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AE Heart & Soul | Brené Brown

Okay, so if you know me or you've been reading my blog for very long it's likely you've heard me mention my friend Dr. Brené Brown (here's a post where I talk about our story).

© Harpo, Inc 2013 | George Burns

This week I'm focusing on Brené for Heart & Soul because she's got something really big (um, huge) happening this weekend - an interview with Oprah for Super Soul Sunday.


That's her up there in the photo, hanging out with Oprah. And I'm bursting at the seams for her. Brené is a generous, intelligent, real, hilarious, straight-forward, loving and just a totally awesome person that I'm beyond honored to call my friend. Her work in this world is important and it's so worth your time to check out her books (linked below), read her blog, watch her insanely popular TED Talks and mark your calendar for this Sunday to watch her conversation with Oprah.

Read more about Super Soul Sunday here. Check out the preview video here.

If you don't have access to the OWN network you can watch it online live via, or at 11am EST and 11am PST. More details on the silmulcast here.

Check out this great blog post she wrote for Oprah: 4 (Totally Surprising) Life Lessons We All Need To Learn


I hope you have a wonderful weekend making and keeping memories.

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8 thoughts

  1. anneberit says…

    She is awesome! Her books really made a great impact on my life. Thanks for reminding me of her interview. Happy weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ellen Coker says…

    Brené Brown is just as you describe. Watching her interviews with Oprah and reading her books will be time well spent!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Paula says…

    I will definitely be tuning in and checking out Ms Brown's blog and books!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Janet Wight says…

    Brene Brown is the genuine article, a straight talking person, who speaks from the heart. Love her work!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Patti L says…

    Thanks for the info. I enjoyed her "gifts of imperfection", and want to read the others.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Peppermint says…

    Oh how awesome for her! The "Oprah Bump"! I just started reading Daring Greatly on Monday. Finally. I've already recommended it to four other people. That's the "Peppermint Bump". It's more like a slight incline, really. But the "Peppermint Slight Incline" doesn't sound as classy.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Love you!

  7. kelly libby says…

    Usually, i'm a rather confident woman but sometimes that doubt and fear and unhealthy comparing just slams right into the normal person I am and reeks such havoc.

    Right now as I am home sick. on the couch totally missing all the fun St. Patrick's day festivities in Boston, i decided to Watch the clips and videos on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday website. Whoa!

    Tears and moments of clarity. I needed this. Perfect timing for me this weekend as I've been feeling sad and lonely and comparing myself to the other women in my life who seem to have more, are more successful, have it "together" more. Grieving over the end of some relationships, platonic and romantic and wondering if I wasn't enough and that it's my fault. And, then doing the never helpful scrolling and scanning through Facebook looking at other "friends" photos and updates and genuinely feeling like I haven't been enough lately.

    Who is this woman that invades my being??!! That's not me!! But, it's good to know we ALL feel like this from time to time. It's time for me to try and Dare Greatly.

    Thanks for sharing such a positive example to watch and learn from with Ms.Brown. I'm going out to buy her book tomorrow!

    Reply 0 Replies

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