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She Just Likes To Play


Note taken on September 20th.

This morning she climbed out of her bath and announced she was a cat.


"Mommy pick me up like I'm a cat."

So I wrapped her up in a towel and picked her up from the ground like I'd pick up George and carried her into her bedroom to get dressed for school.

Our before-school-morning was smooth as I played along with her pretending to be a cat and it was a blessing because these first couple weeks of adjusting back to school have been tough.

Today she said yes to a different skirt that she's said no to every single day of school so far. She was happy and cooperative as that little kitty cat, eating her breakfast and even letting me put her hair in pig-tails.

I played along.

And it was really pretty magical.

She just likes to play. It's definitely one of her love languages.

Meow, sweet girl, meow.

PS | She also told me that she has a really good boy's voice when she plays with her dolls.

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29 thoughts

  1. Brooke says…

    We can learn a lot from the fun our kids have! Today I took my 2 year old to see my parents as I thought they needed a cheer me up dose of my son's fun. Worked a treat. He pretended to be a dog, we all had to pat him and then he asked for a bone. He said "woof, woof" and my Dad asked him how he was. He replied "good" in between his woofs! So funny, so therapeutic!

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  2. Paula says…

    What a sweet morning you two had. Brought back memories of when my daughter was "my cat" too! (She's 16 now.) This went on for weeks - she'd rub her head on my shoulders like a cat, in the mornings she'd call out from her bedroom "your cat is up!" the give a few meows...and there were nights when cuddling before bed she'd say "your cat loves you." These are the treasures in life that money never will be able to buy. Enjoy your precious Anna cat.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Tonya says…

      So sweet! THIS reminded me of my now eleven year old when he was my cat. :)

  3. Allison M. says…

    How sweet! My Lilly likes to pretend to be a kitten, sometimes a puppy or a tiger (one day it was a sea turtle!), but most often it's a kitten. She'll rub her head on my shoulder or arm and "meow". Most often I play along and meow back at her. To her I'm always the Mommy kitten and she's the baby kitten. I need to remember to scrapbook this too...

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. J Allen says…

    Ali, how much you look like your Mom in this pic!

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  5. Donna says…

    Love. Just pure love Ali!

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  6. molly says…

    How sweet. I'm awed that you can fit her bath in before school. It's a mad rush around here. (I Need to work on that.)

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  7. Cathy L. says…

    Sweet memories! I agree, you really do look like your mom in this photo!

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  8. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    So BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    Aren't these times we spend with our Little Ones just too precious for words??

    ENJOY every moment because before you know it you will be getting her ready for her wedding:-):-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jessica Woodford says…

    I so love this!

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  10. Jennifer says…

    I love that you pointed out play as a love language. That is something for me to think about today. There are times when we're in a hurry or it's just time to go to bed. The "baby kitty"
    business (at our house) seems to be more of stall tactic or "pushing buttons". I needed to be reminded that it's also a love language and an opportunity for play and snuggles and connecting.

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  11. lindsey says…

    awesome. just awesome.

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  12. Tara says…

    Ali -- My husband bought me one of your books about 10 years ago, for xmas and I've been hooked -- I also won a book of yours at a scrapbooking convention -- I love your style and i LOVE your creations. I have NO time to do half the stuff I want to do with my photos and journaling, but I'm encouraged when I read about your simple solutions. And your daughter is SO ADORABLE!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Marti Richards says…

    Super cute! My almost 5 year old girl loves to be a cat named Kitty Meow Meow or a dog named Max. Love this age and it is always a lovely reminder of what is most important in life. :)

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  14. Nelia says…

    Love this. I have a spunky and opinionated little 2 year old, so I get it. Is this picture taken on a self-timer?

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  15. J3SS1C4 says…

    So sweet! I hope she always has that playfulness :)

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  16. Ellie Augustin says…

    To me its beyond amazing to watch/listen to my 6 yr. old in her world. It amazes me the stories she can come up with. The voices and names of the countless Barbies she has how no matter what she may be playing they are center stage of the plot to her stories. I love that she'll come up to be with her "Mama did you "statements. I just soak it all in I actually had posted about this just thing today on my blog. Loving your post today!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Monica says…

    Both my girls went through the "I'm a cat stage, and the I'm a dog stage" I think it really is the sweetest form of innocence, and silliness, all wrapped in one. I agree, play along. I cherish those moments. We now tease our 19 year old about how she would go up and lick her our leg, just like a cat or dog! LOL!

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  18. Jessica says…


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  19. Doris says…

    When my daughter was small, she decided she was a cat - in a restaurant bathroom. She was meowing when someone came in and said - there's a cat in here. I had to explain...

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. erinn says…

    This was like an arrow to my heart. Especially after the afternoon/evening I just had with my sweet girl. What a timely and important reminder for me to slow down, pay attention and foster her playfulness instead of trying to squash it. Thank you.

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  21. laura g. says…

    this age is magical...wonder what you were like at her age??

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  22. Angie Blom says…

    So cute.. Little girls love to be cats.. At 4 my daughter started her cat phase .. And every once in awhile like tonight I here a little meow .. She is 7 . Enjoy every minute! Mama Cat!

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  23. Sarah says…

    Ha! I remember back 14 years as if it was yesterday. Tooth brushing with a puppy was way easier than with a 2 year old boy! Thanks for the memory

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  24. Cindy B. says…

    Ahhhhh!! Peace. Love those kind of mornings.

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  25. Tinka says…

    I firmly believe that playing, and a willingness to be silly, keeps you young! So when my 3 yr old great-nephew, asks me to get down on the floor and play dinosaurs with him, I happily accept..even though getting back up can be a challenge!

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