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Story Kit™ & Story Stamp™ | Brave

Hey friends! 

In the Story Classroom this month we are focusing on stories related to the word Brave. We have changed up our kit pages this month and each subscription now has it's own page that you can check out here: Story Kit™Story Stamp™, and Digital Story Kit™ (there are links to each one at the bottom of each page). 

Here are a few thoughts about this particular theme: 

Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s big and bold and other times it’s soft and quiet and behind the scenes. This month we are telling stories of the times we have been brave and courageous regardless of the outcome and the impact that has made on our lives.

Initial story ideas for the Brave theme include: 

  • In what circumstances in your life have you been most brave and least brave?
  • When was the last time you broke outside your comfort zone - even in a small everyday act of bravery?
  • Who in your life is the most courageous and brave person you know? What are the qualities you admire most?


This month we are also introducing something new: the option for subscribers to purchase a limited number of Add-On products and have them shipped with your monthly subscription for no additional shipping cost. Between the 13th at 12:00am Eastern and the 14th at 12:59pm Eastern, subscribers will be able to add these products to their boxes at no additional shipping cost. You can read more details below or check out our 2017 Subscription Update page here. This is why we are now releasing the kit a couple days early (moved from the 15th to the 13th). Depending on product availability subscribers may be able to purchase the Add-On's after the Add-On period has ended and regular shop shipping rates will apply because they will ship separately from the kit. 

If you are a current Subscriber you can select + purchase Add-On's via your new My Subscriptions (it will list the actual subscription there( drop-down menu under your user name in the top right corner of my website. If you subscribe to more than one you will have a Box for each subscription and the ability to purchase Add-On's for each one. 

If you are new to the Story Subscription program, check out all the details here

If you are already a subscriber the content in the classroom will be available to you on the 15th just as in the past.

Here's a look at the Story Kit™ contents for Brave (Please Note: the Brave Story Kit™ is currently sold out - please join the waiting list - it's possible that more kits will become available or you will be in line to receive next month's theme which is Fun):

Here are the optional Add-Ons for subscribers of the Brave Story Kit™ theme. Two of these products are exclusive to subscribers at this time (but may be added to the shop in the future) and the other is from the shop. Some months we will have only new theme-based products as part of the Add-On selection and other months we might include a staple item from the shop. 

Here's a video overview of the Story Kit™ and Add-On options this month:

The Brave Story Stamp™:

The Story Stamp™ will also have Add-On options available to subscribers. In the coming months we will introduce Add-On products that differ from what we are offering to Story Kit™ subscribers but for the first couple of months they will be similar, with the addition of a full-size Crafter's Ink option. 

Here's a video overview of the Story Stamp™ and Add-On options this month: 

We also have a Digital Story Kit™ subscription available that includes access to the classroom content. Your digital kit and the classroom and any Add-Ons purchased will be available to you on the 15th once your card has been charged for the month. Here's a look at what's included for Brave (which also shows all the designs for the journal cards included in the printed version of the kit): 

Digital Story Kit™ subscribers also have a couple Add-On options available (if you subscribe to both the Story Kit™ and the Story Stamp™ these should also be available to you for purchase): 

And a couple peeks at the layouts I created with the kits this month in addition to the one featured at the top of this post ( full details, including process videos and how-to handout, are included with subscription):

Again, thanks so much for subscribing and/or considering my Story Subscription program! If you have any questions about this program please let me know below in the comments. 

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32 thoughts

  1. lindalovescreating says…

    I love this, but am sooo confused!

    First, just a note, I don't have a "my subscriptions" tab, it says "my story kit" and "my stamp kit".

    So it seems like I have a different "box" for each kit? I added the word phrase stickers to my box, but don't see a place to check it out? The alpha stickers already say sold out so I'm worried I'm going to lose the stickers... are they safe sitting in my box? Is there a way to "check out" my box? Am I supposed to have two separate boxes?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - you should have a My Story Kit or My Story Stamp or My Digital Story Kit - depending on which ones you subscribe too. And yes, you have a different box for each subscription and you don't need to "check out" - that will happen automatically on the 15th. Once you put the product in your box it's in your box :). Sounds like you are all good.

  2. SueR says…

    In the future, will a Story Stamp subscriber have the option to add an extra from the Story Kit?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  3. Beejay22 says…

    Oh Ali you have out done yourself with the Add-Ons they are so great and beautiful. I didn't realize until I saw the video that you had Add-Ons for the Stamp Kit, Story Kit and Digital Kit. Thank you so much and again well done and thought out products for us to purchase. Now if I can only control my purchasing, lol

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  4. DonnaGibson says…

    The add-on option doesn't apply to digital subscriptions, right? How do digital subscribers get the add-ons, or are they included in the subscription? Thanks

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. DonnaGibson says…

      Opps. Just read the post above. Guess I need to watch the video.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Donna - we have digital Add-On's available for purchase by subscribers to the Digital Story Kit™ (also available to those who purchase both the Story Kit™ and Story Stamp™). Go to the drop down menu under your user name and select My Digital Story Kit™ to go to the page where you can select Add On products to be purchased along with your subscription.

    3. DonnaGibson says…

      Got it! And added on! :) Thanks!

