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Just The Three Of Us

This past weekend I took the kids to Disneyland. 

As you know from past posts, I really like Disneyland. And I also really like surprise adventures to Disneyland. So I did it again. 

I kept it to myself until 3:30am last Friday morning when I woke them up and said, "Wake up we're going to Disneyland."

Man, that's seriously the best. 

Last weekend marks about the half-way point between their two birthdays (Simon on January 21 and Anna on February 10) so the timing was just right, along with it generally being a less busy time of year to visit which makes it a little easier for Simon to enjoy. 

We took a couple flights to get down, landing around 9am and headed straight to the hotel and then straight into California Adventure. 

The last time Anna was at Disneyland was in 2012 (blog post about that adventure here). She had just turned four and remembers a few things about being there so it was really so great to take her again. 

They are both such good travelers and really up for seeing and going and doing. 

I'm one of those people that alternates quickly between being in the moment and reflecting on the moment. As we were walking around, riding rides, standing in line, having snacks and generally enjoying being there one of the phrases that kept going through my head was "be the kind of people that __________."

Be the kind of people that go on adventures.

Be the kind of people who are compassionate and patient and kind.

Be the kind of people who make time for fun.

Be the kind of people that make space for people to be who they are.

Be the kind of people that take breaks when we need it. 

Be the kind of people who stretch and reach and work through fears.  

I've been so happy to be able to take these two a few times over the years at very different ages and stages - all have been great for one reason or another. But this time, with both of them being older, it was definitely easier overall.

And so darn fun for it to just be the three of us.

I love that they like to just hang out. 

They don't mind going back to the room for a rest and they don't have the "I have to do every single thing" mindset. It was a good pace and flow. 

I love that they are excited and silly and want to see stuff. 

Simon could have definitely stayed in Tomorrowland the whole time - especially with the new Star Wars focus. I know one of the reasons I love to take him is because he really does light up in the fantasy and the stories and the characters.

Anna wanted a photo with every character we passed. I loved it because I know that doesn't last forever either. 

We stayed at the Grand Californian. I love being able to walk out the door into California Adventure. 

They both loved the water slide. 

I did take my big camera along but this is really the only shot I took with it. My phone worked just fine for this trip. 

Simon was really patient - something he's been working on and yes the phone does help with this - while waiting for Anna to be able to do the things she wanted to do and see. 

Like Elsa and Ana. 

Gah. So great. 

Thank you Disney for bringing characters and stories to life for my kids. 

Apparently they are good at following directions when I say "serious face." And apparently I cracked. 

I'm telling you - the best. I can't wait for more trips with these two as they grow older. They are awesome. 

We happened upon this "Jessie" hat in the shop over by the Toy Story ride and it was perfect for Anna. 

I think we rode Big Thunder Mountain five times while we were there this time. It was all of our favorite on this trip. 

I took this shot with my iPhone - just holding it out in front of me and hoping for the best. I think I took about six shots and this one was the best of the group.

Be the kind of people to hold on tight for the wild ride of life with a big smile on your face. 

On Sunday it rained like crazy. 

We are not afraid of rain - come on, we live in Oregon. But by mid-morning it was enough and we were soaked. We headed back to the hotel and hung out and talked about our options and changed clothes and then went and saw Kung Fu Panda 3 at the movie theater at Downtown Disney. I'm a fan of that too. 

We flew home on Monday morning. 

And as soon as I saw this photo I immediately remembered this one from 2012, also at the Orange County airport - also heading home from Disneyland: 

The best. Seriously. Love seeing yesterday and today collide like that. 

Oh my sweet kids - let's always be adventurers. 

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52 thoughts

  1. redheadmomma says…

    Loved the pictures - my favorite has to be Anna looking at the map in the sunshine. What a great picture. And yeah, growing up in LA, that rain is different and it's very downpour-ish compared to the PNW... we got caught in it there one time and it was relentless. Love surprises and Disney!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. barefootscrapbooker says…

    Disneyland is so magical. I absolutely love it, and love seeing it and hearing about it from others who love it too. Your words and joyful tone made me smile. Always be adventurers! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. bravelove says…

    Love this. The pictures and the sentiments. I'm so happy for you that you were able to spend this special time with your kids!

