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For The Love Of Instagram

I'm definitely a fan of  Instagram

I scroll for inspiration, for connection, for pleasure.

I love it most for the simple beauty of the images and for inspiration on how to look through the lens (of my camera and my heart). I like that Instagram can serve different needs - that I can follow and unfollow as my tastes and interests evolve. I follow some memory keepers, but a lot of who I follow are photographers or thinkers or writers or artists who bring good feelings into my day. When scrolling through my feed I want to smile, laugh, be made to think (might be the way the shot was taken and it might be the story included in the comments), or have my heart-warmed. 

It's defintiely become more commercial over the years and I've contributed to that as I share business-stuff/memory keeping projects and products on my personal account  @aliedwards and via the @aliedwardsdesgininc account. And the reason why it's become more commercial is because people are there - scrolling and reading and commenting and interacting with one another. 

Today I want to spread some good stuff. For the last week I've been jotting down the people/businesses that are currently brining me the most joy and inspiration in my Instagram feed. If it had to narrow it down to nine (excluding family and close friends) these would be the ones I'd keep (at least this week):

  1. @chrisburkardChris Burkard | Surfing, outdoor and lifestyle photography. Pictures that blow my mind almost every single time and inspire me to get outside. 
  2. @humansofnyHumans Of New York | Storytelling at it's finest. Basically a guy (Brandon Stanton) who goes around New York and takes photos of people and documents part of their story via a quote from the person he's photographing. Raw, heartbreaking, inspiring. 
  3. @travelandleisureTravel & Leisure Magazine | Travel photography - the places I've been and the places I want to go. 
  4. @afarmediaAfar Magazine | More travel photography. Never enough. This is a great magazine as well. 
  5. @floretflowerFloret Flowers | I read about this company in Martha Stewart's magazine and immediately started following her on Instagram. They are a small flower company based in Washington state that grows the most beautiful varieties of some of my favorite flowers including dahlias and sweet peas. 
  6. @dallasclaytonDallas Clayton | Some of you guys might remember that I wrote about this guy last year after hearing him speak Alt Summit. He's an illustrator and an attitude changer. 
  7. @nytimesThe New York Times | Their tagline on this account is "Telling stories in photos and stories about photos." Not hard to guess why I like and follow this one. 
  8. @taylorswiftTaylor Swift | Because why the heck not. Because I'm a fan. She makes me happy and we might just have plans to see her in concert later this summer. 
  9. @lovesarahschneiderSarah Schneider | No idea how I came across Sarah but I like her feed - lovely light-filled images, insanely beautiful house (wait till you see the fireplace in the backyard), big heart, great style.

I'd love to check out your favorites too! Remember that taking the time to document that stuff you are into right now is part of our story. What I love and am into today might be different next week. Capture life my friends - it's so worth it. 

Hope you have a great week!

New Story Subscription Special: Sign up for a Story Kit™, Story Stamp™ or Digital Story Kit™ before July 14th and receive my tried & true storytelling workshop Storyology for free:

In the self-paced Storyology workshop, I'll lead you through an in-depth exploration of some of my favorite techniques for telling the stories of life. This lecture-based creative session (2 hour presentation + handout), with time built-in for story brainstorming, is an awesome place to begin or refresh your desire to focus on the stories. You'll complete the workshop with a practical, go-to list of techniques to use each time you set out to document a memory or a moment of you life and be inspired to tell your stories fearlessly.

Current Story Subscriber? Check your account under My Classes for access to this workshop. Love you guys and thank you for your support!

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23 thoughts

  1. fannyathome says…

    thanks for sharing!! I'm a fan too!! These are the ones who provide joy and/or inspiration (besides family and friends!) :
    @bobgoff/ @soulemama / @caminodocumentary and you!
    I'm @fannyathome ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. tealmyre says…

    Thank you for sharing Dallas Clayton with us again! I watched a few of his videos after you talked about him from ALT and fell in love. I'm now a proud buyer of his books for nearly every gift occasion. I don't follow a ton of people on Instagram, but he is a DO NOT MISS!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lize says…

    Thanks, I started following some here. And have been following and loving Sarah Schneider too. Can recommend @thegraygang for a Mom who's got her heart in the right place. Beautiful words. I'm @alidapost.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh I follow @thegraygang too - lovely.

  4. pnwdutchgrl says…

    One person I greatly admire and follow on Instagram is @markbustos. Mark is a Hair artist, he works with high profile glamorous people in his salon in NYC. He also as he calls himself a 'humanitarian leader'. He is the founder of #beawesometosomebody during weekends, evenings and holidays you can find Mark on the streets wherever he is, often just in NYC, with his bag giving homeless people a makeover just where they are. Transformation is amazing. Not just because of the haircut but also what it does for the person inside.
    Marks's girlfriend is often with him and she fulfills a wish that a homeless person might have. Like a pair of socks, shoes or a really good meal. She always has goody bags with her with toiletries. At the end of the makeover she presents the mail or other wish to the person.
    I find it amazing to see what and how 1 person can make such a great impact on others. Some have found jobs after the makeover and were able to turn their lives around. He makes me want to go out and do something, make a difference. #beawesometosomebody

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Amberly_Waves says…

      This is awesome! Thanks for sharing - I'm off to follow @markbustos! And yeah, it totally inspires me to go out and do something too!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Oh that's totally awesome.

