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Hello Beginning

When Simon finished his first horse session at RideAble today he asked me this question, "Do you think this will be a powerful memory?"

"Of course it will be." I answered as I helped him change out of his boots and back into his tennis shoes. 

"Will it protect me when I encounter Dementors?"

Ah, a very specific Harry Potter reference. 

What he was wondering, this awesome boy of mine, was if this memory would be powerful enough to become his patronus

Harry Potter fans will recognize this quickly, others may need an explanation: 

"This ancient and mysterious charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring it." (Miranda Goshawk)

An animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. 

The way the Patronus charm works is that the wizard must concentrate, with all their might, on a single, very happy memory to protect themselves in the darkest moments. 

What Simon was telling me, through this short conversation, was that he loved this experience. 

The truth is, he didn't need to tell me. 

I could see it in the way he was paying attention, in the way he was careful and kind, and in the way he smiled at me when he caught my eye. 

Simon was on a horse once before if I remember correctly, many years ago down in Bandon on the Oregon coast. That horse, as Chris and my parents will remember, was named Silver. Today he met Chica and he was smitten. 

We signed him up for these lessons with the hope that it would be something he could get excited about and connect with (to the horses, to the instructors, to the other students, to the experience). 

Today was an awesome beginning. 

Life is for living. And for making memories and learning new things and finding stuff to get excited about and sharing deepest affinities.


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74 thoughts

  1. Maxpuppy says…

    Oh, my goodness, I feel quite tearful ... but in a good way. The last photo of Simon is tremendous! You've given me the push I need to look into horse riding lessons for my 8-year-old son (who has HFA). Thanks, Ali!

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  2. tammyeberhard says…

    What amazing words! Go Simon Go!

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  3. jenlevin says…

    I always love your story telling! What a precious story! It brought tears for me...happy for Simon to find something that he loves so much. Thanks for the HP explanation. I'm one of the few in the world who needed help understanding that reference, but it was a beautiful one. Thanks for sharing this story! ~Jen

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. JustMel says…

    I truly love this post, the Harry Potter reference is priceless. So very happy that Simon had such a wonderful experience.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. hgauvin says…

    Wonderful story and an awesome young man!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. andreacollects says…

    This is such a beautiful story and I just love the Harry Potter reference.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. MoniquevB says…

    You're not only a good writer and photographer, but also a very good listener, Ali!
    #beautiful story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lize says…

    These photo's are fantastic. Especially love the first one. So happy for you that he loved the experience. I think it's so healthy for kids to connect with animals.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cookingmylife says…

    If it were only just this day, it would be so worth it. Simon has really helped you become an acute and loving observer. #goSimongoAli

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. jdscrappy says…

    I have tears, and I'm not sure why. Wonderful story, amazing boy, awesome momma.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Giselechastain says…

    Simon's way of communication is so special and awesome! Through one question he was able to share a deep thought with you in his own way, so cool!!! I love reading your stories... I had happy tears streaming down my face...go Simon go!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. mrscourtney555 says…

    I am so glad I was not the only one crying while reading this. Beautifully written Ali. So awesome that Simon had a great experience!

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  13. cnagel629 says…

    Oh how we live for these moments <3
    (From the momma of a son with Autism)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. kcp_ says…

    Oh my goodness. Tears in my eyes. His question was simple, pure and wholly poetic. Love the HP connection he made. I wonder what memories will conjure my patrunus. I sense a layout.

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  15. lharvey81 says…

    Goosebumps. Cried. whispered #gosimongo at the end. Love this Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. kelleyhartnett says…

    Awesome. Just plain awesome.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. heyecho says…

    #gosimongo indeed! What a great post Ali, and what an awesome comment Simon. I love that Harry Potter has obviously so deeply resonated with him.

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  18. amorton63 says…

    This is just awesome, that is all!

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  19. Carolly says…

    Yes, this. May it continue to be a positively wonderful experience for Simon!!!!

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  20. bookemper says…

    This is so heartwarming. I love all of it. Thank you for sharing.

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  21. Bookworm says…

    Tears pricking my eyes here too. May his happy memories be many and the dementors he has to face be few. #gosimongo

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. LeslieNorgren says…

    So beautiful! I love reading your words, and seeing your stories unfold. You are such an inspiration in helping me continue to push to find those moments to help my son create his his patronus.

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  23. lizness says…

    Love this so much.

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  24. Hoguec says…

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing it. We should all be so aware of our patronus.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Scrapriverview says…

    Congrats to Simon. I am blessed to own my own Patronus and horses are such healers. Beautiful story and pictures. I volunteer with our equivalent to RideAble and the transformation of these children is a miracle even if only for a short time on horseback. Makes me tingle

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