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The Weekend Lens | When Doing Nothing Is The Very Best Thing

There have been many weekends when the kids were with Chris where I worked ( to catch up or to get ahead), or traveled, or had plans with friends, or grieved, or had a specific agenda in place. 

This weekend I decided to set everything else aside and do nothing. 

Aaron stopped by during the day on Saturday ( while running his own errands) to pick something up and took this photo of me and George and Woody hanging out together. I was in-between documentaries on Netflix at this moment if I remember correctly. 

The  big brown couch continues to be a wonderful gathering place after years of use.  

Okay, so the truth is I didn't really do nothing. I think the key was that I didn't have a specific agenda in place and I didn't work - I simply took a break and went where the moment took me. And I definitely stayed in my PJ's most of the day (even when I ran a couple errands - it's how I roll). 

Here's a look at what I did do on Saturday and Sunday: 

  • Watched one movie and three documentaries on Netflix: Short Term 12 (based on a recommendation from Cathy), Fat, Sick And Nearly DeadForks Over Knives, and Hungry For Change
  • Went grocery shopping for the week at Trader Joes because after watching all those documentaries it's hard not to rethink some of my current habits and stock up on vegetables. 
  • Took a whole car load of stuff from the garage to Goodwill in-between movies. I also stopped at Home Depot and picked up a Shop Vac and vacuumed the car when I got back to the house. Those are two things that have been on my list for way too long. 
  • Did yoga twice (using the Studio Yoga app - it's been great). 
  • Last night Simon joined me for a one-on-one night. We skipped the Superbowl (no cable) and opted for The Prisoner Of Azkaban instead. 
  • Did some laundry and the dishes and moved a shelf out of the garage into Anna's room that better fits her larger books.
  • Had a dream about meeting Dave Matthews. Yep. Any one out there have any connections to help me make that a reality? Ha. For Aaron the mega-fan of course.  

So yeah, I didn't really do nothing. 

It was slow and deliberate and quiet and rejuvenating in the best ways. 

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39 thoughts

  1. Paper_Inkpressions says…

    Absolutely LOVE the photo of the - 3 - of you!

    So wish I had the ability to - write - great things within the pages of our PL... so NOT a writer! Difficult enough just having my handwriting within the pages, BUT intentionally going to work on making it happen for 2015.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Hoguec says…

      This is just my opinion......the voice in your writing is just like the voice you speak. It takes time and practice to develop. Think about a 2 year old. We want him to say one word. Mama. We throw a party when it happens. Then we encourage, encourage, encourage. So this is me encouraging you to let your two year old writer fly. Encourage her. She will grow some awesome wings if you let her.

  2. kelsterjean says…

    Our weekends are so full and busy, that sometimes we just need to do nothing. My hubby and I do that at least once a month. I always feel bad because there's so much to get done, but it really helps with my sanity!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jenlevin says…

    There are few things better than an entire weekend of no agenda! Love the photo! Aaron seems great at capturing moments in a picture. Have you taught him this or has he always been like that? Just curious.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. amanda_r0se says…

    I love reading posts like this because sometimes we Type A's need to be reminded to NOT have an agenda. Posts like these almost give my uber-productive mind permission to take it easy, so thanks Ali. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Londonberry says…

    I loved Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead! Made me want to go right out and purchase a juicer :) I also started my 30 day yoga challenge using the Studio Yoga app (Thanks for the tip!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Queen_Mary says…

    I love this photo too! I would have to go to Confession for all my coveting of your photos if my coveting and lusting lasting longer than the time I'm logged into them - somehow I just forget when I leave the page! I went through an anti-photo phase and I guess that's why I get over it so quickly.
    TWO THINGS: YOGA -- Please people using an App -- take at least one class with someone who can check your postures are correct so you aren't doing the wrong thing and hurting yourselves/your muscles; I worry about you! I'm not a yogi, but I've taken yoga and I know you can do it wrong and not get the full benefit/do some harm.
    TWO: HANDWRITING:, young woman, Lisamarie, graduated from USD (my DD's alma mater), in 2010, is doing a handwriting "class" for people who don't like their handwriting. She's an amazing young woman, I'm in complete awe of her, she is a PL/pocket scrapbooking aficionada, she is an Erin Condren planner lover, has a book club on Goodreads, a full time job, and is just the cutest thing ever! Very into pink and God, but if you want to like you handwriting you only have to check her out for 4 weeks! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. cathyzielske says…

    Short Term 12... Did you love it?

