hold them all

    2. Roberta says…

      Thanks @susanmcl ;} IKEA rocks for great organization and the price is always right!

  21. cinnibonbon says…

    Looking great Ali!!!! I just moved into a new house and my scrap room is the first one I'm finishing off. Clean rooms begins more creativity for me.
    My hubs just bought me this wonderful French-inspired chair and I plan to build my room around it's muted colors!!! A huge change from my normal hot pink and black rooms from the past. Wish me luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Damiane Lucas says…

    Thanks for this post, Ali! I love how wonderful and down-to-earth you are.

    By the way, I also love that little French sign on your desk, "My Little Castle." I wish I knew where to purchase one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kathleen says…

    Thanks for being so real. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. NatalieSpring says…

    Go Ali, go. It's looking great. I was inspired to at least sort my paper! Whew, now I have a clean slate for all of the upcoming holiday projects that you'll probably inspire me to do! Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Sigrun Campbell says…

    When you post your organizational post could you let us know which color families you use to organize your patterened paper? I currently organize by manufacturer/ line but that is not really inspiring me to try new color combos. I was thinking of organizing by color but I would like to know how you do it and what system works for you or any tips you might have! great progress with your room!

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