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December Daily® 2014 | Day Nine

Welcome to  December Daily® 2014 | Day Nine. 

Today I'm playing with black and white and numbers and words. 

Here's a look at the components of Day Nine: 

On the left side I created a 3x4 card using some of the supplies from the kit: the masking tape, the "let your heart be light" stamp, the hand-drawn pattern paper + the bokeh heart + a red star + a brad. I paired that with a photo I took using the timer on my iPhone last night of me sitting by the fire working on my holiday cards. 

I also knew I wanted to use that number paper for today since it went up to 9 and in the  Foundation Pages video I talked about maybe using it for some kind of list and that's what I ended up doing. 

Another idea if you wanted to make it more meaningful would be to write up your own words on a piece of paper and then place the bokeh heart on top - maybe more parts of your story. 

For this page I used the  Gold Glitter Zing again to emboss the title + added the date using a date stamp. I drew a box around the two to bring them together. Underneath I wrote out nine things I'm still looking forward to this year before Christmas. 

Those little numbers on the stamp set are totally getting some use this year. 

Here's a look at the full spread in the album: 



I'd love to have you share a link to your Day Nine pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.


  • hiwendyhi said...Have wanted a Silhouette for so long now (YEARS!!) and the budget just never allows it. But, I keep trying!! I'll get one someday. :) Thank you for the giveaway fun!!

  • k4projl said...WOW! This is such a wonderful giveaway! I have been looking at The Silhouette for quite some time, even just yesterday. So many craft projects can be done! :) Thank you for the opportunity! A side note: your December Daily kit rocks!!!!!

Congratulations! Please email Katie at with your contact information

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25 thoughts

  1. Michelle06 says…

    Love embossing Love stamping

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. petrac says…

    This project and Week In the life, that I have just finished, have really re-injected the enjoyment into my memory keeping. For that I thank you Ali. x

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. cruisin_ali says…

    Oh Ali - you've done it again! I love the black and white shot of you at the fireplace. But I have a stupid question to ask... do you have some kind of tripod for your iphone?? or have you propped your phone up against something? I was going to ask a while ago with your "grocery shopping" selfie at the store, but now I just need to ask... how do you do it? thanks Ali R.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. torysmama14 says…

      I'm curious too! Especially the one that was clearly taken in the parking lot! Did you set the timer on your phone, prop it against a timer and then haul butt back to grab it?

    2. durbaa says…

      I thought at the grocery store she used her "real" camera...but I may be wrong. I truly have no idea why I think that though :)

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - grocery store was my DSLR on the ground. For this shot I have an iPhone 5 so it has hard edges and can sit on it's side - I just crawled over, set the timer, and went back to my spot before the 10 seconds was up.

    4. cruisin_ali says…

      awesome thanks Ali - you are a rockstar for sure!

  4. StaceyLee_Collis says…

    the black and white looks awesome and we were just discussing the idea of a number post similar to the 9 on 9 today! Planning to add one in my album for sure :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. abragg79 says…

    Love this!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. cryslee444 says…

    I originally had absolutely no plans to use that black and white paper with the numbers because I could not see a use for it. Now I am scraplifting from you and doing a similar page. I have been finding inspiration in every post you do lately and am just loving it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. lmnfloyd says…

    When you emboss with the gold glitter zing, do you still use the heat tool? I feel like some of the glitter is lost when I do that?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I do use the heat tool - it melts the glitter which is the look I like. I know some other gold glitter embossing powder (like some of Tim's) doesn't melt all the way - just a different look and feel :).

  8. Char says…

    I think this is my favorite page so far.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. carriecolbert says…

    The number nerd in me loves that numbered paper. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Siri says…

    I'm using that paper in my sisters baby book. I thought it would be great to journal one little thing for each month of the pregnancy!

    Love your page ::-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. mtercha says…

    Love this list, too. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. desilei says…

    Another great page! I really like the idea of using that numbered page to create a list for day 9. Who says you can't have more than one list back-to-back?! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. abragg79 says…

    Another comment here...Did you use your Staedtler pen to write on the masking tape? My Staedtler pens write on almost all surfaces but didn't think of the masking tape (I know my precision pens don't work on it at all). I'm really loving your handwritten journaling this year!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I did - great pen!

  14. toribissell says…

    Love it! I was so confused how to use that 9 page and now you've given me such inspiration.

    P.S. Thanks for sharing with us every day!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Cool! Have fun!

  15. me1312 says…

    So creative! Love no 9!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. justapixel says…

    Thank you!!! Nothing happened at all on Day 9, and while I have a few ideas for days like that, I fear with my son now in college, that there will be many more of them. So when I saw what you did, it was perfect, and I'm going to do the same thing. I'm not even sure I'll have a photo, but it doesn't matter. Great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. cinback says…

    Brilliant, as always...

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Gracie says…

    Thank you for the kick start to use that particular piece of paper. I'm not sure exactly what I will list, but at least now I have some solid ideas to let percolate. Have a wonderful and inspiring weekend! :)

    Reply 0 Replies

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