  5. dlvogler says…

    Thanks for the links, Ali! I love how you spread the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. angymuse says…

    i always hope to see Brandon (HONY) and wonder what my story will be if i ever bump into him. Such an awesome account.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. lkfisher says…

    Thanks for the beauty. Kinda loving @waitingdogs right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. JmeL says…

    Great recommendations. I looked each of them up. Thank you!

    I really enjoy following @petesouza. He's the White House photographer and his shots and details of the White House and the president's travels give beautiful insight into the office of the president. @emilymcdowell_ creates greeting cards, cards that find just the right words. Her sense of humor, her eye for design/type and her talent for inspiring us, even in circumstances that are hard (battling cancer), make her a wonderful addition to my instagram feed. She also talks about running a small business that bears her name and the challenges and joys that come with it. You can probably relate to that. :) @mydoodlediaries is also fun. She follows daily doodling prompts and I'm always impressed by how she interprets the prompts. Both her illustrations and her fun captions bring a smile to my face.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. SarahGiles says…

    Thanks for these - I love new Instagram finds! Some I think you might like are @findingnana (scrapbooking in Singapore, with amazing light and fun stash), @molliemakes (colourful craft inspiration), and @nickkinguk (gorgeous pictures of the English countryside).

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. crazystampwoman says…

    I also follow T&L and Afar (and get their magazines); I am definitely inspired by travel photography, and travel is my favorite topic to scrapbook.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Hilabeans says…

    Great suggestions, thanks! You might also enjoy @iamkidpresident for inspirational stuff. @mattcrump has amazing photography. I have to check out @sarahschneider, that's my sister's maiden name, spelled the exact same way lol!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. shirlhunt says…

    Hi thanks for these ideas for Instagram! I follow Taylor Swift but I will take a look at the others. I love beautiful pictures and inspiration for travelling. I am doing your One Little Word online course and loving every minute! Thank you. I am falling behind a bit as I have started my own blog for all my art/craft. I don't only scrapbook but also do a little watercolour paintnig, pottery, crochet and crosstitch. I would love it if you would take a look and even leave a comment ;)) I have just done a post on scrapbooking and put in your blog address and also put it on my blogroll. Take a look at Thanks so much from sunny South Africa xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. vicki_dalton says…

    I wish I was going to see Taylor Swift!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. anniebeagle says…

    I feel like an old lady saying this, but I don't "get" Instagram. :) The last time I used the app on my iPhone (which was probably 4 years ago), it felt haphazard and unorganized to me. I mainly used it to edit my phone photos into those cute little squares, and never followed anyone because I didn't like how their images got all mixed in with mine. So, I'm wondering if maybe I'm doing it wrong, and there's a better way. How do you view Instagram? Do you get to it on your computer? Phone? Tablet? I know lots of people love Instagram, so I think it might be worth my time, but I just haven't really figured out how to enjoy it yet.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I look at it on my phone pretty much exclusively. I "follow" people whose photos I'm interested in seeing - it becomes your "feed". You can upload, share and view your own images all together as well. For me it's mainly about sharing my photos (a form of documentation) and looking at other's people's images by scrolling through my feed.

    2. abbypimentel says…

      Well said, Ali - Anniebeagle: when you open Instagram, if you look at the bottom left and tap the "house" you'll see photos of all those you follow, and yes, your pictures are mixed in there too. If you want to see JUST your photos, tap on the bottom, far right little head and shoulders which takes you to your profile -- that is where you will see ONLY your photos. Win-Win!

    3. abbypimentel says…

      I Love photography eye-candy, so I follow @awesomeglobe, @ourplanetdailyl, @earthfocus, and @itsabandoned and @abandonedglobe (amazing photos of abandoned castles and stuff). I drive my husband a little crazy by saying, "Oh my GOD! You've got to see this - isn't it AMAZING!" Enjoy!

  15. Marisstories says…

    Ooooo - follow IHAVETHISTHINGWITHFLOORS! Curated from Amsterdam, it is a collection of "selfeets"
    on the most beautiful and interesting floors around the world.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - I follow them too!

  16. Susan_W says…

    Thanks for sharing. I love finding new instagram inspiration.
    I have a few long time favorites
    Honeyholden - just a fun feed
    tulipinadesign -is amazing if you love to see beautiful flowers in your feed
    iamsevent - just because its Steven tyler
    kristinrogers - love her feed. I wish I'd grown up in a household like hers.

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