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Week In The Life™ 2017 | Tuesday Words + Photos

Here's a look at my Tuesday via the story lens of some days // most days:

6:30am // One of the things I like about this project is the challenge to look for and practice capturing different pieces of life with my camera. They don't always work out - for any number of reasons - but I like the opportunity to experiment. It helps me learn about lighting situations, about angles, about working with whatever camera I'm using - I never know when I'll discover a new favorite view through the lens of any of my cameras. // Anna came into my room this morning which isn't really a regular thing these days. She told me about a book she wants to get (a word search) from Barnes & Noble and is hoping I will take her there after soccer tonight. Sam, as usual, is waiting for me (sometimes patiently and most of the time not) to go downstairs and feed him. 

Most days I'm super excited for this first morning cup of coffee. 

Some days things just click. She was in a really good mood this morning and did all her jobs without me having to remind her which was a really wonderful breath of fresh air. Getting up in the morning can be rough. 

7:25am // Serious April showers this morning. This time of the rain is almost "most days."

8:08am // Most says we sit in the car together for 10 minutes or so before he heads into school. He will get out of the car at precisely 8:15am on the nose pretty much without fail. Some days he has a lot to say and show - today is more from the movie Aladdin - and other days we just do our own thing. I actually love driving both of them to school.

8:42am // Some days, after dropping off kids and before hearing back home to work, I make a grocery store stop. Today's Tuesday which means it's Taco Tuesday which means I needed a couple things for dinner tonight when all the kids will be here. // ? notes: I took the photo of myself with my iPhone. I set the 10 second timer in the iPhone camera app and set it on the ground - standing vertically and resting on the wheel of my grocery cart for support.

Most days I like to know what's for dinner in the morning. It's become a running joke between me and Aaron because I'm ten steps ahead in this department and he's barely had his first bite of breakfast. Some days I choose to use the crock pot which just makes life really easy overall. Today I did pork tenderloins in Trader Joe's salsa verdi for our burritos. 

9:33am // Started the pork in the crock pot, put away the groceries, then, as I do on some days (most days once the weather gets nicer), I took a little walk outside and cut some tulips to bring inside (see my instastory for a look at the dinner prep + outside walk). Making a cup of coffee now and heading to my desk. 

Most days this cat is so rad.

Some days include laundry. I don't do it every day but usually a couple times a week. I like to start it in the morning. 

Some days I get to bring the outside in. These are tulips from Floret which are growing in my yard that I picked to bring inside. 

10:24am // As I was walking to my office I stopped in the kids bathroom to clean up a bit (?) and looked at this vinyl decal that I added to the mirror some years ago (used my to cut it). I love that it has survived over the years as the stories have changed in this house and new characters have been added to the story. I like that all the kids in this house get to see that message each time they look at themselves in the mirror. Words matter. And yes, with five kids we do need two soap dispensers. Ha.

11:20am // Some days I have an appointment for my one "high-maintenance" beauty routine these days (along with getting my hair colored regularly) - eyelash extensions that I started last December. As someone who wears barely any make up on a regular basis this has basically eliminated wearing mascara for me and I love it. Right now I go every 2-3 weeks or so and I'll probably stop or take a break at some point in time, but for now I really like it.

12:13pm // Some days for lunch I eat all the leftover Easter candy I can find and some days I eat a big salad like this: spinach, chicken, cauliflower rice, mango, blueberries, radish, cucumber and lime on top.

Some days I start working even before I make it back upstairs. 

1:06pm // Most days I love flowers. Those tulips I picked from outside this morning are opening up already.

Most week days you'll find me not too far from this space. 

3:10pm // Some days I like to leave the house early just to get in some reading time while I wait for Simon to be done with school. Reading American War (via @bookofthemonthclub) and it totally got good last night.

Some days we have chores/jobs that Simon where he can get paid. Today he organized and stacked the wood that Aaron cut yesterday. 

Some days there are white towels to fold. We use these white hand towels from Costco in the kitchen and they are my favorite. My Mom started doing that at some point along the way - all white hand towels - and it's the best. We have a small basket in the laundry room (right off the kitchen) just for the white kitchen towels. 

4:45pm // Some days I walk around the track with friends while Anna has soccer practice.

