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I Like It When You Laugh


I came across this image and quote on Pinterest the other day and it was one of those moments where I read it and everything in my world stopped and it got really quiet.

A flood of times that I remember as fun swept over me. Those times when I was delightfully alive.

Yesterday morning I dropped Simon off in his first period classroom (he asked me to walk with him in there - I'll take it as long as I can get it my friends) and he wanted me to stand on a balance ball-thing they have on the ground (here's a photo of him standing on it a few days ago). I did it and I looked at him and smiled really big and laughed out loud and he looked right back at me and said, "Ah, I like it when you laugh."

I can remember Chris saying that to me in years past. "I like it when you laugh." It was always a wake-up call and a reminder to lighten-up and let go.

I've also found myself saying this to Aaron from time to time when I catch him in a moment of delight. An unrehearsed, uninhibited smile (with dimples no less). To him I say, "Man, I love it when you smile."

Katie read this post earlier today and promptly told me that I laugh around her all the time. I think that's a very good thing.

The weight of life can be heavy at times. I can be way-too-serious and/or stuck in my own ways of how I think things should be done or relentlessly "in my head." I can also be really, really fun. Yes, I remember this too.

These people I care very, very much about are telling me something and I know what it feels like to see it in someone else.

I'm listening.

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74 thoughts

  1. Laura says…

    Thank you for this. I love a good, hard belly laugh. The best exercise there is. I teach pre-school,and we have many moments of pure fun and laughter. Priceless.

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  2. Silvia says…

    Thanks for sharing this reminder :)

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  3. Bambou Orchidee says…


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  4. Leora says…

    Beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Karen Freeman says…

    Hmmm love the quote and picture and it's funny how someone else says something and we (I ) sit up and take notice. Glad you decided to share this today.I might be in need of a bit of the light up advice at the moment. Duly noted. Thanks. :)

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  6. Lindsey says…

    Oh, I love this. Love. I'm often too heavy too, and this is a salient reminder. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Paula says…

    Great post. We carry lots of responsibilities and furthermore we carry within us the trait of being responsible - good stuff but hurts our "fun-o-meter" levels sometimes because there's always something to plan, organize, do or worry about. I can relate! As holidays are coming I am going to recall this post and try focusing on the fun and not getting so caught up in preparing or creating everyone else's fun that I become overwhelmed. You reminded me today that the people I do everything to please want me to be having fun, not part of the "stage crew!"

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  8. Lisa W. says…

    OH MAN I hear ya on this!!! My husband says to me ALL the time...relax...let it be!! AND why oh why does it "process" SO so so so much better hearing this from you:) I will listen!!! I will laugh.

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  9. Susan says…

    Ali...I get your daily notifications each morning, love reading them and then go on with my busy work day. However, this one particular one made me stop and think...ok...I love what I do and I'm happy with what I do. But...working alone all day, with just my camera, computer and my good buddy photoshop...there's not much smiling, silliness or laughter going on. today I'm going to take a break. Head over to my daughters and grab a laugh or two. Thank you for the reminder! Much needed. xo's ~ susan

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  10. Amanda says…

    Good reminder. I needed to hear as well. I often get "smile!" because I keep such a serious look too often. I'm listening :)

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  11. Susan Bowers says…

    Laughing, it's my most favorite thing to do.

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  12. Jen says…

    A much needed reminder! Especially on days when my 2-year-old throws tantrums all day and I just wasn't to cry/scream at the situation. But then she does something to make me laugh and it goes away.
    Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Maggie says…

      I'm right there with you, Jen! Life with my two year old lately is very trying and there are such extreme emotions throughout the day. Lots of laughs and giggles but a growing number of raised voices and frustration.

      I appreciate this reminder very much. I feel like by the time that my husband gets home each night, I'm so burned out that I rarely smile and likely have a grumpy look on my face. Not a very pleasant thing to come home to, I' m sure. I need to work on adding more joy to my evenings!

  13. Val says…

    Great post, everything about this really hit home, I need to remember to lighten up, life is fun, someone I saw just the other day had been in a serious bike accident and she said she was happy to be alive and how it had changed her perspective... remember to enjoy the moment and just have fun!!!

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  14. Karina K says…

    Thanks, I love that quote!

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  15. jaimee h. says…

    Although I live in a house with one grown up boy and one little boy that keep me laughing all the time, your words still got me choked up. Thanks for always being willing to be to keep it real for all of us. We are listening too.:)

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  16. Jenny B. says…

    "I can be way-too-serious and/or stuck in my own ways of how I think things should be done or relentlessly 'in my head.'"

    That was me yesterday. Maybe I can find something to laugh about today! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Cathy L. says…

    Your words are always inspiring. Laughter is awesome - that's one thing I'm actually pretty good at!

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  18. Debbie says…

    I love the quote. My daughter tells me she loves it when I smile and when I laugh. Thank you for this post it hit home! I need to lighten up and enjoy the ride more. Last night I read 21 Habits of Supremely Happy People. By Kate Bratskeir, The Huffington Post. I loved it. I read the highlights out load to my family and everyone laughed and enjoyed it. Gentle reminders help us all see what we already have within us. As always, thank you.

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  19. Cindy Pride says…

    So true. I too am way to uptight. I need to chill.

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  20. Dawaila says…

    This was just what I needed this morning! Thanks

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  21. Jennifer U. says…

    I love this. Thank you for the reminder. Ali, our kids are the same age (and not far away, up in Portland). Occasionally my 11 year will look and me and say "smile Mom" and do some silly routine. Sometimes I smile, other times I mumble a "you don't understand I have work and a masters program and...." whoa is me kind of line. I really need to change that. Especially when so much of their mood and attitude looks to serious old me for setting the tone, this is good to remember. Last weekend we accomplished a spontaneous beach trip and some fishing time and it did my heart such good to laugh and pretend I know how to reel in the salmon. Thanks again. I'm feeling a very kick a@! Kind of day coming on :)

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  22. CJ says…

    What a lovely post. I am struggling with various things at the moment, so I needed a reminder to laugh and look for joy and fun.

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  23. Nicole says…

    Ok, I really needed this post today! Thank you, Ali! What a fabulous reminder. (even though the post itself brought tears to my eyes instead of laughter ;) :) ) I can see through your photos your heart is fully alive and at peace and I like it. Happy Thursday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Amy Kolling says…

    I so needed to read this today! I have been feeling this way for a while and it's nice to know others are thinking this too!

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  25. Kathryn B says…

    Wow...this post hit very close to home. My husband and I have talked about this very thing...the need to laugh more and have fun. I've always been the serious, responsible one and have a hard time "letting go" and just be in the moment. Our daughter is a Marine currently training in the Mojave Desert and the last several weeks have been particularly difficult for her. As a Mom, regardless of their age, we take on our children's struggles and hardships. I'm working hard to live with joy and thanksgiving while giving the struggles and hardships to God. Thanks for the reminder to laugh and have fun.

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