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New Story Theme Now Available | Roots

Say hello to a new Story Theme for my Story subscription program: Roots.

This month we are telling stories of where we come from (who, where, when, etc), what kinds of roots we are planting today, and maybe even who we are rooting for. This theme is a great jumping off point for including more stories from your past in your memory keeping projects. 

If you are already a subscriber to you can now access the content in the classroom (make sure you are logged in to your account). 

If you are new to the Story Subscription program, check out all the details here

Here's a look at the Story Kit™ contents for Roots:  

And the Story Stamp™:

I can't wait to use that day of the week timeline. 

We also have a Digital Story Kit™ subscription available that includes access to the classroom content. 

Here's a look at what's included for Roots:

Here's a video overview of the products included in the kits this month: 

And a couple peeks at the layouts I created with the kits this month (f ull details, including process videos and how-to handout, are included with subscription): 

Let's tell stories together!


If you are looking for additional opportunities to learn more about memory keeping with an emphasis on storytelling, check out the self-paced versions of two of my popular workshops: Yesterday & Today and 31 Things

About Yesterday & Today: The goal of Yesterday & Today is to help you meaningfully document and celebrate life by looking to the past before approaching the stories of today. The benefit of looking to the past is that we gain perspective. We see things differently after developing an awareness of what we know and what we wished we knew. Looking back, even if we're just viewing old photos of people we don't know, can change the way we approach the photos we take and the stories we tell today. This workshop would be a great companion to this month's Story theme. Topics this workshop addresses include:

  • Where do you begin creating with photos from generations past?
  • What do you wish you knew about your parents when they were growing up?
  • How do you document the challenging times in your life?
  • How do you create layouts that tell special stories when you don't have any photos?
  • What are the lessons of your life so far?

About 31 Things (31 More Things is coming this fall so this is a great time to take this class before taking the live version of 31 More Things): 

This self-paced workshop includes a collection of 31 prompts that invite you to document some"thing" about your life right now via a single photo and words. Some of the topics include: jewelry, conversation, technology, shoes, think, chores, and smell. Gather your photo and words for each prompt into a 12x12 album (using the templates and tutorials provided in the workshop) or simply use the prompts as jumping off points for blog posts, personal journaling, etc. Full details here

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20 thoughts

  1. Afink26 says…

    I love that Roots and Wings are included as a card in this kit! It's something I say all the time--I hope I am growing up my boys to give them roots from where they came from but wings to go, do, be, and live their own life! SO excited about this kit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    I'm so excited! Though, I have to admit, this will be challenging for me. I already have an idea that's sort of off the beaten path for the theme, I want to document last year's epic fail attempt at a garden. I'm so up for this. Thanks, Ali! Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Raylene says…

    I have done both "Yesterday & Today" and "31 Things" workshops and I highly recommend BOTH! Ali is a PRO with documenting our roots!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you Raylene!

    2. Ekaterine says…

      ABSOLUTELY! Done both, HIGHLY recommend.

  4. mtercha says…

    I'm sorry to reply again, but I have a question. It's on a different topic. Could there be a chance, could you guys consider maybe stocking your shop the gray Stories WITL album as it's own separate stand alone item? I really love that album. I chose the days of the week, I thought it worked for me with the WITL theme, but I love the gray, too. I started doing 6x8 layouts here and there between bigger things. I really love doing them, but I haven't found the right album yet. I only have a couple, I can wait a long time. But if you guys could consider it for your shop I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for the request! We don't currently have plans to stock those outside the kit but we'll keep it in mind for future releases :).

    2. mtercha says…

      Thanks, appreciate that.

  5. Borcherding says…

    Ali, I am hoping you can help me. I have already purchased the YESTERDAY and TODAY class from BPS and received an email about switching it to your website along with my access code. However, the email they sent me is not working and I haven't received a response to my emails. Can you please help me?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Looking into this.

    2. SuzMannecke says…

      I would love the answer to this as well as I purchased both from BPS and would love to have access to them again! TIA.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Hey guys! You should have received an email with a code to access that workshop here. If not, or it's not working, please start a conversation with Customer Service and they will help you get set up! They will be happy to get you set up!

  6. peggy1958sue says…

    Hi Ali! Traveling 2 the oregon coast as we speak. Heading 2 Florence. Would LOVE the chance to meet u? HUGE FAN & don't even get me started with the new ROOTS kit! Loved what u did with the kit as well! GREAT PAGES! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Oregon was one of the 50states that I have not visited yet, so I can mark that one off of my list! Anything that u could tell us WISCONSIN folks NOT to miss while we r here? Also....I did not receive my WITL kit that the case? Have they all gpne out already? THANKS! Mayb I will run into u somewhere while we r here! Peggy

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. maiaohe says…

    You should visit the town of Cannon Beach and see Haystack Rock. This is especially beautiful at sunset. Have a camera ready.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. jturner5az says…

    This month's kit is just what I need to document a mother/daughter family history trip we are going on next week. I want to purchase the digital kit and want to confirm what is meant by month-to-month commitment. For now, all I want to do is purchase the Roots kit and not make an ongoing commmitment. Is that what month-to-month means? Is it a purchasing option for when someone just wants to buy a particular month's kit?

    Thanks Ali. Keep up the good work!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! The month-to-month commitment/subscription means that you will continue to receive it until you cancel (all the story kits/story stamp options are subscriptions). If you are only interested in the Roots digital kit then make a note in your calendar to send a note to customer service to cancel between the 16th and the 25th of this month and they will take care of it for you. So basically sign up, receive the download and access to the classroom, and then send a note to customer service to cancel so you don't continue to auto-receive the next digital kit.

  9. jturner5az says…

    Thank you. I wish i could buy them all.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I appreciate your support - have a great trip!

  10. jee_ says…

    Hi Ali,
    The topics for 31 things are the same as the workshop 2 or 3 years ago ?
    Thanks for you answer :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - same exact class. A new 31 More Things is coming in the fall.

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