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Give Sunday | 23

This year, in honor of my 2015 One Little Word® "give," I'm sharing a hand-drawn quote each Sunday here on my blog.

Just a few words from me this week - stuff that's on my mind and in my heart.

Click here to read my initial post and download the #givesunday word art title and checklist for helping you to give a little something today. You can also view all the past #givesunday quotes via the archives

Click here to download the #givesunday 23 quote. Please note: If you are reading this post via email you need to click through to the actual blog post to download the file

You're invited to join me. What will you give today?

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

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7 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Thank you for sharing yourself this week. It's a beautiful, heartfelt quote and my favorite of the whole year. Right into my OLW album. Words I need. Thanks again. Michelle t

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  2. dptuffy says…

    This is beautiful Ali. Such simple and true words. Thank you again for sharing!

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  3. chp97 says…

    What a great quote. I needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing these beautiful, inspiring words!

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  4. kelsterjean says…

    I love this week's words! They are perfect. Today, I drove out to the city and stopped by a fundraiser my sister's work was having. My Dad, Grandpa, and I went. Just to support her and her work. I made a donation and also purchased a tshirt, the proceeds of which go directly to the animal welfare.

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  5. dogear6 says…

    I'm really enjoying these quotes! Your calligraphy is beautiful and the thoughts are deep.


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  6. jstock17 says…

    I really like these words from your heart! Very meaningful and perfect!

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  7. AAAustralia says…

    I really Like those is so true we all need to practice this, It would make the world a better place.

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