6:10pm // Some days after soccer we make a pit stop. Today it was to Barnes & Noble for a couple new books for kids. And some days we drive friend's home. 

7:05pm // Some days wine is the very best thing. Home again = a whirlwind of dishes, getting all the food out for Taco Tuesday, helping Simon with homework (an etymon packet), unloading the car, and having a glass of wine before Aaron and the other three get back (when they come in the door it will be a true whirlwind).

Most days this dude is so, so funny. Really his sense of humor and the joy he gets from comedy is so awesome. He's laughing here because he didn't want his picture taken so I started making funny faces at him. He's the best. Everyone should have a Simon in their lives. 

7:35pm // The whirlwind arrived.

It's hard to take a selfie with all seven of us. I hope to have an awesome collection of these kinds of shots. 

Most days this table gets a whole lot of use. 

8:53pm // Late dinner and late bedtime tonight after soccer (Anna) and track (Elliott and Audrey) and martial arts (Isaac). A few minutes for reading, always. Simon was asleep by 8pm.


In the past I've offered a linking widget here to collect links to people who wanted to share their Tuesday post of words + photos. For some reason I can't get it to work again so if you would like to share a link to your TUESDAY words and photos please post in the comment section below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. Thank you!

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53 thoughts

  1. elinjanne says…
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  2. jessfo says…
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  3. cornybeard says…
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  4. fannyathome says…

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring! Here's my Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. kelsterjean says…

    I agree. Everyone should have a Simon. The photo of him laughing warmed my heart and made me smile big. I've probably thanked you 10 times this past week so far, but thanks again for sharing, and for keeping me motivated with these daily posts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. whitehart says…

    Funny how you said "some days it just clicks" It didn't really click yesterday, I found it hard. But today is already so much better! Here's my Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. dianelynn5 says…

    I absolutely love that photo of Simon laughing! The best part of it is that you left the sink running. You dropped what you were doing to capture his goofy. I love that. You are such a wonderful inspiration. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. alaynac says…

    We all need more group selfies in our lives - those are great!

    My Tuesday's Words and Photos

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. janinefitzpatrick says…
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  10. AnnaWK says…

    I love the message on your mirror <3
    Here's my Tuesday in Sweden!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Coni says…
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  12. baersgarten says…

    love that you take so much photos, and that they tell the story of your day so wonderfully. I really need to get better at doing this. Here is my Project Life spread for Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. CasieGutierrez says…

    Here is my Monday using "I see ... " as a story jumping off point.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. lime says…
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  15. nirupama01 says…
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  16. smalls530 says…
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  17. Peggydid says…

    Awesome pics and stories! I'm encouraged to take a few more pictures, though it seems that not much is going on. I like the second picture of the tulips opening...Thanks for sharing your life and for this WITL inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. donna10 says…

    And here is Tuesday ...

    Love on today's blog you see Anna all ready in the morning without being asked and just now on Instagram I see her laying on the bathroom floor. Some days are just tough ... even for adults.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Keeping it real!

  19. Ojyma says…

    Awesome day! My Tuesday had a few similarities but stayed a little closer to home.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. LynnseyJo says…

    Ali, I ALWAYS love your photos - you inspire the type of photos I want to get but really they are just deep, beautiful photos of every day. My favorites here are Simon laughing and the girls reading. Both just beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Borcherding says…

    LOVE all the pics you took of yourself. Definitely motivating me to try this one day this week. THANKS Ali!

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  22. barefootscrapbooker says…

    I have been using my phone for photos this week, as I gave our nephew my big camera for his school trip to New York. I love the convenience of my phone, but I find myself wishing I had the big camera, which I need to use more often.

    I don't do much blogging (something I want to change), but here is my Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. KProffitt says…

    LOVE your photos, Ali! Love how you used "some days" in your story telling!

    Here's a link to my Tuesday photos + stories:

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. JNeufeld says…
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  25. 11cmroth says…

    I love your perspective and your thoughtfulness - such an inspiration! Also, when/if you are ever ready for a change on the eyelash extensions, Babe Lash is a cheap product that thickens/lengthens your own lashes. I'm not a huge cosmetic person either and I really love this product. It's really effective and far less expensive than the Rodin & Fields version or the name brand Latisse products. (You can buy it on Amazon)

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