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Around Here | Traditional Scrapbook Layout

Last weekend I shared a layout challenge with those participating in the Creative Crop at Big Picture Classes and I wanted to share that layout with you today.

THE CHALLENGE | Use arrows to emphasize parts of your journaling.

Many of you know I’m big on getting stories told - real life, meaty stories that show the who, what, why, where, when and how of our lives from yesterday and today. I also love design and playing with the elements of design to tell my stories in visually interesting ways. Today I’m sharing a layout that uses arrows as a compliment to my story - helping to highlight certain areas of text. Your challenge is to create a layout that also uses the combination of story + arrows to tell a story from your life. An added bonus to this challenge would be to do a similar style of journaling - using the idea of Around Here. Start each sentence/paragraph with an “-ing” word to describe things (both big and small) that are happening in your life right now.

Here's a look at my 12x12 layout:

To create this layout I went back through my blog posts that I haven’t yet made into layouts. I often like to use my blog as a holding place for stories I might want to make into layouts down the road. This one talks about the things that were happening around here in September 2012.

For photos I went to my September folder in Aperture (my photo management program) and printed out a couple to support the story. I printed them as one strip on 11x14 photo paper but you could easily print them individually and adhere one at a time.

The background of my layout is pattern paper from BasicGrey.

The "dated" tab is from Elle's Studio.

I printed my journaling onto white cardstock and cut it into strips.

In between each thought/sentence I added a wood veneer arrow from Studio Calico (part of the Front Row kit). You could use an assortment of arrows or stick with all the same. Here's a similar set.

I attached the wood veneer with a bit of rolling adhesive and then stitched it in place using embroidery floss and a needle.

I started and ending the journaling with chipboard triangles from My Mind's Eye.


Click on the images to link to the products.

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14 thoughts

  1. EE K says…

    So inspiring as usual, Ali! Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Rina says…

    Great layout and reflection of story. cool way to enhance a project life album small on content for a week too. Thanks Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lisa W. says…

    As always...awesome layout!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Michelle L says…

    I love your layouts! This makes me even more excited about your class this summer!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jen N says…

    Great layout! Makes me get the itch to do more.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Patti L says…

    Nice layout! I like the use of the patterned paper as background. I just bought a bunch of word veneers from Freckled Fawn, so excited to incorporate. I pictured more of a one-time use on PL layouts, but I like how you used many wood veneers here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Teresa L. says…

    Oh, I love it! As always its so simple and classic! I so going to scraplift this! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. nicole prather says…

    My favorite thing about you is your way of making your layouts about the pictures. Not all the fluff.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. susan garner says…

    Thank you. This is great. Going to cut out some journalling strips. I look so forward to these posts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Melissa Shim says…

    Love this LO

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. J3SS1C4 says…

    Great idea to use the arrows! I just brought a pack of arrows this week, so lots of inspiration to use them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jennifer K says…

    Just wanted to say I enjoyed this challenge over at the BPC crop last weekend. The arrows gave me all kinds of ideas and it made my journaling a lot more interesting to look at. Inspired me to try something different, which was awesome!

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  13. roberta says…

    love doing this! i made a layout about 7 years ago, when my son was first born and did something similar.... except i cut out some sentences and hand-wrote some words in between.... my older kids thought i was CRAY CRAY because it was his entire birth story! i loved how it turned out. i sure wish i would remember to hit your blog up moe often. always love your posts :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Roberta :). And just so you know you can subscribe via email if you want to make sure you catch all the content. Click on the "all" link under the "Get Connected" heading on the left column of the blog.

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