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December Daily® 2015 | Day Fifteen

Welcome to  December Daily® 2015 | Day 15. 

Today I'm including Anna's letter to Santa (handwritten) and Simon's wish list (via text message) plus a cute little painting that Anna did the other day in my office.  

Today's also a good day to assess where you're at and what stories you still want to tell. What stories/thoughts/feelings/activities from this season are missing from your album? Keep a note of the things you make sure you don't want to forget. 

Here's a look at Day 15 from my foundation pages

And here's a look at how it came together in my album: 

Day 15 includes a small bag that's holding Anna's handwritten letter (she wrote it back in November using a Sharpie and a piece of paper torn from a lined journal) and Simon's list that he texted me last week. 

On the back of Simon's list I added one of the cards from the Jasmine Jones Mini Kit

After the bag I paired a journal card (similar to what I've done on other days with a title and Remington Noiseless font) + a day card from the Ashley G Mini Kit + a "lily pad painting" that Anna did the other day + a "tuesday stories" word art cut from the Silhouette. 

Anna was super excited to make a painting for me to include in this album. "For your book Mama!" Yes, Anna, for our book. 




I'd love to have you share a link to your Day 15 album pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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16 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Kind of living vicariously through yours, as well as others, watching my stories pass me by this year, while also wishing I'd been doing this all along. I'm jotting things down, maybe they'll eventually be individual layouts, and that's ok, more than ok. Anyway, beautiful. Michelle t

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Michelle - I know you are facing many challenges in your life but I think there must be a way for you to not just "watch the stories pass you by" but "capture" those stories. Don't dismiss the value and beauty of simply writing things down - which I know you can do :). Write about what you are watching. Write about what you love. Write about what you are hoping for your family. Those words are a gift.

    2. mtercha says…

      Thanks, you gave me something to think about, which you usually do.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      I'm on your team :).

  2. kelseyespecially says…

    Soooo adorable! And Anna's list is ON POINT!

    My 10 year old is so...un-kid-ish when it comes to lists for any gift-receiving occasion. She literally asked for just a box of tic-tacs, the Taylor Swift CD and a book about Saturn. LOL! An easy shopping list, but incredibly difficult to shop for, especially since she still believes in Santa. We've been wracking our brains to come up with some good "big" gifts for her from Santa!

    My 5 year old won't stop talking about Shopkins...and she colored a photo for "the holiday book" two nights ago. She too was SO EXCITED to have it included!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      The Shopkins thing is so crazy!

  3. gina200 says…

    Loving these simple pages. Interesting to hear about Simon's list - as my 15 yr old son seems to have stopped making one. He's sort of absent from many of the holiday activities/photos this year - only so many photos of him playing Playstation & playing hockey that I can include - no interest in decorating or making cookies as in previous years. So my daughter gets featured more... I have some cute text messages from him will be a good addition. Thanks for reminding me of this.
    Hope you're feeling better Ali & thanks for all your inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm just deciding that we have to meet them where they are :). But yes, things are changing around here too. I'm trying to find ways to still make it magical for him - or include him in on making the magic.

  4. abragg79 says…

    Anna's list is awesome. I'm pretty fluent in 1st grader but did she ask for a cast?

    Great page. Love this.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      There's an American Girl doll set that includes crutches and a cast :). But she did ask for fake braces so a cast for herself probably wouldn't be too far off. Ha. Hope you are feeling okay!

    2. mtercha says…

      Oh, my daughter has this! Ali, it's her favorite accessory. Abragg, I hope you're feeling ok, too.

    3. larkindesign says…

      *fluent in first-grader* That made me giggle. Love it. :-) And love the cast and crutches.

  5. CasieGutierrez says…

    I love when the kids get involved with the album! My 5 year old has been coloring pictures and says "here mama for your Christmas"! Love it!

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