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Week In The Life™ 2018 | Sunday Words + Photos

A big wholehearted thank you to everyone who played along documenting and sharing their stories this past week for Week In The Life™. 

Here's a look at my Sunday: 

Today happened to be Mother's Day here in the United States. What I really wanted to do was go on a short hike and then spend time in the afternoon at the pool. After some schedule adjustments it ended up that everyone went along on this adventure. 

We drove about an hour outside of Eugene, right near a town called Mapleton (on your way to Florence on the coast). 

From there we drove about 10 miles out a road until we hit Sweet Creek Trail that leads to Sweet Creek Falls. I had looked for a fun, easy and waterfall-centered hike. 

It was SUPER busy today mainly because it was 85 degrees + Mother's Day - not a normal occurrence around here. 

The kids loved it. So many places to climb. I definitely want to take them back again in the summer. 

I also asked if we could get a photo all together. Around here girls smile and show their teeth. Ha. 

Love how much he loves the outdoors. 

After a stop for lunch and a quick stop at home we headed to our favorite local outdoor pool that opened May 1. They all swam for a couple of hours while Aaron napped and I read my book. 

And then we pretty much all felt this way when we got home. We did simple tuna sandwiches or tuna with nori for dinner and then a few kids had some homework they needed to take care of before tomorrow morning. 

It's been a full week. I'm excited to move on to the next phase of the project. I usually take a few days off and will start working on my album later this week. I hope you enjoyed the process of documenting your life right now. 

You are invited to share a link to your Sunday words + photos in the comments below.

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15 thoughts

  1. Maxpuppy says…

    That photo of Simon and Anna! Love. And as for the one of a flat-out Simon ... great capture!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. CarolineMcD says…

    Shared my Sunday on Saturdays post so here it is again. Have absolutely loved doing this project and so sorry I didn't jump on years ago, when we had kid visits and loads more family activity, but still loved the journey!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. scrapmytwins815 says…

    This is my first time doing Week In the Life & I'm glad I did. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your daily routines. Looking forward to phase 2 now & using all the cool embellishments in the kit. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. jodimckee says…

    ZOMG that photo of Simon & Anna! I can't believe how TALL Simon is!

    Love the photo of the kids in the pool and the full family shot. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. KProffitt says…

    Thank you again for this awesome life-documenting project, Ali. This was my 4th year and I loved it! I kept it super simple the entire time - only taking around 10 photos a day - and it just fit right into my schedule and this season of life. This will be a project that I FOR SURE will keep on doing. It's such a blessing and I just love seeing your photos + your take on it all. I can't wait to see your album and it all come together. I know it'll inspire me even more. THANK YOU. XO!

    You can see my Sunday photos + words here:

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. shelleeyore says…

    "Around here girls smile and show their teeth." Made me laugh out loud! Love this project and your inspiring photos and thoughts. Thanks so much, Ali! Looking forward to putting my pages together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. fannyathome says…

    Thanks again for leading this project!! It's been a joy to document all weeks in the life along with you since 2010!
    Here's my Sunday:
    Much love from Spain!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. smultringunn says…

    Family hikes = the literal best. Especially when it wears out the kids, hah. I'm really intrigued by that area between you and the coast, when we drove from Albany to Yachats it was like driving through a fairyland forest.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. dmc1231 says…

    "around here girls smile and show their teeth" made me laugh! And the rest should say, "around here boys pose for their first album cover" 😂 They have a serious cool band vibe going on!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. agnes_and_co says…

    I'm happy to see your whole family
    Love the photo in the swiming pool

    the last day

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Rina_AbbottJard says…

    Group photos are the best. They are always the ones I want to print and get up on the wall. I did a series for a year and a half called Portraits of my kids, each month I tried to get them in a photo. It becomes less portraits and more interactions as they get older and dont want to pose. You've inspired me to start that up again. Thanks Ali for all that you share.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. sracinez says…

      That sounds like a great project!

  12. Storyboard_c says…

    Love your ending to the week:) and Happy Belated Mother’s Day!

    Thank you again for this project! It truly is so much more than Photos and Words! What a gift!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. sracinez says…

    Sunday! I made it all the way to the end! (Sometimes I fizzle out along the way - a week is a long time!)
    My kids cleaned out the van (best Mother's Day gift!) and we had a family dinner. A great Sunday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. alaynac says…

    Few things are better than a low key outing with the family, like a hike. We went for a walk on Mother's Day as well. Great end to another great photo project. I'm happy to have made it this far in the project and am looking forward to getting photos printed and working on the album. Can't wait to see how it comes together for everyone.
    My Sunday words and photos are up on my blog

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