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Celebrating Memories Of Week In The Life™ | Jess Forster

Today I want to share a campaign with you that we've been featuring on the @aliedwardsdesigninc Instagram account#WITLmemories

#WITLmemories is all about sharing the Week In The Life™ love. It's about re-visitng our past projects (to reflect and learn and get inspired), sharing ways of telling the story of our daily lives, and creating a community of people around this popular project to support and encourage one another. 

Jess Forster was one of the first people I thought of when we were brainstorming people to invite to share their Week In The Life™ memories. Below are some of her favorite pages from past albums including stories from 2010, 2012, and 2014. 

Here's Jess in her own words about this project, "My WITL albums are full of these lovely little details. In the past five years, I have documented life through various stages of everyday life. From life as a couple, to expecting our first child, to life with a newborn / toddler and finding our groove as a family of three. Week In The Life™ is one of my favourite projects and I am so thankful to have them to look back on. An intense project - the albums are so worth the result! Thank you for letting me share my past projects and snippets of my life with you!"

You're invited to share your own personal favorite #WITLmemories via Instagram, Facebook or your blog. What do you love about the project? What do your past albums mean to you now? Feel free to share a link to your blog post in the comments below. 

Here's Jess: 


Monday, April 24, 2012 

8:43 AM I shower with purpose. I am in and out in 4 minutes flat. Although my mom is here, I can’t shake this new mom habit. I get dressed and start planning the grocery list in my head. What a treat to go grocery store by myself!

Background story from today:

While on maternity leave and my husband out of town on business, my mom visits to help me with my 5th month old daughter. It’s been more than three years since entering into parenthood and this small piece of information that I recorded in my WITL album struck a cord with me, as we are expecting our second child in August. It is also a reflection on our morning routine.


Tuesday, October 29, 2014

9:28 AM: Arrive at work, in my work attire. Confession: I never know what to wear and this outfit was the third choice of the day. Feeling like I am always late, I run as fast as my swollen ankle can take me into the office.

Background story from today:

Two years into this working outside the home mama gig and I still trying to figure it all out. From trying to decide what to wear, to daycare drop off, to constantly feeling like I am running late, I can only imagine what life will be like with 2 kiddos vs 1. I am guessing that I will feel constantly pulled in different directions. Also, I will I ever love work attire?


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello Wednesday. Midweek. Aaron arrives home at 7:30 pm. I am happy to see him because he has already had some long days at the office this week. The busy period has started again. I can’t change that. Tonight we eat sushi and watch tv. After watching Iron Chef America, the coffee challenge, I head upstairs to brush my teeth. Aaron takes Charlie outside for the last business of the night. I am thankful that Aaron is in charge of the evening outings. I am not a fan of the dark backyard. Our evening routine includes reading in bed. He is reading, “Drood”, on of the many books I got him for Christmas. I am looking at recipes for tomorrow’s trip to the grocery store.

Background story from today:

A different house and a different time in our lives - Hard to believe that this was our typical evening routine only five short years ago. There three main differences: We lived in a different home; Aaron worked really long hours; We had lots of free time. I love that I captured time together as a couple, just the two of us. Ordering in food, watching tv and reading in bed – what luxuries!


Thursday, April 27, 2012

7:05 PM Listening to Jack Johnson during bath time. I Think Jack is so right. Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart & everything is better when we are together.

Background story from today:

That Jack Johnson album came out the year my husband and I got married. Only 3 short years ago we didn't realize that apps like Songza and Spotify would allowed us to stream music for free from our smart phones and let us have spontaneous dances parties in the middle of our bath time routine. This tradition had to start somewhere! I love that music can integrate different times periods in our lives.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Daily Gratitude - I am thankful for a slower paced day with no commute & one on one time with my girlie.

Background story from today:

Just two short years ago, we scheduled all of our activities around my daughter's naptime. Now she no longer naps and we gave very full days together while we are at home.

For more information about Week In The Life™ check out my projects page and pre-order your kit that makes it easy to focus on capturing and celebrating your words and photos with a fun, story-focused intentional embellishments. Week In The Life™ 2015 will happen in mid-late August. If you want to dive even deeper you can also check out my archive of past Week In The Life™ blog posts

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15 thoughts

  1. kholtz says…

    I've always loved seeing how Jess captures WITL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. anniebeagle says…

    Love this! I wasn't sure if I was going to do WITL again this year because we just had a new baby and all my unfinished scrapbooking projects can sometimes weigh heavily on me, but now I know I just have to! It doesn't matter that only my first WITL album is actually complete. The raw documenting and just the process of thinking about how we do life is worth doing.

    One thing I think is funny is that we very rarely have family portraits taken (like, it doesn't even happen once a year), and 3 out of the 5 years I've done WITL, that week has included a professional family portrait (which was not scheduled on purpose to coincide with WITL). What are the odds?? :) --Jenny B.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jeannine says…

    Ali, Thanks for setting this up!!! It is so nice to see other people's work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mtercha says…

    Beautiful albums. I loved seeing Jess' albums and reading her perspective. She's right. It is an intense project, but much loved to me, and my favorite thing in the world to do. I said before what this project means to me and what it did for me so I won't get into that. But I loved it. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. virginiegoujon says…

    Love her albums. Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. nicolemann9 says…

    Awesome! I am getting so excited to do WITL this year, my first year :) It is so interesting reading Jess' little piece looking back now. It is so true... things and life change so quickly! I am a huge fan of Jess and love her style!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. petrac says…

    This is so beautiful. I love the stories and the crispness of it all. A real treasure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. ktber says…

    It is so awesome to see the different layouts and things to include. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. AnnetteH says…

    Love Jess and love her storytelling. So inspiring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. artgirlbev says…

    Such a beautiful album! It will be my first time doing WITL this year and I'm looking forward to it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Houston says…

    This will be my first year doing WITL and I cannot wait! Jess's albums are inspiring. I am so excited to be able to look back at mine, as she is doing now! Thank you for sharing with us Jess!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. tdoten says…

    Thanks for sharing this! This will be my first year as well and I can't stop talking everyone's ears off about it! It's a beautiful album and very inspiring on how differently she does hers from yours. I will probably re-create this style for an upcoming vacation (digitally do most - print whole page for full page protector - add a couple of physical aspects and a few hand written pieces). I have been looking for a happy medium for me in the digital/physical aspect to document this vacation and this is exactly what I needed to see!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. scrappyHeike says…

    Thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to this year's WITL and want to do it all digital this year - is there any chance to get a digital template? are there any ones available that work well for WITL?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I usually do a new template set each year. Here's the 8.5x11 version from last year ( and the 6x8 version ( You can delete the "twenty fourteen" layer and add-in a new year if you want.

  14. Jencrane13 says…

    I started a new job and was unsure if I would have time for WITL this year. Then last week my daughter got out last year's album and looked at it for an hour. I remembered why I started doing the project in the first place. How can I deny my children these daily stories? I'm so glad I changed my mind and decided to do it!

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