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  4. faithn1god says…

    Oh so sweet. Your words. Your pictures. Your love for them is so heartwarming. I feel exactly the same about our 3-year-old. I want us to go and do and have so many wonderful adventures!!! When I first met my husband, he made a comment that he didn't like traveling, because, "Why spend your money on something when you won't get anything in return?" I quickly followed that with "But you will have the memory and the pictures and the experience." Now, 7 years later he loves going to new places. He loves that I take so many pictures and he can't wait to take our little on so many adventures with us! Thank you for sharing your life. Love love love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. amorton63 says…

    Awesome...I love the sun dress and UGGS...priceless. You are such a great mom to do these kinds of things for your kids, they will remember them forever. Just awesome Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. virginiegoujon says…

      Love the sun dress and UGGS as well!

  6. virginiegoujon says…

    Lots of great memories and pictures!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Every year my husband and I ask our children to choose a family adventure for their birthday. Erin will turn 10 on Sunday. She usually chose to visit a museum (we went to the Louvre, the Orsay Museum and Beaubourg) But this year, she wants to go to Disneyland Paris. She thinks we'll go for a day but we will stay 2 days (later in Spring) The last time we went to Disneyland Paris was during WITL 2014.
    We made an exception last year. My husband and I chose the adventure. We went to Orlando for a week and spent 3 days at Universal Orlando Resort. ( You know we are big fans of Harry Potter )
    I love Disneyland and can't wait for our next family adventure! Someday, we will go to Disneyland in California.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. JennyJen says…

    OMG, we are huge Disney nuts here and this post really resonated with me. From the fun photos to the sentiments in the statement of "Be the kind of people who", it just totally hit home with our approach when we go to Disney. My kids are grown, but still love Disney just as much as they did when they were young, and that is something that makes me think we did it right. Thank you for this trip down my own personal memory lane while seeing yours.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. ourcrazylife says…

    Breathtaking Ali! I really am left with no words, just beautifully written, touched my heart and I'm trying to hold back tears. I hope our kids truly love and enjoy the things we do with them as well and this reminds me of so many moments we do/share with them. Thank you!

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  9. gluestickgirl says…

    so love that you did this, so love how you recorded it. here's to letting go of real life now and then. =)

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  10. mtercha says…

    Oh, my...thanks for sharing. Seriously awesome. How did you not bust a gut over that surprise?! You must have been bursting at the seams. This was awesome. So nice to see this. I like you brought up the thread between yesterday and today. Seeing lots of that here lately. Awesome. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. pinksoup says…

    So much I love in this post! I've never been to Disneyland. I like making the comparison to WDW in Orlando. (we live an hr away) I didn't know they had a Downtown Disney in California too. I love that you have the same airport photo 4 years apart. I'm a big fan of 'series photos'. I can see using that with your old & new kit.
    Keep 'em coming Ali. They are much appreciated!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. LynneGillis says…

    I just have to share this observation, Ali... and I don't know if others are witnessing it as well, or if it's just me - but there is something about you - something about the way you're telling your stores - something about the level of engagement and excitement that I see, hear and feel from your blog posts, videos (I'm in both your OLW and PL classes at the moment) and photos that feels really CLEAR and CENTERED and ALIGNED not only with who you are, but also with why you are here and doing the things you do in this world (both professionally and personally). It is such a JOY to experience this shift. It feels like an opening - like you're letting us experience you in an even more authentic way - and it also feels like there is a level of contentment that you're feeling right now that is more than you may have felt for a while. This, of course, is all just my perception - and I could be totally off - maybe nothing has really changed... but I just wanted you to know how much fun it is to experience your presence lately... it feels like you're 'all in' with all your doing. Love it. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kirsten_Heal says…

    I want to jump on a plane right now and head down! Seriously. You are a good mama, teaching the kids to love and explore.