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. lscheer says…

    Ali, I've had that dream too…of meeting Dave! LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. mtercha says…

    Cool photo. Fun to catch up on movies and to just have the space to breathe. Makings of an awesome weekend. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. astoria150 says…

    I have never gone anywhere in my pj's. I should put that on my bucket list. LOL

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. KarineC says…

      Love that idea!

  11. pmmessner says…

    sounds perfect ali...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. AnnetteH says…

    I had a do nothing Saturday too! I had to wear a fleece headband to cover the mess when I ran to Office Max for more printer ink and paper. I did a lot of digging deep with One Little Word, organizing my album etc and it felt good. Honestly I felt a bit guilty I didn't clean out my closet, etc as I had the day to myself (family out of town); but sometimes you just need to "do nothing"

    Haven't had a dream about Dave but did have a dream about Alton Brown. Totally random I know.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Hunyady says…

    Heehee. I told you those movies would make an impact! ;) Let me know when you get on the juice train.
    Love you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I ordered one on Saturday of course.

  14. desilei says…

    Sounds like my perfect weekend! Except with a little less house work :) --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. barefootscrapbooker says…

    Oh, yes, Type A's! I used to panic if I didn't have a very detailed agenda for a weekend, but luckily meeting my now-husband has helped with that. He's a very laid-back person, and has been a good influence on getting me to relax a bit. Things are much better now, and we have many no-plans weekends...even though I still manage to plan for crafting time or errands for SOME of the weekend! Old habits die hard. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. AudreyV says…

    awesome photo!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. tcmoniz says…

    Sorry to be nosey, but as a dog-lover, I'm interested - did I miss an update where you got another dog? He looks like my kinda dog sprawled out on the BBC there! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's Aaron's dog Woody - he's here from time to time hanging out :).

  18. papergoddess says…

    Love it - from a fellow do-nothing lover

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. retromom says…

    A few things...
    ...Cool photo
    ...I heart many things at TJoes, but produce isn't one of them. I much prefer Sprouts for produce. If you have one nearby, check it out. Price and quality can't be beat (and their meats are great too!)
    ...I've been rethinking cable, so when you mentioned that you don't have cable, that caught my eye. We'll have to learn how to rewatch TV though. And missing live TV might be hard. For instance, I love the Olympics and Good Morning America. We'll see.
    ...Just musing :) Enjoy your week. PS... Loved yesterday's quote.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      RE: TJ's - I actually went there for something totally different but picked up a few things in order to not make two trips (since I was trying to do nothing - ha). I usually go to a local grocery story that's similar to Whole Foods for most of my shopping :).

  20. Wilna says…

    sounds pretty perfect to me. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. ktber says…

    FOK changed my life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Raylene says…

    omg! If that's a do nothing weekend, what does a busy day look like??? I have to take a nap after reading your post!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha. Busy looks like sitting at my desk, driving kids around + all that above. I got to sit on the couch by myself for four movies - that was definitely doing nothing and awesome.

  23. FYoung says…

    Those documentaries are the perfect thing to watch! I have and it has changed my life forever! That is why my OLW this year is HEALTHY. Not only physical, but also in mind and spirit. Plus it's nice to sit around for a change in your PJs. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. J3SS1C4 says…

    These weekends are the best ones, and I have to say, they don't happen often enough! Glad that you got to have some time to yourself to rejuvinate! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. spolknc says…

    I just wanted to stop and say that I love that you let the animals on the couch :) Folks always look at me like I am crazy for allowing them on the furniture. I just tell them "if you don't want to sit where they sit then you are welcome to sit on the floor"

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. abbypimentel says…

      LOVE your response to folks not happy about sharing a couch with your pooches. We used to be "those people", until we got a Beagle for our kids...we now have 2 Beagles, 1 Havanese Terrier, and 1 German Shepherd -- and they all crowd into our bed every night. The GS usually moves off by his choice at lights-out. But the other 3 sleep with hubby and me, and we love it.

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