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2014 Reader Survey Results


Thank you again to those of you who took the time a few weeks ago to participate in my reader survey. There were close to 2700 responses and I appreciated the kind words, the support and the constructive criticism/suggestions/requests.

One of the big reasons I wanted to do a survey (my first one for this site) was simply to see if we were all on the same page. You guys are a great community and I liked the opportunity to connect with you in this way and get your input and feedback.

Primarily I was interested in learning what's working for you at the same time I figure out what's working for me professionally and personally. I was also interested in some pretty basic information like how long people have been reading and how you access my content.

In case you were wondering I used Survey Monkey to create this survey and have exported the results graphs to share them with you today.

Here's a look at the results (under some of the graphics I've included a bit more commentary):

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So many of you have been around such a long time! Your continued support and loyalty is really humbling. Thank you for being here and contributing to this adventure and being interested in my story and telling your own.

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This one was interesting to me as it's been a topic of conversation around here from time to time about how people actually read blogs these days.

I've personally been going back and forth between Feedly and Bloglovin trying to decide which one I want to stick with regularly.

If you want to subscribe via email go here.

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Not a huge surprise that Project Life® and traditional scrapbooking came out as the most popular forms of memory keeping.

EDITED | I want to clarify that just because the majority of you responded that Project Life® is your go-to form of memory keeping it doesn't mean that my content is going to change to be solely Project Life®. It just gives me a good indication of what many of you are interested in right now and that helps me as I plan my own content. As many of you have noticed I've been doing more traditional layouts recently and I plan to continue that trend in addition to providing inspiration for Project Life® and other memory keeping projects.

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Personal stories and organization. Noted.

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I'm listening and I'm making some changes and adjustments to find ways to bring you more of what you want and less of what you don't. Obviously some of what happens here has to be commercial in nature as it's one of the ways I put food on our table, but I agree that there's an opportunity for a more intentional approach.

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Creating workshops is one of the things I enjoy most about my work. Thank you for the great feedback regarding workshops - this helps me as I plan what to focus on for the future.

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This was defintely helpful for me for planning what I'd like to focus on next. Again, thank you.

Here's a very small sampling of responses from the other questions that didn't include specific options:

Why do you continue to visit

  • "After following you for so long it has become "habit" (in a good, positive, way) I love what you write, love your insight into this crazy journey we are all on called life."

  • "There's always something I can relate to or find helpful or inspirational... I like that you're not afraid to share personal stuff."

  • "I discovered your blog at about the time you found out Simon was autistic. Not too long after I found out that my oldest daughter was also autistic. Your blog (in a way) helped me to find my way through the craziness that happened afterward. I felt connected to you, like I knew you and we had gone through something together. Since then I have loved how you keep your readers up on what's going on in your life but still keep it professional and with the spin of memory keeping."

  • "I like your style of memory keeping..clean and not overly product driven. I like your style of blogging...real and inspiring. I admire your courage and strength. You are like a friend."

  • "Because I like how you tell your stories and it helps me to remember to write things down and document everyday things, not just special ones. I also like your traditional scrapbook pages and try to follow your style in my own work. I also like to read personal stories about life with children, life after divorce etc. It gives me hope that even though that sometimes things are hard, if you work at things and keep an open mind and heart, your life can get better - it might be different to what you imagined but it will get better."

  • "I randomly check in to see what is happening in the scrapbooking world."

What is your biggest Memory Keeping Challenge?

  • Time was by far the number one response.

  • Not knowing where to start.

  • Journaling.

  • Organization.

  • Getting started. And finishing.

NOTE | Next time I do a survey I will definitely ask this one with suggested answers like the others to be able to have a graph that would map out the responses.


I know I've said it a lot in this post but it's truly how I feel. There were an overflowing of really kind comments left throughout the survey and I'm grateful to those of you who took the time to communicate with me in this way. I'm also thankful to those of you who were honest about what you like/don't like. I'm not wrapped up in pleasing every single person - zero expectations for making that happen - but I do believe in being open to change and being able to take a good long look at the things I do/don't do on this site to make it even better for all of us.


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40 thoughts

  1. Ann E. Ford says…

    Your transparency has proved reassuring for me in the past. Your "It Is Ok" mantra from a while back modeled for a mother of 4 (the last 3 being 18 months apart in age, with the latter 2 having special needs), that loosening my grip on "doing it all" and just doing what is right for this hour or this day, within the parameters of our family is enough--because I say it is. Your slant is wise beyond your years, and I should know, because I lap you in age by about a decade.

