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Cancun 2014 | Photos & Words

Aaron and I rang in 2015 on the beach in Cancun, Mexico. 

As many of you know my word for 2015 is give. And as many of you might have read in my reason why post, one of the things I want to work on this year is giving myself a break. I might, ahem, be a little obsessive about work and projects and have seemed to amp up that part of my personality this past year with my business changes. Yes, I have a hard time letting go of control. I wanted (if you ask Katie she'd probably say I "needed") to go somewhere and do pretty much nothing even if for just a few days. There were a couple times I sent her messages about work stuff I'd seen online when I was checking in and she'd say, "You are supposed to be on vacation. Stop working. Get back to relaxing. I've got everything under control."

It was a fairly last-minute trip (booked the week before we left) which limited where we were able to find a place to stay because of the holidays. We found one room that was reasonable in Cancun in the hotel zone at The Royal Caribbean and plane tickets on United. 

Happy New Year digital word art set used on the top photo available here

We left Eugene early in the morning on New Year's Eve and made it to Cancun by mid-afternoon. 

I decided to leave my big camera at home because I wanted to simplify things. All these shots were taken with my iPhone 6 (just upgraded after Christmas). 

Make It Happen digital word art is part of my new Goals set available here

Our view from our room at The Royal Caribbean. We read on Trip Advisor reviews that this hotel seemed to feature an older crowd which makes it a quieter place - which was fine with us since we weren't really going for the big-time party vibe. There were definitely families with kids there too but for supposedly being full it really didn't feel like it at all. 

Aaron's been to this area of Mexico quite a few times before - usually staying in Akumal (no space available since we booked on such short notice) - so it was fun to hear all his stories of past adventures and get to see some of the places he's loved. It was his first time staying in the hotel zone. I think we both agreed that if/when we go back sometime we'd rather be in one of the smaller communities (such as Akumal or Tulum) vs. the hotel zone but this worked out just fine for this trip. 

Just a little bit of screen-time in the morning. 

New Year's Eve fireworks from the beach. 

We spent one day sitting on the beach at our hotel and played in the water like kids. 

We spent one day sitting by the pool. 

I started a new daily yoga practice (again, "giving" myself permission to take care of myself). I downloaded an app called Yoga Studio that has a really great collection of classes for beginners, intermediates and advanced. What I really like about it is that it has options for 10 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins and 60 mins. My goal is really just to do something - even if it's the 15 minute one in the morning before I take the kids to school. I've had an all-or-nothing-mentality for way too long.  

Aaron taught me to play Canasta one night. He was the big winner of course. 

We watched the Oregon Duck football game (The Rose Bowl) from our room. 

On our last day we rented a car and drove to Akumal and Playa del Carmen so Aaron could show me some of his favorite places. 

I would love to go back and stay there for a few days. Great vibe. 

We ate lunch at this outdoor restaurant. Gotta love the sand on the ground and we sat in swings. Take me back

His and hers smoothies. 

The view from our swing. This was actually a busy place - I caught this shot in-between people sitting at these tables. The weather was just starting to get sunny again after being really overcast for the first half of the day. 

This guy. So much to say about him. Huge heart. Smarty pants. 

After our long lunch in Akumal we drove back towards Playa del Carmen (passed it on the way to Akumal earlier in the day) and parked and walked on the beach and checked out all the restaurants. 

For dinner we ended up in a restaurant on the beach. We had been hoping for a spot out on the sand, but took the next best option (in our opinion) behind the band. This cover band was rocking it and we ended up staying longer to watch them finish up their set. Love live music. 

On the way home we both read books on the plane. I'm about half way through Wally Lamb's We Are Water. 

Going was really, really good. I came home with a clear head, clear intentions and a renewed mental balance (which I definitely needed) about what's most important. That's really the gift I was hoping to give/find for myself during this getaway. 

I got clear again in the ways I want to inhabit my life. I want to be awake and alive and purposeful and let go of some of the negativity I've been holding on to this past year. It's an ongoing, likely life-long process and I'm okay with that. 

I'm excited to see what this year brings and looking forward to sharing the journey with you here as well as in my projects and workshops. 

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39 thoughts

  1. dee6 says…

    JUST like you say to Simon: "GO ALI GO!"
    (heart and smiley face emoji)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. TaraElias says…

    Playa is my fave. Glad you had a great time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Borcherding says…

    The last photo made me laugh. Your mouth looks so serious compared to Aaron's!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. bluestardesign says…

    ah, you discovered La Buena Vida! That has ben our hang out in Akumal for the last 12 years. Just seeing your photos makes me take a deep breath and relax! Love it!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I totally have to go back. It was so rad.

  5. ChrissyZ_ says…

    Looks like you had a great time! What a wonderful way to unwind!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. amoshatch says…

    My husband and I spent 6 weeks in the area BK (before kids). We rented a house in Puerto Morelos, camped on the beach in Paamul, swam in the cenotes, explored Tulum. It still ranks as one of the best vacations we have ever taken. Glad you took some time to rest and reset. Fabulous place to do it. Next a rafting trip in the Grand Canyon maybe?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. nishgau says…

    I am so gald to share

    Reply 0 Replies

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