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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Join Me Starting May 9th

Week In The Life™ 2016 is coming soon! 

I'll be documenting my week starting Monday, May 9th and running through Sunday, May 15th. 

So why that week? My reason why for that week was (1) I wanted to have anyone who preordered their kits get them in time for the project and (2) this year I wanted to do  a week when I don't have my kids the whole time and (3) there is never, ever a "perfect" time to do this project. 

All my past Week In The Life™ projects have been weeks when my kids have been here with me (both before and after getting divorced). This year I decided to document what it's like when they aren't here - what do I do, where do I go, etc. I like that it tells another side of my whole story. 

Does it really matter when you decide to do it? Nope. But it's a whole lot more fun, in my opinion, to do it when others are playing along. 

I'll be sharing my words + photos throughout the week here on my blog and then sharing how I bring my week together into an album in the weeks after. You can check out all my past blog posts related to Week In The Life™ here

I don't generally do a lot of prep-work in advance (I do for December Daily® but not for this project). My focus is on the words and the photos and then I'll turn my focus to bringing it all together after the documentation period is over. 

Here's some past posts I've written to get you in the mood: 

We will have new digital products available in the beginning of May. This will include both layered templates and word art. 

For more discussion with others participating in the project you're invited to join my free Week In The Life™ community here on my website and/or our Week In The Life™ community on Facebook

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Week in the Life™ 2016 Kit + Label Album
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27 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Looking forward to it! It's my third time. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. MrsKnight says…

      I have been reading this blog so long, I look for your comment every morning too Michelle! I hope you have a good day- know that your presence in this world is noted by a total stranger, and your little bit of light would be missed.

    2. mtercha says…

      Thanks. This really goes a long way, and means a lot. You're really kind.

  2. sarahboirin says…

    can't wait - so much fun to join in with everyone else.x

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jdj247 says…

    YES! love the fact you are doing it in a different perspective....we are a blended family and a lot of the times we are not a "Family of 5" i did my own WitL around the last week of December 2015 thru New years Day 2016 when we were a Family of 5 (which was intentional)... and i don't usually get a chance to do my own WitL when we are all together. can hardly wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kathleen says…

    This is my third WITL, but it will be the first time playing along at the same time! Im excited!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. papergoddess says…

    Yay - looking forward to it. Excited bcz my NYC trip with my Mom falls during that week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. PoochPatrol says…

    This is my first WITL. Looking forward to it like you wouldn't believe. I'm planning on doing some traditional pocket pages and some digital pages. Thanks for all your inspiration Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. nicolemann9 says…

    Yay! This is my second WITL. I did it for the first time last year, and it became my absolute favourite scrapbooking 'project'! So looking forward to doing it again this year :) I am actually documenting this week, because we will be away on vacation the week you are doing it. I will definitely miss the community aspect of doing it along with everyone else though!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Inkfanatic says…

    I'm so excited for this project! It's one of my favorites! And this year will be a doozy! We just moved to the San Juan Islands, from the opposite coast. We bought a chunk of land that we are starting to farm. I am now a chicken mama (& it's driving the dogs crazy!), and everyday is SO VERY different from our everyday in the past!! Our lives have totally changed. So this will be a great first look at just how different it all is for us now! And I'm happy that my WITL kit found its way to my new address in time (WHOO HOO!!!). Thanks Ali!! Rock on!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      How awesome!

  9. Bellaa75 says…

    Can't wait, this is my 3rd time and I loved last year even more than the first (refining what's right for me) so am super excited to do it again! BRING IT ON! It's my favourite project by far. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. anniebeagle says…

    Yay! I am looking forward to seeing a new/different part of your story. I can't believe this will be my 7th year to do WITL. How is that possible?! Of those 7 years, only 2 albums are actually completed - 2010 and 2015. It has been a meaningful and worthwhile experience every year, though. I can't wait to see the new digital templates! Thank you for continuing to do those for us - especially in the 8.5x11 size. :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Inkfanatic says…

      I agree about unfinished albums still being meaningful & worthwhile, SO TRUE!!! I have done this several times as well, and can only think of two books done. I've learned so much from doing this project though, that I can't imagine NOT doing it! I still have the pics & documentation to look back on...SO worthwhile...every bit!

    2. ohmarggie says…

      This will be my 7th WITL and I, too, only have two completed albums - 2011 & 2014. I still hope to complete some of the others. And I couldn't agree more that even without completed albums, the experience is totally worthwhile and I always get so many wonderful photos I would not have otherwise gotten. Especially, as my kids get older, it forces me to take photos of them that I might not otherwise be inspired to take. Or that they wouldn't want me to take, but I insist! This time I'm considering setting up the video camera and trying to document some everyday goings on and conversations. I don't videotape near as much as I did when the kids were small, but there is definite value in that as well.

  11. Northrigg says…

    Gosh Ali. Thanks for choosing to share this week. This made my heart a little sad...sad that they will not be there with you and then the impact of a change in routine/need to adjust . I know it's not the same ...when my parents come and stay with me for extended periods of time it always throws me for a loop when they leave. The house feels too quiet and too empty.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh don't be sad :) - it's just a part of my life (and has been now for the last five years) and something I think is important to document along the way.

  12. SarahGiles says…

    I'm so interested to see your Week in the Life from this perspective. Can't wait to see what it looks like and the different stories. Last year for us was in the school holidays and it all revolved around swimming lessons and keeping our daughters entertained. This year I'm doing mine a week later than the 'official' week because I'll be travelling and I want to document stuff that is about me living my life outside of being mum and having time to read and think and explore. Really excited to use Week in the Life in this way and to soak up all the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Borcherding says…

    Ali, the week you picked just happens to be the week my daughter graduates from high school, as well as a few other big things. In fact, it will be packed full of very emotional events for me. I know there will be plenty of photos for sure but it will be SO emotional! Quite honestly, I am kind of scare as how HARD it's all going to be because the past few weeks (trying to prepare, as well as other big events) has just meant LOTS of stress and tears for me!! :( I'm not gonna worry about how long this project might take me to complete (DITL still not done) but I'm going to TRY and be OKAY with just taking lots of pictures and mainly be concerned about the words, thoughts and emotion that I'll be feeling. The week will be a memorable one for sure so thanks for the extra push to document it all. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. jonnamanatad says…

    Hey Ali, When will you be posting new digital templates? I started my WITL today and can't figure out if I want to use last years one (again) or wait till you upload the new ones.
    Thanks! Super excited, this will be my second one

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They are now available :).

  15. mmahurin says…

    Really looking forward to this project! This will be my 4th time and I am using last years kit. I prepped the album for last year and then life happened in such a way that pictures were not able to be taken (I did document in our family project life book, just words though). So I saved that book and am using it for this years. I love that the kits are versatile enough to use them from one year to the next. Thank you for designing them so smartly!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. regan342 says…

    Do you know if you'll be releasing any more kits? I noticed they're sold out and I've missed out on all the fun!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

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