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Give Sunday | 02

Daring Adventure Word Art By Ali Edwards

This year, in honor of my One Little Word® "give," I'm planning to share a hand-drawn quote each Sunday here on my blog.

Today's quote is from Helen Keller. 

Sometimes those daring adventures of life are really freaking hard and I wish I could get off the ride. It's all about perspective and taking it one day at a time. 

Click here to read my initial post and download the word art title and checklist.

Click here to download the #givesunday 02 quote. Please note: If you are reading this post via email you need to click through to the actual blog post to download the file

You're invited to join me. What will you give today?

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

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29 thoughts

  1. bdkeat says…

    One of my favorites! Loving this series. Thanks!

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  2. dptuffy says…

    Wow. What will I give? I am giving thanks for these beautiful and inspirational quotes you are sharing. Thank you so very much for giving!

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  3. photecstasy says…

    I totally love this quote Ali! Especially since my one little word is ADVENTURE this year! I haven't gotten very far with my word, but that's ok. I'm focusing on getting some tasks out of the way that are holding me back. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quote & your wonderful personality always picks me up. Sometimes I "watch" (listen to) your videos for your classes at work. It helps me tune out everything around me, and lift my soul while getting things accomplished at the office.

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