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Sponsor Giveaways | Big Picture Classes, Be More With Less

GIVEAWAY | Five (5) people will receive Courtney Carver's of Be More With Less' newest microcourse Creating A Meaningful Morning Routine.

From Courtney: I wasn’t always an early riser, and there are still days I choose to sleep in until seven or eight, but it’s rare. Usually I wake up and start my day before the sun comes up. When I am consistently practicing a morning routine, waking up early is even easier. I look forward to waking slowly with intention and purpose.

My morning routine changes from season to season, but typically it includes a combination of meditation and yoga, and sometimes walking and writing. Dedicating a block of time to actions that heal my body, calm my mind and inspire creativity first thing in the morning informs my day in a really positive way. I think everyone deserves a morning routine, (early riser or not) so I made this Microcourse for you.

This workshop includes 9 PDF's in one downloadable folder:

  1. Welcome and Getting Started

  2. Day One: Why & How

  3. Day Two: Actually Beginning

  4. Day Three: Choosing Activities

  5. Day Four: Always Before Email

  6. Day Five: Habit Stacking

  7. Day Six: Road Blocks

  8. Day Seven: And Beyond

  9. F.A.Q.

Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time. – Harry Truman

The most important part of each Microcourse is closing the gap between awareness and action. The course material will increase your awareness of the importance of a morning routine and how to develop one that is meaningful in your life. Delivering that information is my responsibility. The action part is your responsibility. This will only work if you implement the recommendations. Each day will have the information you need for awareness plus a special daily action step section.

Find all the details here

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GIVEAWAY | Two (2) people will receive The Ties That Bind : Five Ways to Scrapbook Your Most Important Relationships workshop from Stephanie Howell and Big Picture Classes.

ABOUT THE CLASS | Learn to identify and treasure the relationships in your life, both big and small, while creating authentic and meaningful scrapbook layouts in five vital relationship categories. Above all, learn to share a little piece of your heart on every page you make.

Stephanie Howell is a popular blogger, devoted Army wife, and busy mother of four young daughters (including twins). She welcomes you into her inspiring world in The Ties That Bind, her very first online class. As you connect with Stephanie's stories, you'll discover the importance of sharing pieces of yourself as you honor the people and ideals that have made you who you are.

In this class, you'll create the kinds of pages that you and your family will treasure all your lives.

You can read more about the class here.

TO BE ENTERED into this giveaway please leave a comment below (if you are reading this post on Facebook please come to my blog to leave a comment). Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific Sunday evening with the winners posted shortly after. Please be sure to check back or subscribe (click here to get posts delivered to your email box) to see if you are receiving one of the items.

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343 thoughts

  1. Lynn says…

    Both courses sound great. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Susan says…

    Wonderful classes. I've recently become an early riser and would love to know how to make it more meaningful.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Lachalledm says…

      Wow these sound like such amazing course . Hope I win but good luck to us all .

  3. ruth tacoma says…

    Interesting classes! Would love to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Armalite says…

    Since one of my goals for february was precisely to work on my morning routine (I've started doing 15mn yoga sessions before breakfast on weekdays, and it's made a fantastic difference on my energy level throughout the day!), I would love to win Courtney's microcourse.
    Thanks for the giveaway; have a nice week-end.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Ainslie H says…

    Would love to win one of these classes. Thanks for the opportunity Ali!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Joanne Anglin says…

      Awesome giveaways. I really could use the morning one as not a morning person.

  6. Michelle says…

    I would love to win a spot in the Morning Routine micro course - this post has spoken to my heart right now as I am struggling to make my mornings more meaningful and less chaotic! I think the morning sets the tone for the whole rest of the day and at the moment it is full of stress and rush and chaos to get us all out the door to work and school. Life has been whispering to me to fix this over the past few weeks and then I read your post and thought, yes that's exactly what I need. Thanks Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Allyson says…

    Love the ideas in these classes. Thanks for the chance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lainey says…

    Love these!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Wendy says…

    Great classes- thanks, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Laura Moegenburg says…

    Sounds great! Thanks again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Michelle Allred says…

    These courses sound wonderful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Marie says…

    Both courses seem awesome! Thanks a lot for the chance to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Stephanie says…

    My Februaru intention for OLW is Renew Mornings, so the first course would be a great help. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Tinkster says…

    That morning one sounds awesome. I keep trying to do this but sleep keeps winning. And Stephanie Howell rocks so either would be awesome.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Marilyn says…

    I agree, a morning routine sets up the balance of your day. Since recently losing my job I have found out how important a morning routine is. These are fab give aways this weekend Ali, would love to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Rossana says…

    Great classes... thanks, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. SharonKC says…

    Thanks, Ali! I'd love to have a morning routine that is meaningful. And who doesn't want to scrap those relationships? :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Bev W. says…

    Great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Ellie Augustin says…

    These classes look amazing and would love the opportunity to get into one of these classes. Thanks for the chance

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Nicky from Okotoks says…

    look like great classes. thanks ali for the chance

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Pam says…

    These sound great! Thanks for the chance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Pheeebzzz says…

    Both classes sound great but I would love to win a spot for Courtney Carver's as I really need help to better start my days....
    Thanks for the chance to win !

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle M. says…

    Sounds interesting. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Vicki I. says…

    Both of these classes look wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Pidgen says…

    I was just looking over my February priorities for OLW - and "strengthen morning routine" is right there for me to see and to contemplate what my hold up is! Then I clicked over to your site and to see this giveaway made my heart jump a little! Thank you so much for the chance to win! I'd love to have a better morning routine! Not to mention "strengthen relationships" is also on my list - so Stephanie's class is super exciting too! :)

    Reply 0 Replies

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