  5. nashonne says…

    I was confused as to how to add the add-on items. The email I received took me to the story kit page that introduced the kit and add-ons, but nothing on there allowed me to add them to my cart. I searched in the store, to no avail. I also checked the FAQs, but it was more about the subscription itself, not the add-ons. When I finally stumbled upon how to do it, one of the items I wanted was already sold out. That's was a bummer.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm sorry you were disappointed! The email you received goes to non-subscribers and subscribers and now, rather than having just one page showing the kit theme, we have separate pages for subscribers to be able to actually add the Add-Ons to their carts for each of the subscription types (the link is found under your User Name). Hopefully it will be less confusing next month as we all get used to the new set up. We also hope to have more stock in future months for the Add-Ons in order to meet the demand.

  6. Jana_NJ says…

    I don't get is why is already sold out don't you have enough for people that subscribe ? I went logged in today and is already sold out the stickers on my story kit .
    I know is not fun to have this kind fo comments but to have enough for subscribers would be good.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Jana! These are optional Add-On products and there won't be one for each subscriber because not all subscribers will purchase them and it's not always easy to know what the demand will be (our goal is to have just enough without having to have excess inventory). We will definitely be increasing our order numbers for future months - thank you for having patience as we introduce something new and get into the flow of offering additional theme-based products.

  7. BunnyLady876 says…

    I agree that the email link was very confusing as to how to purchase the add-on items. What I wanted to add is sold out already anyway. Very disappointing. I hope this won't be the case every month.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Me too! Our goal is to have enough for those that would like to purchase the add-on items. We will keep trying :).

  8. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I wanted to add the phrase stickers too, but I understand - this is the first month and any business would want to gauge supply/demand. I will "bravely" go forward without those stickers, lol! The kit looks fabulous, as usual.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you! We will keep trying!

  9. platoj says…

    I am hoping the word stickers will not continue to be add ons. I am disappointed as a double subscriber thatI have to pay more to get them. I use them all the time.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! We will have a variety of products appear as add-ons in the future. We have not decreased the value of the kits (word/phrase stickers have been something we often but not always include from month to month and that will be the same going forward). We are simply now offering additional options for people to choose from if they would like products that coordinate with the kit (which is in response to customers asking for more products to go along with the themes).

  10. jillgowland says…

    I'm really confused. I tried to add them on however, I can't seem to find anywhere where this is confirmed...I wanted the letter stickers and sayings...????

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jillgowland says…

    sigh...I see they are sold out. I'm quite disappointed with this whole process and I also am unable to see the future kits. I live in Canada and the exchange rate is ridiculous right now and want to plan so would like to see the future themes for the monthly stories

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Jill - I'm sorry for the disappointment in the process. We will be working to adjust quantities for future months. We are also in the process of finding a home for the future kit themes - here's a list for you to refer to for through the end of the year (if you are part of the Craft The Story™ Facebook Group I also added this to the file section):

      June 2017 // Fun
      July 2017 // Lost & Found
      August 2017 // Details
      September 2017 // Time
      October 2017 // Best
      November 2017 // Give
      December 2017 // For The Love

  12. Dcorder says…

    Very disappointed that the phrase stickers were sold out so fast. Kinda not loving this new system.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I am sorry you are disappointed - that's definitely not our intent. We will be adjusting the quantities in the coming months to accommodate demand. I appreciate you giving this new system a chance as we work out the initial issues.

  13. ccrowell says…

    Hi Ali. I can't wait for my kit to arrive. I was quite confused and disappointed when I was going to add on items to see them already sold out. Will subscribers have an early option to add on? Are we notified when the adding on process begins?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning! Please have a listen to the Main Presentation in the classroom where I talk more about this new process. These products are only available to subscribers - we just didn't have enough quantity to meet the demand. You are notified via email when the process begins - you can also mark you calendar because the Add On period will always begin/open on the 13th at 12:01am EST on the 13th of the month.

  14. ccrowell says…

    Thanks, Ali. I will be sure to double check my email. Not sure if I did get it. Either way, I have marked the 13th on my calendar. I just love all your products and don't want to miss out. Keep up the inspiration! YOU ROCK!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jillgowland says…

    If the sticker phrases are so important to you and me also and I'm sure MANY, I'm wondering why this was something we had to "purchase" BUT, there was not enough of them. To my knowledge I did put them in "my box" but I was very unclear of the process to order. This will certainly impact the cost factor???

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I hope you will take the time to listen to the Main Presentation in the classroom where I address the issue. When we plan the kits each month we select from a variety of products - we don't always include word/phrase stickers but we often do. For this month we selected the products that would make up the main kit and then selected additional products to offer as the Add-Ons. In the coming months the add-ons will not be the same every month - meaning we are not always going to offer word/phrase stickers as the add-ons. As I mentioned above we will be adjusting order quantities but please remember that these are also optional purchases :). If you were able to add the word/phrase sticker to your "Box" during the Add-On period then you should have or be receiving them. You can check what shipped in your box by going to your User Name and selecting My Story Kit from the drop down menu. That page should include a "box" on the right that shows what shipped with your order.

  16. jillgowland says…

    Hello Ali....I just received my story kit with no stamp. I also did not receive the gray acrylic hearts. The package appeared to open easy, however I did notice on the bag that it said "may be opened officially" by customs

    Kind regards

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Jill - please start a conversation with my Customer Service team as they are the ones that can help you out with these issues:

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