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What's On Your...

Loved this list of "what's on your..." that my sister posted last week as an updated version of many of those list-style memes that travel around the interwebs.

Here's what's on my...

VANITY | I don't have a vanity. Maybe I should get one for my bedroom (that room that usually has no furniture except my bed and side-tables but currently includes all the extra stuff from my office). It sounds feminine and romantic.

PERENNIAL TO DO LIST | Take some clothes to the dry cleaners, clean up the office, meal plan, make more layouts, get out in my yard, exercise, file papers, etc. 

REFRIGERATOR SHELVES | Brussels sprouts, OJ, beef for Shabu Shabu, strawberries, greek yogurt, pickles.

ITINERARY | Planning to attend two concerts at the Gorge (Washington) and a trip to Paris this summer. My sister has been going to Paris during August for the last couple of years and I'm hoping to meet up with her this summer. I'll also be traveling to China in November with Scrapmap (you're invited).

FANTASY ITINERARY | Thailand. Bali. Fiji. Russia. Seriously, put me on a plane going pretty much anywhere and that sounds awesome. 

PLAYLIST | Imagine Dragons, Mumford & Sons, P!nk, The Lumineers, Fun., Dave Matthews, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce (did you guys catch her documentary - loved seeing how she captures her life - inspiring).

NIGHTSTAND | Too many books. Some that have been there for months and others only weeks. 

WORKOUT PLAN | 9am at the gym Monday - Friday. Treadmill. Elliptical. Pool when it the outdoor one opens. That's the plan anyway

IPHONE | Pic Tap Go, Instagram, texts from Katie & Aaron & Chris, Solitaire.

TOP 5 LIST | Being in my yard, travel (planning, embarking, documenting), watching Simon "get stuff," listening to Anna tell me about her day, finding the happy within me.

BUCKET LIST | More travel. More live music. More adventures with friends & my kids & family. Punctuated with a really awesome home life (love + communication + compassion + fun + peace + acceptance + the knowledge that we can do hard things).

MIND | Lots of work projects (new class for Big Picture this summer). Simon going to middle school and entering that next phase of life. Letting stuff go. Opening up. Wanting to get the office put away but needing to get some projects done. Being thankful.   

BLOGROLL | Marc & Angel Hack Life, Elise Blaha, Be More With Less, Danielle LaPorte

WALLS OF YOUR FAVORITE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE | Decorators White from Benjamin Moore. I'd actually like to have my whole house dipped in it. For now I'll be thankful for it in my office. 

LIQUOR SHELF | Tequila for margaritas. I just tried this spicy grapefruit one last week and it was delicious. I'd like to try this lemonade one next. I also usually have some vodka and rum on hand too. 

LAST CREDIT CARD STATEMENT | Grocery store for lunch yesterday. Dinner with girlfriends last Saturday night. 

SCREENSAVER | This one found via How About Orange. I really think it has helped me take action.

TV EVERY NIGHT | The kids often watch a movie. When I do watch anything lately it's been a movie or back episodes of Californication (almost done with Season 1).

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34 thoughts

  1. Brenda says…

    Love the list! Thanks for sharing. I am living in Shanghai and will be here when you visit. Would love to know if there's an opportunity to be at a place you will. Thanks for what you do!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lisa W. says…

    Love...very inspiring..AND really hoping someday I can go on a Scrapmap trip with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Elaine says…

    Nice post! I love the Gorge, go there every year to see DMB. What concert are you going to?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi! Going to the Sasquatch Music Festival (Mumford, The Lumineers, Postal Service, Imagine Dragons, Edward Sharpe, Macklemore, etc) and then to DMD. I've always wanted to go to DMD and my new "friend" Aaron is a major fan (I think he's seen him at least 10 times).

  4. Sabrina L says…

    We did our whole house in Decorators White two years ago. I adore it. Even on the greyest days our home is still bright. It's the only thing that got me through this last incredibly long Canadian winter.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Sarah says…

    LOVE the Gorge. Any show is good there! So wish I was still on the west coast to got there more often. Its been years.

    Awesome list!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Cathy L. says…

    I've been to the Gorge many years ago! Saw Allanis Morisette, and another time saw Metallica. Great venue!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Suzanne says…

    Ali- I haven't been to your blog in a while, and I forgot how packed full of inspiration and wonderful little tid bits of food for thoughts you always have. Getting a vanity. Stat. xoxo

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…


  8. jaimee h. says…

    LOVE everything about this!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. northcarmen says…

    Hey Ali -- ever thought of teaching at the big scrapbooking convention that's held in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa every year?! I bet they'd love to have you (and so would I). ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. What is on your… | A Day in the Life... says…

    [...] loved this list of “what’s on your…” that Ali Edwards posted today on her [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jen says…

    I just saw Glennon ( at a book reading on Saturday. SO inspirational! Love your list- good call on Sasquatch, too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jessica @The Mom Creative says…

    You should check out the show Damages. I think you would really like it. :) Very suspenseful and awesome writing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Maureen says…

    Thank you Ali, and thank your sister and all the earlier posters. What a great meme!

    Glad to hear about Paris in August. I'll be interested to hear how hot it is!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. k8 says…

    Ah - what a fun exercise! Just finished my version....I love these 'moment in time' types of things....

    Someday, I'll turn it into a layout.......oh, hahahahahaha......ahh.


    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Queen Mary says…

    Vanity. My grandmother had one. Love them. Have always wanted one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Kirsten J says…

    Fun list! And....yay! A new class at bps?!? I'm in!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Brooke says…

    I loved that post from your sister too. It prompted me to want fresh berries in my fridge!! Also loved her skincare and facials post. Want to get my face scanned and start from scratch.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. J3SS1C4 says…

    Love this list! This would be interesting to look back on every few months!! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. What’s on your…. | hclappy scraps says…

    [...] this great fill in the blank post from Ali Edwards this [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Elaine Bieman says…

    whats a vanity?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. northcarmen says…

      A vanity is a small table with drawers and a mirror, and a stool, used for putting on makeup, perfume, earrings, etc. -- anything to improve a woman's appearance.

  21. dawn says…

    Love reading this, so much to say and going on in your life. Sounds full and happy and future happy plans too. I bet your kids will have your adventure/dreams of traveling far and wide.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    p.s. I am enjoying the last months of Sam being in elementary too. He is my last one and I would love to enjoy just one more year of this elementary stage.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. List | What’s on your… says…

    [...] by Ali Edwards’ blog post I’m changing things up a little on the blog by doing this “What’s on [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jennifer D. says…

    Oh, Ali! Your spring flower pictures are killing me! It's snowing here again...with more on the way!

    Love the journaling prompt!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. What's on Your...learn a few things about me! - Nap Time is My Time says…

    [...] on your April 20, 2013 By Emily 0 Flares 0 Flares × A few days ago, Ali Edwards posted a fun list post and I was so inspired, I wanted to write one too! I love sharing little bits and pieces about me [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Melanie A. says…

    That looks like a Quanson Cherry Tree. I have one in my front yard, aren't they beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies

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