    You're a brave lady and you're leading by example. Well done~~ ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Brooke says…

    I so loved participating. Seems I have many kindred spirits here. Thanks for sharing the results.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Pink Ronnie says…

    That is so amazing and wonderful to have people who've been reading your blog for seven plus years! What a testimony to you and your work.
    Ronnie xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dawn says…

    Thanks for posting the results for us, the survey was fun. I am very happy with all that you post here and have inspired me with over the years. I was a fan for years before finding your blog. Watching your kids grow up has been so awesome, you are such a great mom. I love your blog just as it is, the right balance of everything. I've always said it and it's still true, you make us feel right at home, like we are right there in your living room talking and sharing with you. THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!

    p.s. I did have one question I forgot to ask earlier on your block scheduling with Katie. Now that summer vacation will be starting how will you be doing this? Will it change due to kids being home? Curious since mine are home starting next week and I've got a good routine of my own down and not sure how to give it up or change it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Natalie says…

    Hi Ali, i have been reading your blog for more than 7 years. I didn't do the survey as i didn't notice you were calling for it even i visit your blog everyday, believe i overlooked it as another give away. The result is exactly tally with my answers. Over the years, your blog is getting into more commercial, less inspiration (I'm sorry to say that) compare to when i first started to read your blog more than 7 years ago. Totally understand, it is because this blog become your income source and also a place to promote your product. Based on the result, I believe there are many people having same feeling as me, but still sticking around to support you. Just my two cents worth, maybe you can try to strike a balance, sharing more inspiration on scrapbooking and daily life, keeping commercial at reasonable level. I really hope to continue reading your blog for long time to come.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Natalie - balance is something I've been striving for since this began to become an issue. To be honest I think it ebbs and flows depending on what projects I'm working on behind the scenes here - for example when I'm working on content for workshops I often have less creative energy to give to this space which results in less inspiration content and more updates on new products. I appreciate you sticking around and for recognizing that I truly do care about the content I put out into the world.

  6. Mary says…

    Hi Ali...I'm not a scrapbooker but still love to check in on your blog...I found you through Big Picture classes I believe. Even as a non scrapbooker I find you inspirational, creative, and honest. I had signed up for the One Little Word course and although I haven't done any of the assignments, I'm still enjoying watching everyone's posts on Facebook and its made me keep my word "joy" in the forefront of my mind.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Em says…

    Regarding the fact that Project Life® came first as the type of memory keeping your readers like better. Don't you think that maybe it's because a lot of us new readers found about out through that medium? I know I did.

    I'd never done any kind of memory keeping before trying PL even though I'd been interested by scrapbooking for years and now that I AM a Project Lifer I can assure you traditional scrapbooking definitely isn't for me. :)

    It doesn't mean I mind seeing what how do it though, on the contrary.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Beatrice says…

    Hi Ali,

    I, too, missed the survey because of my many health issues lately. I have been following you since your CK Studio A days ( I still have all those issues, yes :)) and have seen your family go through milestones, celebrations and changes. Throughout the years, you have remained an inspiration to me. Not just during the good times, but ESPECIALLY during the not-so-good-times. I come to your blog for creative inspiration as I love the way you tell your stories and I love the clean and graphic way you keep those memories. You and Laura Kurz are still my favourites! Simple, sweet and to the point whether it be through traditional scrapbooking or Project Life style scrapbooking. I love Becky Higgins too, but to me, you innovated pocket page scrapbooking waaaay back then when CK was still putting out those scrapbooking font CDs!Remember those? :) change is tough and can be good or not-so-good, but you have my support and friendship. I am here to stay :) stay well.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Beatrice says…

    I also wanted to say that I come to your blog for personal inspiration. I admire the way you view and handle things and situations and value the wisdom you share along the way. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. karen says…

    hi ali
    I missed the survey too but concur with results.
    I've been reading and following your work and life since you published the picrue of Simon playing with all his toys, lined up and sorted....And I also remember when Simon was diagnosed with autism...and ... and ...and...
    For some time I struggled with all the give aways. Your explanation was a helpful reminder that the blog contributes to your income. I just kinda got turned off by them. I'd flick through to see if there was a personal story, a PL page or a post like the one of block scheduling.
    Having said all of that, I admire the way you see the world, particularly your grace and dignity since your divorce as you've showed us how to be kind and dignified in what you do.
    I wish you every success into the future.
    PS - I get confused about how Katie fits in re PL...

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. a says…

    Heya i'm for the primary time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot.
    I hope to present something back and help others like you aided me.

    Reply 0 Replies

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