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Project Life® 2015 | Week Three

Cheering myself on over here. 

Making it happen by doing a little bit at a time, keeping it out in my office on a table, keeping it pretty simple and by making time for it (as in I think it's important enough to spend a little time on every couple of days so it doesn't feel so overwhelming doing it all at once). 

It's nothing new. It's words and photos and a bit of stamping and pieces of my life all together in one place. 

Sometimes I don't have a lot to say about it other than, it is what it is. And I like it. 

Here's a look at Week Three: 

It was a birthday week so I've included a 6 x 12 inch insert (this time I just cut a Design A page protector in half) to hold the additional photos. Here's a look at the spread with the insert page turned: 

Lots of words this week = happy Ali. 

The "birthday" card was stamped using my Birthday Stamp Set

"We Gather Because" is from my Story Kit™ this month and the red & black letter stickers are from the new sets now available in my shop. I HAVE A SHOP :). It's fun. 

Here's a look at the front and back of the insert: 

The gold transparent piece is from the Heidi Swapp set available at Michael's.

The "this is why we gather together" half-cirlce is from the chipboard set in the Gatherings Story Kit™

What happened last week? How do you feel about it? What was awesome? What was a struggle? What do you love right now? What do you wish was different? What do you absolutely not want to forget? What filled you up? What took your breath away? What made you weepy? What do you wish you could experience again? What little thing was the best thing? 

"Let's party" card is from the Gatherings Story Kit™.


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19 thoughts

  1. kelsterjean says…

    Wonderful spread! Your PL spreads are so inspiring and are filled with so much detail. I love them! Thank you for sharing them!

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  2. cruisin_ali says…

    love love love this spread. it's simple yet your color combos and design are awesome. another great layout! thank you for sharing :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jstock17 says…

    Ali - I am truly enjoying your PL this year - so real, so simple, so perfect. Keep it going because it really inspires me to keep going! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. happytoscrap says…

    I am so happy you are continuing Project Life pages. I'm happy and you're happy! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mtercha says…

    Your little aside about having a shop so made me smile. Awesome. And your pages, journaling, inspiring. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. desilei says…

    YOU ARE ON A ROLL! You have officially surpassed me now :)

    I plan to catch up with weeks 3 and 4 this weekend so I really appreciate the timeliness of this post :) Thanks Ali!


    Reply 0 Replies
  7. stkong7 says…

    Thank you for inspiring us. I love this layout!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. abragg79 says…


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  9. Ahna says…

    Turning "What happened last week? How do you feel about it? What was awesome? What was a struggle? What do you love right now? What do you wish was different? What do you absolutely not want to forget? What filled you up? What took your breath away? What made you weepy? What do you wish you could experience again? What little thing was the best thing? " into memo paper NOW!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. jdejong says…

    Love this Ali! Love the idea to do a journal for each day, I know it isn't just done but a great reminder. I tend to not get a lot of pictures during the week while we are out, but want to remember the things we do. This was the reminder that I needed. My goal for 2015 is to journal more. I think this will help..

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. PatB2 says…

    I'm happy to see that you're mixing up round and square corners! I'm doing the same, and while that may have bothered me in the past, this year I really don't care! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm totally not caring at all!

  12. carriecolbert says…

    "hello village" made me smile. :)

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  13. maiaohe says…

    GO ALI GO!!

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  14. jvo_ says…

    I absolutely love your project life pages. I was wondering how you store your pl cards since you seen to have a combination of your own designs and studio calico kits. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I'm in between storage ideas right now - ha - what that means is that currently many of them are just out on my desk in a big pile. I'll share when I come up with a more workable idea. I have a little wood box that is holding my most used ones - Studio Calico + the Midnight PL edition.

  15. Carolly says…

    Love it!!!! Esp. The black&white + color photo combination.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. lauraedwards says…

    I can so relate to the "hello village" comment. It really does take a village sometimes with these kiddos. Always thankful for family and those closest to me for helping out.

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