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  14. happytoscrap says…

    What a delight to go to Disneyland with your kids. So enjoyed the virtual trip with you. Though I loved all your photos, my favorite was the "force be with you" photo and Simon on the bench.

    I remember you started a disney album and shared some of the beginning. I hope you start another one for this trip and share!

    Just wondering do you like Disneyland or Disneyworld better?

    My girls are 15 and 19, I have to take them soon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Borcherding says…

    Awesome. Just AWESOME.

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  16. jendcnguyen says…

    This is awesome. We just came back from Disney World 3 weeks ago and my two kids (5 & 8.5) loved it. Definitely saw the difference when we went in 2011 and my youngest was only 15 months old. I love watching their interactions and excitement with the characters as well their enjoyment of the whole trip. I love how my 5 year old daughter just loves the princesses where as my 8.5 year old son was Star Wars EVERYTHING! And it is different...with age they're so much more easier and they appreciate it so much more. I can't wait to travel the world with these two. I feel like they love adventures too!

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  17. Melbpart3 says…

    Oh my gosh - love this! I am so happy for all of you that you got to do this! What a great mom you are! I have two sons (now in their 20's) on the ASD spectrum. One is obsessed with Disney movies - the early classics like Snow White, 101 Dalmatians, etc. He watches them on VHS and wears them out because he fast forwards and rewinds them to specific spots. We have worn out many VCR's and now they are hard to find! We all went to Disney World about 10 times while they were growing up. It was so fantastic to take them on boat rides or restaurants where he would hear his favorite songs or see the characters. It was fantastic for a kid who is non verbal - I love Disney and am so grateful for them!

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  18. Darcielyn12 says…

    I know this is a happy post - believe me, it made me smile more than once - but it also brought serious tears to my eyes. I am preparing myself for my last child to move out of my home in 2 weeks. He will be 23 in 3 weeks and he is ready to spread his wings - and I'm excited for him to do so - but it is such a tender time of life for me. I have 7 children and have had a child in my home for the last 35 years. This post brought back so many happy, wonderful times spent just simply enjoying my children and loving them and being so happy that I am their mother. Thanks for the walk down memory lane this morning - it was awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. nicolemann9 says…

    Awww, love all these photos! Looks like you guys had a really great time :) Makes me anxious to get back to Disney World! And I am in awe of how awesome your phone photos are! I am super disappointed with the quality of my phone photos (I have a Samsung S5), so take most of my photos with my DSLR.
    I also love your 'be the kind of people that _____' prompt. Something to try to remember and focus on in my day to day life. Love the inspiration, as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. vbuehlman says…

    This is just awesome. My OLW this year is "Story" and every one of your "Be the kind of people that______" statements really resonate! The pictures are just phenomenal. They radiate the joy!

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  21. JenHart says…

    Beautiful post, your thoughts, feelings, the photos, their facial expressions. I think that serious-face-Ali-not-so-much should be an early contender for the Christmas card.

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  22. jchurch2 says…

    Awesome photos. Awesome words. Awesome family. I LOVE that you made it a surprise and your kids can handle that. My favourite photo is the one where you told your kids to be serious and you real! Thanks for sharing these precious memories with us. You are the current Three Musketeers!

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  23. bonitarose says…

    such a beautiful loving post of the time w your kids... way to go Ali. Love your outlook on life, your outlook towards others you may not even know.. and you as a momma. You are amazing. Love these shots... such special moments.. so glad you can see every single one.

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  24. cele says…

    My fav is the picture of your kids on Thunder Mt ride! I can never get such a great in-motion shot. So much fun they are having and you captured it! Score!

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  25. angelzmom says…

    Okay, the photo of Anna with Ana and Elsa absolutely melted my heart!

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