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These Kids

These kids are rad. 

This house is full.

The toothbrushes have all been replaced and everyone now has their own color so there's no confusion about who and where. 

It's good. 

Here's a look at what's up with my crew right now: 

  • Name: Audrey
  • Age: 7
  • Totally into: Kittens, puppies, Shopkins
  • Likes: Shopkins, kittens, puppies, meatballs + spaghetti, Lego Friends, Itsy (cat at her Mom's house)
  • Dislikes: Coffee, dirty green color
  • Wants to be: Help with Greenhill (local Humane Society)
  • Toothbrush color: Pink

  • Name: Anna
  • Age: 7
  • Totally into: Her Spotify playlist, games, Lego Friends
  • Likes: Shopkins, going to Grandma & Grandpa's, ramen, soccer
  • Dislikes: Coffee, kale, possums, snakes, rats, mice
  • Wants to be: Hairstylist, gymnast
  • Toothbrush color: Green

  • Name: Elliott
  • Age: 9
  • Totally into: Music (drums + piano), basketball
  • Likes: Music, basketball, legos, orange chicken with broccoli and rice, Woody (the dog)
  • Dislikes: Long car rides, Isaac, school, boredom
  • Wants to be: Musician
  • Toothbrush color: Purple

  • Name: Isaac
  • Age: 11
  • Totally into: Pokemon Legos and physics/engineering stuff, guitar
  • Likes: Math, programming, and heavy metal
  • Dislikes: Little, constant annoying noises
  • Wants to be: Engineer (nuclear or mechanical)
  • Toothbrush color: Light blue

  • Name: Simon
  • Age: 14
  • Totally into: Movies, time travel, legos, video games
  • Likes: Gorgeous girls, cheese, candy
  • Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, being embarrassed
  • Wants to be: The world's first time traveler, scientist, blacksmith
  • Toothbrush color: Dark blue

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60 thoughts

  1. Julchen82 says…

    I've missed you and Aarons and maybe the pets.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mrsropple says…

    Elliot dislikes "Isaac" cracked me up!! #brothers
    Also Simon's "gorgeous girls" #gosimongo
    So happy for you & all of these exciting new changes!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. angymuse says…

    SO MUCH FUN! Im so happy for you ALI! what a great honor it must be to be with these kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. MKelley5199 says…

    Keeping it real, love it! Inspired to do something similar with my 3 kiddos :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Tamibr says…

    Loved all the responses - I'm sure at that age - I hated (disliked) my sister - but now we are best friends. It is just how kids reply to these questions.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kholtz says…

    Love this! Will totally copy this idea (with credit, of course) for my "new" Littles. I'd love hear more sharing about co-parenting. I know (from my own experience) that it's not always easy...and it certainly seems like you're all getting it right. Read that with a tinge of jealousy in my voice. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. MrsKnight says…

    Reading this filled *me* up. Happy tears for you Ali- what wonderful people you have!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. MrsKnight says…

    OH! And how happy are you that you went ahead and did Week in the Life early this year? Not knowing how absolutely different it will be next?!! WHOLE was so magic for you! You breathed it in and made it happen!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. iScrap says…

    What a fun post! So happy to meet the new family members. The "quiz" answers are awesome! I'm 52 and I'm pretty sure you'd find one of my brothers' names on my dislike list on any given day LOL! It never changes no matter how old you are. Love this little peek into their personalities. Thanks for sharing this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. deniseweatherby says…

    YAY Isaac!!!! I'm so happy to finally meet a heavy metal fan in the "scarpbooking world" there are so few of us!!!!! And plays guitar... his cool factor must be off the charts!! Hope this translates into some cool music layouts!!!
    I have a heavy metal loving, guitar playing (adult) son. Maybe Isaac could head over to Spotify and check out Nervz End or Reverb Nation and look for Tallon Weatherby.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. kathyb says…

    I love that somehow Lego ( and toothbrush co.ours) connects them all. Thank you for sharing your new family Ali. Love to you all in your new adventure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. sue_novascotia says…

    Great energy here! I can't wait for your next 'Day in the Life'

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. jchurch2 says…

    What a great post and great idea for a layout. Happiness.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. NinaChow says…

    you are so awesome Ali for posting this. just can't stop smiling for you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. krista_l_wells says…

    That's a fun looking crew you have there!

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  16. lizbeth8 says…

    Ali: I almost teared up when I saw Simon's big grin at the end of your post . . . now who's leading the pack? I have been following you, your career, blog, and now social media goodies, since roughly 2006. We share the commonality of children on the autism spectrum, which if memory serves, is where I first linked to your name, all those years ago.

    Anywho . . . "He's (Simon) come a long way, baby," as the saying goes. Kudos to you and yours; your cup truly runneth over. Wishing you all continued "cohesion" as your travel down the Path of Life together. Peace ;) {@}

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. huahelenchen says…

    Best part was what they want to be! Small suggestion - might be fun to do the same list of questions for you and Aaron :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. gina200 says…

    Love how brief and quick this is but still captures who they are. Legos, legos and more legos... gorgeous it!

    I think I need a white wall. The lighting in my house is horrendous.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Mpasquini12 says…

    This is so awesome! Possibly the best blog post ever! I love your crew. As I mentioned on Facebook, I'm so excited to see your December Daily this year with your full home and all these kiddos' joyful experiences.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. cf7979 says…

    How lovely. My husband was part of two families coming together - 5 children in one household and even though he said it was always busy and manic he loved growing up with many brothers and sisters.

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  21. LoriNicolls says…

    Gosh, how I miss all 5 of mine being little & under one roof.
    Ali, they grow soooooooooooooooooooo fast. Cherish every second. One day, you will awaken & Anna will be asking for the keys to your car. Simon will graduate high school & you will find wrinkles in places they weren't before. Enjoy each & every moment. Its priceless.....

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. ciahansen says…

    LOL at Simon's likes, namely "gorgeous girls"! Yup, he's definitely in High School!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. brooke_jenkinson says…

    LOL! No more quiet moments I love every bit of this I'm surprised you even had a second to type this up lol! I am cracking up Simon and The georgus girls! I love the name Elliott my 2nd sons name is Baron Elliot (yes 1 t) I love how they are all in different ages and stages and the fact there are boys and girls but all the boys are older than the girls that's perfect I think my house is full of boys I have there dad, then Hunter who will be 20 in November, Baron who will be 6 & dislikes Nolan they have a Eminem & Kim back in the day relationship, then Nolan who will be 5 & is very similar to Isacc, then we have Tyson who just turned 2 & is our lil Kevin Farley. I love the story and the way you've introduced them into our lives I wonder still what color is yours and Aaron's toothbrushes just kidding this month is about "me" so I was totally kidding though! Have a great day with your new bunch of family!

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  24. heathey says…

    love this! great way to update what the kids are into!

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